World Championship: edition
/owg/ Olympic weightlifting general
Sup niggas, what have you hoes been up to?
how can I cut around 1.5kg bodyweight in 21 days without fucking my lifts up?
The dolphin mascot for worlds is so fucking adorable holy shit
Track your macros, and throw in a little Cardio
Anyone knows a youtube video or some shit on how to build your own ghetto platform
If you guys want to watch.
you have olympicchannel as well, just turn off adblock for it to work.
73kg A starting in 6mins
if anyone is looking for Romaleos 2, go to german-weightliftingh shop they still havbe a few around
Li Dayin for world record total in the -81s, book it.
Literally nothing because my forearms hurt and I can't clean
>shi opening with 160kg
Shi 170+ today? Here’s hoping
lel he's cruising
Well that was easy
Saving the 200 for Tokyo no doubt
i snatched 50kg
Good job pepper
Lol, suck it up
>world weightlifting championship
>two lifts
Anyone watched M 73 group A? At this point Shi is just taking the piss
took a nap with the gf and missed it
that fucker power cleaned 190kg and then proceeded to go for 197kg jesus christ
I wonder in the next decade how many chinese will be stripped off metals after re-testing blood samples
What should be the BS to FS ratio?
80% to 90% iirc
shit I meant the frequency
I wonder if Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is whats causing this... Been feeling the cramps in my hand lately
just started olympic lifting and my hands and wrists feel like they've been broken yet doing almost 3pl8 dips is no problemo
Is Shi better than Liao?
none, gene therapy is not tested for and won't for a couple more decades
Lu competing tonight; he's like 7 years older than anyone else in the class
how many hours from now? the live url is now a static video
about 12 hours
I've been doing this for almost two years and I go through these phases where everything is fine and I'm moving well then suddenly everything hurts and I feel like I'm made of paper mache
perfect for some sunday midday sports
thanks user
sounds like overtraining desu, do you have deload blocks in your periodization?
We do sometimes have lighter weeks yes, but I can't exactly tell you how often they happen.
Yay it’s not dead
Yeah right now my forearm bothers me when warming up, some shit with my extensors, but once I’m warm it goes away. -_-
Use to be my hip, wrist, and ankle, now it’s just my forearm thankfully.
Been working on my bottom position.
My lifts are progressing along nicely too I guess
1:1. Basically alternate styles each session you squat, don't necessarily squat every session but usually 3-4x per week.
What a madman. Is it the mismatching antas that make him a madman?
I wanna start oly cause bodybuilding is getting boring.
What would a good beginner routine look like?
The commentators talked about them at some point. I think they said something along the lines of "the head coach said when you're at his (Shi's) level, you can do whatever you want".
Lu competes in about 2 hours
greg everett swears by hyper hydration to cut waterweight if do that it worked for me
Is Ilya overrated? I mean yeah he's maybe the greatest cnj of all time, but Moradi was able to match him even in the cnj at 94, and he only barely beat Aramnau's total at 105
my squat depth is currently my bottleneck any recommended stretches? my tightest muscles are the calves by far and most of the normie shit hardly works as there's not eneogh force to feel anything substantial
81kg on now
based lu
>only 171
he's finished
Screaming chinaman can do whatever he wants
fresh porn
i wonder if theres a reason theyre uploading this during the competition thiugh
Ihab would mog everyone
Holy shit that CJ from Lu
goddamn based LU pls dont die
rip lu
no way he gets 207
Why are there no fucking streams
how can one man be so BASED
35 year old cnj PR
get dabbed on zoomers
btw i was hurt :^)
>35 year old injured boomer sets total WR
How can zoomers recover?
On all seriousness, can someone thats 23 years and a half old learn the sport and still compete at an international level? strength-wise I'm pretty advanced and gifted and I think I can make quick progress if I just learn the proper form which is the hardest
maybe after 10 years of eating clen and trening hard, like everybody else
I don't plan on winning gold but at least hitting top 10 or something
I wish I had started this when I started lifting which was when I was 17 years old but oh well
Advanced and gifted? How could you tell?
you aint winning gold starting at 23, even if youre the legendary genetic anomaly
either way, to reach the elite level its about 10 years of training twice a day and plenty of supplements
>lu now wins based of his cnj and not snatch
what happened?
no one is forcing him to go higher on the snatch
wouldnt the bench press be a good acessory exercise? it really lets you overload your triceps with really heavy loads plus helps out with front rack position due to more chest muscle
Looked cute, might wipe the floor with everyone later.
Its ok.
i think you guys are jist waaaaay cool
In the off season or away from comp yes, bench is definitely good.
Shut up
Man I'd suck the braps off Hsing Chuns and Loredanas ass
Weightlifting is the best sport I swear
>tfw you will never suck a wet brap off Loredana's asshole to comfort her after she missed her first two attempts in c&j
what are the best/top 3 shoes to buy? money isnt an issue
Romaleo 2/3XD
Reebok Legacy
Adidas Adipower
Or if you wanna absolutely dab on the plebeians, the Asics 727
I've heard terrible things about the new version of the powers though.
Spend some money on a megaphone bitch cuz I can't hear you when I'm on top of my custom Kill Bill 600 dollar 727s
fr I wish I could afford one, the bestkoreans and the nips make a lot of noise w them which is always cool
I suppose theyre only available if you order from japan?
Size 9 is the biggest size
Yeah, even in Japan you can't find them on general sports stores, they're all made on order.
They only make blue and red ones, but there's a website that will let you customize it further, with like a bigger heel or different colors, at a price of course.
>tfw you'll never massage the thick, juicy legs of your elite weightlifter gf after a hard training day
When is the next session?
They are very easy to get on ebay and other places. Just really research the sizing well.
How is Lu 35, he even looks young, aren't peds supposed to age you
maybe if youre a moran aka most people who randomly use roids
different type of roids
ie: for recovery not muscle mass