/cbt/ - current body thread

I've been told I look like a ps2 character with how angular I look

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How do I look?
Cropped the fuck out of the pic because I took it while seated so legs arent showing anyway

Bro ngl you look weird as fuck
Do you lift? Theres something off about you

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Aren’t you the same guy always posting these? You haven’t changed in months, time to change the routine dude

This is my before pic

Attached: Asdsadsadasd.jpg (2336x4160, 2.65M)

Defo gaining weight and my lifts are going up, I set pr in every lift every time work out, but I'm not visually changing

r8 my cut
before, around 115

Attached: 20190922_160107.jpg (1484x1080, 677K)

after 98kg

Attached: 20190922_160220.jpg (1407x1080, 702K)

lemme suck


ty for the kind words user

6'2+ 186lbs

Droppin weight lately, even though my rpe hasn't increased and ive been eating the same.

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Desperately need some neck gains

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kek based phone positioning. ye dude I I was super paranoid about losing strength from cutting but it isn't bad as a lot of bros make it out to be and it comes right back pretty much soon as you up the calories

Mirin', look solid.
Based pelvic photographer strikes again

Nice traps and erectors

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6'4" 265 lb

Cut down from 285 to 255 for a footrace but now it's bulking season again. The winter of 2pl8 OHP, boys.

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Cut from 210lb to 175lb. Still not happy yet

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nice delts and traps
looks good but picture is Bad
are those your abs right under your chest?
quads looking thicc
you look like you dont train at all wtf
sick arms

no i didnt shrink, its just different posture

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>70 kg

Do I even have a chance

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lmao at the pic of that vine guy

fuuuuckkkk if you're taller than me and you made that kinda progress, it gives me strength. What routine brudda, I'm trying to escape tall twinkmode

You absolutely have a chance. I looked like you when I started a year and a half ago. I was 170 when I first started at 6'3"(191cm). Just eat all the time. You should be eating before you feel hungry. If you can stomach it, do gomad. Worked really well for me. I am for reference.

Eat more brah
I consider myself way too skinny (also a beginner like you, maybe just slightly more athletic) and I weight ~70 kg while being 7-9 cm shorter

>you look like you dont train at all wtf

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you're stronk but strength =/= aesthetics breh

maybe not your aesthetics

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April 1st, first day of lifting

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deadlifts are a great ma...


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>265 lbs isn't great mass

clean your fucking mirror

Very good improvement fren keep going, bit more focus on uppee body maybe but solid progress

okay so everyone here a month ago told me to cut cause im fat but i kept arguing at everyone that im "skinnyfat" and not as fat as you think.

so i followed everyones advice to cut and now i look like this. i do feel like i look better? but still have some fat on my face and a little on my gut. can i still cut or go for maintenance now?

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Yeah my pecs have been hard to deal with, when I moved into college for the first 4 weeks I wasn’t consistent because of work and also bringing my friends and them wanting to do other stuff. Ironically it would cut the workout short just enough for me to not have time to do rows or bench. Now I’ve taken care of both and was consistent again starting last week.

>Those delts and traps
Are you roiding?

Mirin bigly bro thanks for the massive confidence boost
noted thanks bro

Post your routine on every cbt bros

Try doing lateral raises to build your shoulders with some heavy ohp, they're looking kinda small.

1.88m 112kg

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You don't look like that, you look fat and your arms look frail and flabby, I'd legit thin you're a bloated dyeler if I saw you irl


trying so hard to look bigger than you are that youre having a seizure

They are my abs...what's wrong em?

Just be glad you won't have disgusting flappy leftovers once you fully lose your gut and mantits.


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Uhm ok yea but what do you think should i keep on cutting still until i lose my gut? What bf am i currently u think?

198cm/94kg. Cutting to 90-92kg.

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what kind of stupid question is this

No I'm not roiding, you can see how fucking small I am, if I was on gear id be yuuge

i feel like im looking at a screenshot of a ps1 character looking in a mirror

U seem cute pls be bf

Soz I have gf

Hips like a porn star man

im into ancient sickunt aestetic

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Thx bby

How bad are my hips?
10 months in

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cute bulge

Bodyfat estimage please, want to cut until 12%

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god i hate roiders like you
>lel no its just hard work
fucking tragic your mother didnt abort you trumper

im literally not even that big in this picture, plus my lifts are absolutely pathetic by this boards standards

i'm not on roids, if i were i'd actually look good, since obviously i have greek god genetics

Could be a lot worse user. Keep focusing on chest, shoulders, and lats if you wanna give it a thinner appearance.

id say you're around 18% there Ravhajeep

You look like you just escaped out of a WW2 POW camp

i'm 103 kg atm at 6ft6 , should i try to go to 95 ? or just focus on the mirror ? i jus train heavy no cardio. Can you give me some tips to reach 12% faster?

