Should I skip legs?

I think my legs are relatively overdeveloped and my upperbody underdeveloped. My quads almost fall at the same width as my shoulders. I think it got that way cuz Im working my legs other parts of the day too, like in martial arts, and since I have to bike to work (3 times a week).

Should I just skip legs for like a month? (I do full body workouts every other day).

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Imagine unironicly being such a nogf loser you have gigabytes worth of thot pics

If you want to yeah

if you can walk/run you never really need legs.

unless you're a fighter (UFC, etc.) and kick people, you don't really need legs

EPIC sandwich discussion thread. Get in here fellas.

Fugg, apologies for my temporary retardation.

how you do squats and deadlifts without legs?

Honestly I just googled skip leg day and this thot caught my eye
Well I do train martial arts and was planning on getting a fight in the near future

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you don't really /need/ to lift at all, either
but that's not why we're here

Just do like me and go weightless on leg day. I do PPLPPLX and my body weight on lunges is more than enough to stay above chicken-leg tier.

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just do what you find enjoyable
My legs look great and I barely even train them

First off, post legs
Second, no need to skip it completely. Do lighter bit explosive work, like weighted jump squats, lightweight speed squats, and oly movements, but those have a huge learning curve

have you ever seen any normie compliment another guy on muscular legs?
unless you are a competitive bodybuilder/powerlifter you dont want big legs

if you are lifting for aesthetics do not train legs more than once/twice a week, and if you cycle a lot then you can stop training them at all
training legs for martial arts is mostly a whole different thing than training them for size/strength so i wouldnt worry about that

so there are people out there who trains for other reasons than pleasing themselves doing squats and deadlifts? DISGUSTING.

I get compliments on my legs all the time, it's honestly my most complimented body part

Same here

i get a lot of compliments for my legs too, but if i'm being honest 90% of the times they are from chicken legged male who probably are self conscious and its the first thing they look in other peoples. but yes, there are legs(and butts)-loving girls too.

>Should I skip leg days?

Ye there used to be this guy with real beefed up deezed legs at our gym, we would call him the Quadfather

maybe hes just a coomander?

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Oh! That was me!