Anyone else eating these? God mode nutrition, no carbs, low calorie, high protein, mad nutrients, convenient, cheap etc. Why aren't you eating sardines yet bro?
Is this the ultimate in nutrition?
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>Anyone else eating these?
They are god tier undoubtedly
Enjoy your mercury.
I am. I alternate between these and tuna(not eating fish every day though). Still trying to get used to them and find good ways to eat them.
virtually no mercury you mongoloid. they only eat plankton and they are the bottom rung on the food chain and incredibly short lived. next time you try and insult make sure you know what you're talking about so you don't end up getting your ass blasted for being a retard coomer.
easiest way to eat them is to drain and eat them with a saltine cracker imo.
same thing rite guise?
I like these quite a bit better only a little harder to get. Whole foods or online
The mercury content is so small that even pregnant women can safely eat them. Sardines dont live long enough to retain much mercury. Large, predatory fish like tuna and swordfish have very high mercury content.
Someone say deenz? Let me show you my deenz.
based and sardinepilled
That brand is the best I've tasted, but they're like $2.75 a can at my walmart.
There's some cheaper 98cent brand of sardines next to them that I've considered trying, but they literally have that california cancer warning on the front of the can. Should I try them?
there probably ok if they are not packed in basedbean oil and not from china. but with that label they probably are i'd pass if so
Just had a can with three pieces of Russian rye bread, not gonna lie, still hungry desu.
>all the mercury-poisoned retards incoherently defending their neurotoxic snacks
The worst thing about cognitive decline, gentlemen, is that you don't even notice it happening.
not cost efficient if you want to get any meaningful amount of protein
You should only spend $10/day max on food and even that is kinda of high. You can get by on $6/day easily. Deenz cost like $1-3/each and only have like 10-15g protein per tin so they're only efficient as a treat or luxury
another dumb retard probably from too much jerking off porno and being a coomer.
there's more residual mercury in anything with hfcs than there is in sardine faggot
Yeah these things are great. They are like an upgrade to tuna. How do you eat them? I like to put in a salad with caesar.
Ok Ukraine
literal poor fag get a better job
yeah I can get a can of chicken that has like three times the amount of protein for the same price as a can of sardines
how many omega 3's is that chicken giving you? ...oh right
I'm mirin those deenz
I make plenty of money I just don't waste it on canned fish. I eat like one of these a week, anymore is throwing money away. Just eat beef/chicken/beans/rice/eggs/whey
unless you are only buying pure grass fed beef, not corn fed and grass finished like most so called 'grass fed' beef, you aren't getting enough omega 3's.
fish oil pills are dirt cheap
there also made with the worst fish possible and filled with contaminants like mercury unless you are getting pharmaceutical grade
Sale at Costco right? I bought 4 packs for like 7.38 each.
>hurhur you say me wrong ur meme of da munf
How many IQ points would you say you've lost since last year? Are you down a standard deviation yet?
I know you've noticed it. Now you know why.
God bless Oscar II
Do the nutrition facts count the oil they're stored in tho? I feel like a lot of the omega 3s could be in the oil that gets drained.
i dont know how much omega 3 would seep into the oil from the fish, but you should find fidh in water, the oil they use are high in omega 6, pretty much cancelling the effect from the omega 3's
if sardines are the only thing you are eating you are missing out on some vitamins too, eat like 100g liver a day to get the vitamins
Sardines are king
He doesn't know...
One problem with them though, high in purines which cause gout. You do not want a gout attack, trust me. Don't overeat them.
what do you consider overeating them?
if you eat them once a day you should probably be fine I guess
dam i eat them twice a day awww shit i just got gout
Perhaps DLCs but not mercury. Too low down on the trophic level