Sex doll

Hey bros I’m /nofap/ for 7 days. Serious question would buying a sex doll and fucking it still be better then /nofap/ and /noporn/?

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Anyone ever have a sex doll?

Why the fuck would you want a sexdoll anyway? She doesn't move, it will feel like you're fucking plastic, she won't have any warmth, she can't tell you that she loves you, she won't cook for you, you can't have kids with her.

Having sex with an inaminate object is at least a million times more pathetic than just jerking off to porn.

>Hurr durr future sex dolls will talk and have heat

Yeah totally, fucking a warm piece of silicone with a google translate voice is so much better. Grow the fuck up faggots.

Okay thanks for tough love bro

I’m legally married to one

Once we get sex robots it’s OVER for these hoes

Bro I'm being honest because I want the best for you. Even though you're a total stranger. I still find it fucked up that many people think like you do. I want every man to realise that fucking sex dolls are not the answer to their girl problems.

I just got my heart broken really bad one time. My gf of 3 years broke up with me and immediately started dating a literal obese drug dealer. I think the reason was she was doing drugs behind my back but she blamed that on my obsession with working out. I really loved her and 2 years later I’m still single and became addicted to porn and fapping. Im finally over and nofap has helped me and my confidence a lot but I don’t want to get my heart broken again.

It counts as a porn if I fap using dreamgasm?

I understand your pain bro but sex dolls and porn aren't gonna make things better. Do you suddenly start smoking crack in order to quit smoking cigarettes? Take your breakup as a lesson for next time so you won't repeat your mistakes. There are over 3.5 billion girls out there and at least one of them is the right one for you. Don't give up and remember to love yourself and take care of yourself. That includes nofap, working out, eating healthy and doing what makes you happy in the long run.

t. overcompensating faggot virgin

You're just mad cause I'm telling the truth. Admit it faggot.

cant wait till ai and programmable sex waifus become a thing so woman will become worthless and forced to sell their roast beef for 10 bucks

>can't cook, doesn't love you, won't have kids
I've got some bad new for you brother.

good question, and if not at what point are the benefits the same? we all know biological femoids suffer severe mental limitations, and that ai is rapidly increasing in power. surely in the near future sex robots with mental capacities equal to at least your average roastie will be available and I can't think of any reason why dumping a load of coom in her would be any different to a bio.

I bought the one in OP pic and honestly it's really not as great as it looks. It doesn't feel that good.

Just because western whorish women won't do that, doesn't necessarily mean that all women are like that. Like I said before, there are over 3.5 billion girls out there. Many of these women are willing to do all 3 things for you.

How do the boobs feel? Can’t be warm like real titties right?

kek you can already tell this roastie knows she will be obsolete soon

So pretty much 90% of modern women. Thots don't do shit in bed anyway.
Also fuck off used up roast.

>hotties dont try and just lay there
>uglos get freaky and art energrtic
fuck this gay earth

Call me a roastie all you want. It's not gonna change the fact that you're not gonna accomplish anything by having sex with pieces of silicone. You're only looking at the western whorish women on tinder for "love". If you went literally anywhere else and didn't get easily manipulated by cheap roasties, you would realise that women aren't as evil and horrible as you think. Do you really think that MGTOW and sex dolls are the answers to your problems? Are you okay with never having children and dying alone when you're old? Why do you think that muslim men have 10 children and absolutely loyal women who do everything for them? Because they don't take any shit from them and put them in their place. Stop complaining and start acting you miserable fucking faggot.

when we have programmable sexbots that you can customize and mod any way you want + the creation of artificial wombs, women will literally be worth less than garbage

you sound afraid. you should be.

Bro, I'm scared for YOU. This is exactly what the jews want you complete fucking dumbass. They want men to be antisocial fags who can't attract a fly to a turd. They don't want you to have children. They are also making western women into literal whores in order to make the whole thing worse. They want both parts to be useless sacks of shit so that they can control the people easier. I want the best for you brother. Stop being a stubborn piece of shit by escaping from your problems instead of facing them.

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roastie running scared. her days are numbered.

I just love how the gatekeepers of sex think it is reasonable to berate the unattractive.

>women aren't as evil and horrible as you think

They are much much worse.

It is like bankers and people that give loans pointing and laughing and people that cannot get loans.

That's because you let them you dumb faggot. Start converting to islam and you'll see how weak and pathetic they really are.

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Yes user they are munch munch worse

The memes /nofap/ and /noporn/ are about semen retention. For the same purpose edging - which is the primary method of raising your energy in Taoist mysticism - was invented. This comes from the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine: you have two types of qi (energy), one is the base/potent qi which you receive from the mother and father when the sperm reaches the egg. This qi is limited and cannot be replenished. The other qi is the qi you get from the food you eat and the air you breathe. Each time you coom, you are just wasting your base qi, which is also responsible for the general health of the body and also the longevity.

It is said that the penis is the first organ to fully develop and also the first organ to grow old. The spread of explicit material and also the trouble of not being able to let go, should provide a hint that something is wrong with the practice of masturbation. Religions also tell the same, but those who do not wish to listen act like children who wish to rebel from their parents because they want to fight against authority. I wonder how many children went to their friends house, watched porn, and masturbated together simply because they thought it was fun.

Jesus if he wants one let him get one stop being such a fucking faggot actually drop your address I wanna beat the shit out of you

He's right though. Why wouldn't you just tap? Sex doll is completely pathetic. So is fleshlight etc

Bunch of faggot pro sex doll shills
Not even remotely Jow Forums related
Kill yourselves


salty femanon detected


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>no advanced sex dolls
>no self driving or flying cars
>no hoverboards
>iphone xxx has 3 cameras

Atleast he wants to fuck a real woman and not an expensive blow up doll

Lot of seething copecels responding to this post

>Serious question would buying a sex doll and fucking it still be better then /nofap/ and /noporn/?
I'm not going to be like this user here, but I'll give you several reasons not to get one, the main reason being that they're impractical as fuck. You need to keep this thing hidden, and most likely you'd probably be afraid that someone would find out about it, even though it is out of sight. Also, you might want to eventually get rid of this thing, which would probably be really hard to do.

stop seething roastie

I created my own one, and stuck a fleshlight in there

Remember that week where every fucking board was shilling this thing?

This post brought to you by the dollhouse
Real talk though, this. Dolls aren't my thing but TFM is right. Don't be a fucking cuck.

I like organic 3dpd girls even though I'll never get one and probably one day soon do pic related

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You're retarded if you think this is supposed to replace having a girlfriend. It's purely to enhance the masturbatory experience. A sex doll is essentially a pornographic surrogate. You can jerk off with your hand or use a semi-lifelike, big titted doll that will let you do whatever you want to it. Yes is frivolous and an extravagance but you can get a quality doll from china shipped in a week and a half for around $700.

If you're no-fap or no-fun or no-porn whatever, do what you want, but if you jerk off on a regular basis this will enhance things. Yes they are heavy and you need to hide them. Don't parade them around, pretend they're your wife, bring them to family dinners or act like a crazy person and you'll be fine. If you're not strong enough to move one around you need to start dead lifting more.