>nocoom day 7
>a girl from my class started talking to me
>she drove me home from college and she even gave me her number
I'm gonna make it thanks to working out and not touching my peepee
>nocoom day 7
>a girl from my class started talking to me
>she drove me home from college and she even gave me her number
I'm gonna make it thanks to working out and not touching my peepee
The trick isn't not touching your dick, the trick is getting someone else to touch it. Nofap is to sex what buying a new gym outfit is to making gains.
But not touching your dick gives you the drive to have someone else touch it
coom coom
I keep having weirder and weirder dreams, first time I got beyond 3 days on nofap
I unironically started remembering my dreams only after starting nocoom
1 week nofap and last night I dreamt I killed some random guy in the street at night for no reason and just dumped the gun, then the rest of the dream which seemed like it lasted forever I was so scared of getting arrested and was having panic attacks over spending my life in prison.
Seemed so real too.
It's probably a placebo but I honestly found after 5days nofap my social skills improved dramatically.
godspeed NOCOOMERS
I coomed two times today one after another. Am i gonna make it bros?
Hello yeah man all I can think of is cooming in that pussy bareback
No, sorry.
>gets excited over a phone number at 20-something years of age
i'm sorry bro, lmao
if you were like 13-14 making these first experiences i'd get it, but this is just sad laddie...
This is 4channel
Guys if i cum in my sleep does it count as a relapse?
Sometimes I have lucid dreams where i just put my dick in a chick and instantly coom
where do you think you are? and getting excited over different things is different for everyone. just be happy for him and fuck off faggot.
No that doesn't count as relapse
Thanks man!
>a girl from my class started talking to me
>she drove me home from college and she even gave me her number
Based on this, it's self-evident that you don't need to do no-fap. You experienced this because you are attractive - attractive people don't need to do no-fap because they get all of the meaningful benefits of it anyway.
It isn't placebo, I get the exact same thing when I'm on a cut because of reduced sex drive. I won't fap for several days without realizing and I become far more talkative.
This guy's right. She didn't talk to you, drive you home and give you her number because of nofap, she did it because you are genetically gifted with facial attractiveness.
lmao when I did no fap I had dreams like that
Everyone here is about 10 years behind the average person in social development, so it's good.
Why not just have sex?
I’m 6 days /nocoom/ when should I coom? I know there are street walkers about my town and I stuck up a conversation with one last week and got her number
Wow you are so horny that you stopped being autistic. If you need to stop fapping to reach that do that that's great. But at least you are not harrassing other people with that bullshit
I'm going to do you a huge favor and open your eyes to the truth: women do not feel attraction the way men do. Women are attracted to confidence most of all, at least the ones you want to have a meaningful relationships with. In that sence nofap is placebo, it increases your confidence, which attracts women, but it doesn't give you any magical powers.
>no fap 4th day
>Japanese princess proposes to me
>I agree
Ceremony is withing next semester, we all gonna make it bros
no but what it means is that you are having lots of thoughts about sex or you are still watching porn/nudes
>getting a hooker number
>thinking that is impressive in any way
>implying confidence isnt a magical power in itself
>lying on the internet
nofappers are getting desperate for recognition and validation, I see
It could mean, that you're just listening to Juice Wrld's Lucid Dreams too much, my nigger.
I never said it was impressive but cooming onto a hookers back would be better then fapping right? I’m trying to break my porn and fapping addiction but I’m like a dog in heat brother
I haven't been keeping count but I haven't jerked off in a little over a week probably.
I had a really weird dream last night that was in a couple of separate parts. The first was a female friend in a gunfight with a generic basedboy, and I didn't have a gun, but broke killed the guy by snapping his neck.
The second part, I was eating out some girl, and I knew in the back of my mind somewhere that she was Jewish, but kept going because it was like the forbidden fruit.
Weird shit.
at that point you're just paying to coom which isnt much better than just cooming by itself
Hey bros is it possible to smash an Asian international student without being their boyfriend first? I matched with one and she messaged me first with a gif and a ":)"
u white?
then chances are yes, chances are even higher if you are tall
Sex is all about hormones bro. All that shit about confidence and status and shit? Kinda missing the point. Females can instinctually tell when a man is pent up with testosterone by little subtle body language things that they are noticing subconsciously. Same deal as when you can tell a woman is horny and close to ovulation because little hormonal things change. They get more touchy and have more open body language.
Obviously human are thinking cogniscant beings so I'm not saying not jerking off is all there is too it, but if you believe that any part of sexual attraction is based on evolutionary instinct... idk how you think holding off on orgasms wouldn't help you get laid.
most likely but if you just pump & dump you will hurt her feelings and become a feminist
literally this
>the trick is getting someone else to touch it.
first post beta post, shut up faggot, your analogy makes no sense too
but are the negatives of cooming real or not