Sugar-free Gatorade (and similar drinks)

Meme, or actual beverage option?
>if it ain’t water, it ain’t shit
I get it, but just answer the question.

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yea why not???? its delicious but diet pop is even better

tricking your body into thinking it has sugar is just as bad as consuming sugar


I drink unsweetened iced tea.

your body still thinks its sugar so you can get taken out of ketosis if you do this.

Gatorade zero is delicious especially the lime green and orange. When I read the label and saw there was carbs in it I got pissed and haven’t drank again.

I have like 3 Pepsi Max (the zero calorie one) a day and I have not had any problems, even when I was doing Keto last year.

We evolved drinking freshwater that was full of minerals and nutrients from the soil, not empty distilled shit. I add propel powder to my green tea for those mineral + vitamin gainz. Plenty of similar products on the market

Plain water will demineralize you

It contains Sucralose which will increase blood sugar and insulin production so your body will try to build fat. Just steer clear

No it isn't. Even at unreasonable doses most artificial sweeteners have zero negative effects. Artificial sweeteners have the potential to save lives and you sugarshills are doing a public disservice with your disinformation.

>increase blood sugar and insulin production
This makes zero sense. Insulin decreases blood sugar.

Yeah, which is why it's produced when your blood sugar is raised.

high blood sugar = more insulin

If it says no sugar

Then it's okay

It's not like this product has hidden active sugars not listed in the ingredients

urine salt can be as low as 200mg per liter... yes dont drink distilled water but tapwater even at like 60mg minerals per liter is fine

Just add plain electrolytes to a bottle of water

that sounds like something that the secret sugar intelligence agent provocateur would say

Doubt it, and in the end, 0 is still 0, and the body has to burn something in order to function i.e fat/glycogen/muscle.

Those Gatorade tanks on the sidelines of sports teams.
They are npt filled with Gatorade.

The body responds insulin wise to activation of sweet taste buds in a very similiar manner to true sugar.

All I drink is distilled water. You get all the minerals you need from food and supps.

I mean, its got what plants crave

If you drink it, drink it WITH sugar right after working out to replenish glycogen.

This. Thinned snake juice is really good for that.