anyone here ever try cocaine? what should i expect? will this impact by gains if i still sleep 8hrs?
Anyone here ever try cocaine? what should i expect? will this impact by gains if i still sleep 8hrs?
It's awesome when it's good, but quality varies
It’s fun in social situations but adderall is way better
Its great if you want to drink or fuck all night long not so much for lifting though.
Seconding this. Also the comedown will prob wreck your next day if you do any real amount.
It's like any drug. Feels good and will fuck your health up before you even realize it.
drinking is mandatory if your snorting
recent studies have shown that cocinae is not bad for you
It’s like a really strong redbull that lasts for maybe 45min
Oh and no one ever tells you about the drips
Cocaine-flavored runny snot going down your throat for some time after snorting
whats it taste like friend
But that's the best part
Really concentrated vinegar or diluted battery acid
I will strongly disagree with you on that
Its overrated.
Expect to ingest a lot of stuff that isn't cocaine.
Expect to
>Become suddenly opular, especially with trashy women
>Blow through it faster than expected
>Really want more when it is gone
Quasi-adderal upper, slight euphoria, very social, pretty unenjoyable when actually ingesting and the 2-3 minutes following.
what the fuck is opular retard
Are you fucking stupid?
"Do you have a single fact to back that up"
What's wrong with cocaine? Bet you're one of those retard fairies that's never gotten a blowjob or shmonked some wed bexause you think that'll somehow make you less of a human bean. Here's a newsflash you fucking milquetoast troglodyte: Elon musk snorts cocaine every single day
Looks like user knows his shit son
>doing cocaine when you can just pop adhd pills
i tried coke in vegas once. didn't feel like 'felt' anything but had a crazy fun night, and then when i tried to sleep my heart was pounding like crazy.
Congratulations, you did amphetamine, not cocaine.
welp. if that's the case.. amphetamine is kinda trash honestly
Only losers do coccaine
>tfw coke becomes your crutch and now you're not able to have fun partying or socializing without it
I never understand how people manage to do a shitton of coke over a long period of time though.
Shit fucks up your nose. I guess purity plays a big role, but even when I was in Panama and had a few day bender my nose was fucked for like a week afterwards.
Way worse when I did some in Europe, but that was probably mixed with speed or some shit.
recent studies show that it'll give you more gains and give you a bigger dick. I'd link the sauce but I'm too lazy.
Why is Chrome so fucking shit though?
I had to switch to it because Firefox kept giving me BSOD no matter what version I tried but when it worked I had no problem keeping 340 tabs open at once.
20+ tabs open in Chrome and my computer grinds to a fucking halt, want to close a tab? 20 seconds. Want to open up another program? A full minute.
compared to good amphetamine its meh. effects don't last too long, quality varies from shit to mediocre in developed countries. the price is way too high compared to other drugs. when done rarely it can be fun, especially in social situations. frequent users become annoying cunts with an exaggerated sense of self worth.
flush your nose properly afterwards to minimize the clogging sensation the day after.
i've been doing it on several occasions during the last 15 years, out of maybe 20 batches 2 were good. the rest was overpriced crap i had to take too much of to get a decent effect. skip.
I've had it maybe 2-3 times. Honestly don't really like it that much. Euphoric effect was okay but pretty mild, and made me so wired I couldn't do anything that took more than a few seconds. I'd imagine it's a fun drug for parties if you're a hardcore party guy but I don't like parties at all.
I doubt casual use will affect gains though. If you become a complete coke fiend you might not be able to eat enough to bulk up since it suppresses appetite somewhat.
Expect to lose respect from your family and friends. Drugs aren’t fit
Ya but it creates a new compound when mixed with booze that is bad for you and very few people do coke all night without drinking.
Cocaine makes me Superman lol
Underrated comment