Jow Forums

>Jow Forums

Attached: fit.png (1055x819, 1.12M)

But y


does anyone else think gays are fucking gross for stuff like this

I'm not watching your gay squat video, but how much did that homo end up squatting?

obviously being a faggot is a mental illness but the world does not agree with common sense.

form is atrocious

post body

How much did he squat

Anyone who does this shit is awful

>And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power

>TFW fell for the squat plug meme

lol what a pathetic squat. This bitch got a belt on for 95lbs....

what a fucking idiot

Of course, faggots are sickening human beings

>Needing a squat plug and a belt for 40kg squats

Squatting with a buttplug is literally one of the least gross things a gay can do. Sure, shoving a thing up your ass is gay.
But it's not nearly as gross as being 90% of child molesters or 90% of AIDS patients, while being about 5% of the population.

based and redpilled

Can't understand why people wouldn't consider as disease a condition that makes you waste your genetic material into another dude's hairy asshole at a high risk of contracting nasty pathogens basically stripping you of your humanity and turning you into a giant virus vector.


sodomy is a sin

Sexual acts should be only for the sole purpose of procreation.

Everyone that clicked is an idiot

uh... wanna fill us in, there J.P.?

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I cant tell if youre being sarcastic or not. I'll assume you're serious.
OP is (literally) a shill, the part after the utm_campaign is basically his referral code and he gets money for your clicks.

Oh, I see


It starts with j and ends with ews


Oh dear why did I watch this

did you get hard?

>be 6'4 chad
>opt to become a cumslut instead
Not sure if cringe or based

sodomy is the most insane defiance in the face of God and nature.
They rip and tear their anus with hundreds of strangers, and get horrific incurable diseases that drastically reduce the quality of their life and lifespan, and yet they still claim there's nothing wrong with it

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Careful with those controversial opinions, user.

>not sure if faggots are cringe

More than you, faggot.

is balkangigafag at it again?

>95 lbs
>that form

doesn't even lift, just a degenerate trying to show off for other degenerates.

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woah, so THIS is the power of /plg/

he's not even squatting enough weight to need a squat plug.

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>90% of child molesters or 90% of AIDS patients

This shit is why I take hand sanitiser to the gym.

I strongly believe being an actual gumbrain is the biggest road to unironic faggotry there is. They just keep chasing new highs until they cross over into bisexuality.

There's literally nothing wrong with being gay

Is that a typo or did the faggot mods filter cumbrain?