>roiding and coping for this

>accusing someone who looks like a (((holocaust))) victim of roiding

>tfw I look very similair only bigger
>Not roiding, never have

Some of us have good genetics and work ethic mate.

OP here, thinking about changing up my routine

currently lifting monday tuesday thursday friday

bench 5x5
squat 5x5
barbell row 5x5
lat pulldown 4x10
tricep pushdowns 4x10
skullcrusher 4x8
curls 4x8
dips 4x8
pull ups 5x5

ohp 5x5
deadlift 3x5
rack pull above the knee 3x5
lat pulldown 4x10
skullcrusher 4x8
tricep pushdowns 4x10
curls 4x8
dips 4x8
pull ups 5x5

what's the worst part about this routine? should i stick with it? towards the end of each workout i start to feel absolutely drained even with 2-3 scoops preworkout. any lifts you'd substitute or add?

You don't have to do cardio but I reccomend at least some cardio so you can eat more and not feel like absolute death

You can of course cut without cardio but you'll have to eat like 40% less and you'll always be hungry, because lifting isn't metabolically taxing enough

actually getting pathetic now, if you were natty you wouldnt be defending yourself like this

that's same shit as with those "thicc girls" which are in reality just fat whores... he is fat as fuck man

Permabulk to attain Fat Bastard mode

i train at home but dont have a fixed routine, hit chest shoulders lats and back twice a week and eat more to gain upper body width
my lower body is pathetic so i cant give you tips for that
you are strong but dont look like it is what im saying
nothing, they look further apart than mine
but thats just the pic and/or different insertion

started cutting 3 months ago and been stuck on 1pl8 bench ever since
wtf do i do bros start bulking? continue cutting?

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Metal gear solid 1 character?

That shitphone has 48megapixels camera lol

265 lbs of fat is not great mass, no. You'd probably lose a great portion of your muscle if you were to cut, but you really need to do it. You have a long fitness journey ahead of you newfriend

You're into ancient fucking phones, interior and everything else too I see

Just coming back from a 2 month lifting hiatus. I've been going on morning runs every couple days and doing PPL. Not really sure where to go from here.

6'3" 220

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160 lbs.

Gaining weight is so hard. I’m up nearly 12 pounds from when I started lifting in May, but I’ve been stuck at 160 for a while now. Lift nearly every day. Rest more?

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6ft7 102 kgs

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btw i'm gay, i don't know if that matters.

how bad is my posture? how fix fast?
5'11 160lbs if that matters

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Tidy your room.

Does this make me look fat?

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ay bby lemme see that brapper

This the body I'm going for. How long did it take you to get to that point, user?

>asks for bf estimage
>hides belly and love handles with pants
you are retarded desu

looking good, keep cutting then bulk over the winter for 3 months. Start cutting in spring again to get that beach body

31 y/o boomer, 5'11", 205 lbs, 2.5 years lifting, 1RM: S:405, B:315, D:515

pls r8 me bros

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nice lats~
Good progress, keep going, some OHP will help in the shoulders.
keep lifting, keep a deficit.

33yr old boomer, coming from absolute skeleton.

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Pls d8 me and be my bf :(

>keep lifting, keep a deficit
Thanks for the advice. Whats the weight limit i can go down to cause im reaching underweight score bmi if i go lose 10 more pounds.

6’3 225

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You and me both buddeh. I woulda thought growing my traps would give me a big neck but not the case.

How long have you been lifting? Keep going

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i want to obliterate that boipucci


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with 5'8 manlet and 6'3 lanklet

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no homo my favorite body I've ever seen in these cbt threads
arms looking thick
noice v taper

tfw i will never be atheistic because i ruined my body by being fat before
5'10 145 lbs

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Take off the hat indoors you brazillian midget

>I’ve been stuck at 160 for a while now

Apply better isolation & squeeze, example youtube.com/watch?v=wxyH1-B4Y7s&t=188s

so aftter taking a whizz you're pretty much the weight of an 11 year old