Why do some people sweat so fucking much? That's fucking gross and they usually don't clean after themselves

Why do some people sweat so fucking much? That's fucking gross and they usually don't clean after themselves

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>tfw im one of those people
i-i cant do anything about it
its probably due to the caffeine pill i take pre workout (200mg)

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to piss people off like you. When you train and point is to progress you cant just do shit sets fucking pussy.

i sweat like a pig, wherever i sit still for 30 seconds i leave a puddle of it kek
i don't always use a towel either >:)

Fuck off tranny

Why do some people not sweat or breath heavy after an intense set? They should off themselves and not even bother lifting tbqh

Fix your fucking body or use a towel you digusting sweaty fuck.

Fuck off back to India, Pajeet.

Shitskins tend to sweat like pigs. I'm white, I sweat reasonably. I don't have a fucking river pouring out of my armpits like you.

They sweat but not visibly and stink like shit. You’re probably some Southern European half breed.

Blue-eyed nordic phenotype reporting in.

Than you’re just not working out hard enough is all

I am. I only have good genetics.

white people literally have more nasty scent glands than asians lol. That's why you're colored like pigs, you smell like them too


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Post body and time stamp then

lol the stinkiest fuckers in the gym are always the Indians, there is literally no debate on this. If we did a straw poll on any board, anywhere at anytime it would be the overwhelming consensus.

You can see if I sweat a lot or not looking at a picture of my body?

No but you said you had good genetics and workout hard in the gym. So let’s see it.

I have good genetics in a way that my body sweat reasonably even if I push myself very hard.

>tfw no sweaty post workout sex with qt gf

You’re ignoring the request because you look like shit and do some lame ass low intensity workouts.

I started working out 3 weeks ago. What do you expect? You only want to make fun of me.

Hahahhaha probably doing some lame ass starting strength low intensity type routine too fucking lol

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That's funny right? People who start working out. That's really funny.

Literally try harder faggot.

I'm one of those people. PTs and regs make fun of me and I pretend I don't hear them :( Idk why I sweat so much. I was in Geneve last years when it was snowing and I was still sweating

Faggot cringe

That's what I'm doing but you can't expect nice results after a few weeks.

You would be better off sucking dick for money than wasting your time in the gym faggot

Why are you being so mean

Asians such as Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, etc indeed do not sweat as much. However, Indians and any other sand dweller in the middle east naturally smell like shit. That's why they have to bathe themselves in cologne

I sweat profusely during diddlies and squats. I didnt mind at first when using machines i felt guilty about it so started wiping myself with paper towels and spray the machines when i actually remember too but sometimes im so o


But sometimes i get so overexerted that i forget sometimes or i get distracted

>tfw hapa but have the sweat glands of 2 white people
I literally sweat in 60°F weather

It’s humid as fuck where I live so everyone sweats. I bring my towel you fuck so who cares.