Okay so how do you train the sides of your stomachs?
I have an all right six pack, but the sides are pretty much just empty wtf
Anyone else have this?
Okay so how do you train the sides of your stomachs?
I have an all right six pack, but the sides are pretty much just empty wtf
Anyone else have this?
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Boxing actually trains the sides, those muscles are involved in throwing punches. Get some gloves and a punching bag and include it as part of your routine
You haven't been doing side crunches?
Retard post
Serratus anterior or obliques? either way you need to add rotation into your ab workout
If you're too stupid to even know the name of the muscles you want to train you don't deserve to get lean and you shouldn't spread your genes.
>Side of sixpack
it's called obliques you dope
involve rotation, if you have a cable machine at your gym do rotation of your torso whilst holding the cabels like your chopping a tree down. Do a crunch underneath the cabel then pull down the cabel to the floor whilst you remain in the crunch/situp position. Do sideways situps or half sideways situps.
side planks
Wider abs will minimize your v-taper.
Cable wood choppers help on definition from top to bottom, but if you insist on adding volume, strict form, heavy side bends.
>Wider abs will minimize your v-taper.
Who tf wants a v-taper nowadays?
Thick, solid, tight is the way to go. V-tapers can look fragile imo.
The best way to train your obliques is wood chops
Whatever floats your boat my dude
what's a v-taper? if you mean the general "inverted triangle" body shape you should work lats and delts
bb.com recommends landmine 180s
yes but the tiniest the waist band, the easier/faster the results
My warmup includes woodchoppers and side plank pushups.
I got them from doing front crawl in a pool. First time in my life my obliques showed up. Did all the twisting crunches, side planks, etc., but only swimming worked. But the trick is you have to "arnie" it, meaning overexert yourself. Like a sprint. When you pull yourself forward with your arms, that side of your body will do a crunch and will stress your obliques.
Yes finally another woodchop chad. No one ever mentions them here but they did allot for my obliques. What do you use when doing them? I use a plate but most videos I see are people using kettlebells
I have a vtaper or accentuated obliques, but my lower abs are not define so i have a really weird look to it. how do i fill out lower abs?
Also, if you skate, pound your crossovers and hockey stops and starts.
I think obliques look better than just having a vtaper but as you said, to each their own
lose bf%
lots of people in this thread say cable
You're still too fat. Post body
my body fat percentage is low. its not undefined as in fat or a belly that sticks out, its undefined as in its convex and and shallow but no muscles show.
i guess, what are lower ab targeting exercises?
post abs, lemme see what you're talking about