Is it possible to acquire this kind of a jaw through lifting and supplements? Currently I'm 5'8 at 125lb, no supplements and lifting for two years if that helps
Is it possible to acquire this kind of a jaw through lifting and supplements? Currently I'm 5'8 at 125lb...
No but loweringyour bodyfat can help
His jaw looks retarded kys
That jaw is hideous
you can't change your bone structure, losing weight helps a lot. just work out and eat right and you're gonna make it, we're all gonna make it
No. A chin implant and other jaw surgery could though.
Chewing falim gum and doing tren could
>Steroidshave also been seen to have a physicaleffecton the aesthetic appearance of thejawline. High amounts of growth hormone and testosterone create the look of a more defined and squarejawlineas a result of muscle growth in thejawand the increase of masculine features.
Are you memeing? This guy is a solid 8.5 imo
>Are you memeing?
no are you?
Is this you? I'm always confused when this weird looking fuck gets posted as if he's handsome or something.
He looks all good except for the jaw
This guy looks like something you get when you push the sliders in Skyrim all the way
More or less.
Changing your bone structure after adulthood is something people say is impossible, even though Mew believes it's possible. But either way your jaw is not just bone, it's also your Masseter muscle that is susceptible to hypertrophy like any muscle.
Pic related is the result of Bruxism, nigga kept grinding his teeth at night and therefore engaging his masseter muscles, and as a result they grew (albeit assymetrical).
You can get similar transformation by doing the same activation. Chewing a lot helps, pressing your bottom and top teeth (lightly) against each other, and of course it's a muscle so testosterone = growth, this is why people who roid often get square jaws.
What's the point of having a stong jaw if you're a pencil neck?
You can have the weakest jaw of the world, if you have a robust thick neck, you will look stronger and more menacing.
Don't listen to this poster. You'll fuck up your temporomandibular joint and thus your entire face visually and mechanically
Yeah? How?
By overexertion. You think grinding your teeth is a healthy thing?
>lifting 2 years
>125 lbs
you're fucking up
he has a point. Pressing the jaw or grinding the teeth is unhealthy as hell. but chewing gum can help, if you do it like a workout. chewing through the whole day is unhealthy as well.
>This guy is a solid 8.5 imo
then I'm a fucking 10
Obviously using any muscle will cause some hypertrophy. But I'm making a judgement that it's definitely not worth it.
You just have to be gradual and build up resistance like any smart person. OP is posting in a fitness board ffs.
and I`m saying that if you do it right, it might be worth it. bone structure can change in adults. the only problem is having big expectations and getting frustrated with small results.
Elaborate please
Proof that strong jaws can't make up for the rest of your incel face...
Get the fuck back to Redd*t retard
He looks retarded, he needs to build his neck. Like legit, jaw means almost nothing without the right sized neck. The reason is because people naturally like a specific rectangular shape (I forget the exact ratios but there’s actual numbers) and the closer something is to it the more attractive it is. A thick neck makes the head look closer to these ratios.
The perfect specimen
You can't change your bone structure without surgery.
Best thing you can do is lower your body fat as much as you can to see if that helps.
Bullshit, explain mewing then
His jaw looks like that because he worked his masseter jaw muscles by rigorously chewing gum & hard foods, I'm also assuming he did jawline exercises.(notice how his lower half of his jaw is thinner than the top)
Just do the same thing he did.
He looks ridiculous. His characteristics don't blend well together. He's a 4/10
Are you memeing or actual retard?
Cunt looks like he sings in a third wave ska band