Historical Mogs

Mongols vs Vikings

Who mogs who?

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Vikings were not good archers mongols would fuck them up from distance

both were niggers but the mongols were more successful at it

Shooting arrows from a distance is a bitch move for pussies.

everything you thought you knew about vikings is wrong
they were like 5'5, they werent called vikings, they werent strong, they wouldnt have big beards, they werent united or one country, they were just raiders who would arrive with 100 of them at a undefended place that had maybe 10 guys there and pillage it

>still takes the british isles after a couple decades of fucking around with the lads


Hol up buddeh

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Vikings were nigger-tier thieves who literally raped and robbed innocent people living their own productive lives

Mongols did the same, but worse, and on a larger scale, with more advanced strategies

They're both faggots who can suck my cock

that's simply because brits are pathetic low-t twinks

>they were like 5'5


Mongols would absolutely fuck them to pieces

>they have left no literary legacy except for occasional rune stones and carvings in wood


>m-muh imaginary father figures because I didn't have one

Vikangz are overglorified nigger tier raptists and thieves

>britain could easily invade all of scandanivia right now and at any point in the past
oh no no noooooo

Viking Pros
>Better women
>Better sailors
>Nordic genes

Mongol Pros
>More women
>Raw meat redpilled
>Feared more
>bigger/longer-lasting empire

How do you even compete with this

Attached: Mongol_Empire_map_2.gif (752x591, 58K)

Are there even any historical archeological proof that either was how good at archery ?
Considering Vikings shield wall, they must be had quite some experience about a rain of arrows


Bigger longer lasting empire, 100% wrong
Asatru has outlived it way longer and Vikings become Christians doesn't mean it "fell" or died out

I could be wrong, but just going off of the history I know Mongols in many cases took down much larger armies in comparison to their own.

Vikings on the other hand excelled in raiding/naval conflicts, but much less so in "traditional" war.

viking descendant here, i always loved the mongols, one day i will get a mongol wife and we will create the ultimate conquering race

Crossbows, superior bows, heavy cavalry, armour and forts/castles.

That's basically all the shit mongols struggled to deal with when they reached europe.

yeah, the naval raids of the vikings were millitarily a good idea but their strength was this hit-and-run almost guerilla strats, the mongols were more blitzkrieg. the vikings did learn more land-based stuff like making fortifications and taking castles but it was nothing special compared to other europeans at that time.


vikings were literally a bunch of farmers with axes
>brits shat themselves over them

based and historypilled
Vikings got mogged by everyone

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The mongol empire was like 10,000x the size of shitty Viking illiterate peasant settlements (that became Christian after like 200 years lllol)

ah yes productive lives like faggot monks sucking dick in an overdecorated incel cave

finland is already a thing buddy

Did you just ask if there is any proof Mongols are good at archery? Have you ever read any history from this period? Dumbest shit i saw all day

you know what, that is damn true, and i've always loved my Finn neighbours, they are a fine people.

Mongols owned by land.. literally GOAT status. Their amphibious abilities were weak, which is why Ghenghis never tried it, but Kublai did, and got owned by Samurai trying to invade Japan

mongols were sick archers, skilled riders, and believe it or not, very good at siege-warfare which allowed them to pwn so hard. when kings decided to close the gates the mongols were well prepared with siege equipment and scare-tactics like killing all males if a town didn't surrender.

t. pic related

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Okay hypothetical scenario:
>One on one Mongol vs. Viking

Who wins?

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Viking, because mushrooms.

really depends because both had different classes of warriors. some vikings were very poor and inexperienced with combat, mongols had a much more advanced civilization probably with better training routines for recruits. the vikings just didn't have those institutions for their soldiers and so any old random viking might be shitty in combat, and i say that as a Norwegian whiteboii.

vikings are cool but mongols conquered a massive empire. by incentivizing trade and scientific innovations they massively improved the areas they conquered.

on water Viking, on horse back Mongol

Germanic Tribal chads literally mog Every other society in history
Reminder that even to this day romeaboos are butthurt because they got btfo by Germanic chads so hard

Vikings were WIMPS compared to Germanic tribal chads

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True, most vikings were farmers, not full time warriors.

Remember who survived in the long run

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Based and redpilled. Vikangz were also defeated in their own neigborhood by Western Slavs.

> In the book The Viking Art Of War (Chapter 'The Vikings and their neighbours), Paddy Griffith writes:
"To the south-east of Denmark lay the Wends (Vends) or the Slav tribes, who were in many ways just as effective raiders and traders as the Vikings themselves".
"The Slavs were always under threat of attack from the Vikings as well as the Franks."
"They also gave as good as they got , in military terms, sacking Hedeby in 1000 and harrying Denmark, Gotland , Oland and southern Sweden to such an extent that the Western Baltic was sometimes called Mare Rugianorum after the Slavic pirates of Rugen. The prevalence of treasure-hoarding in southern Sweden during the 1000s has led modern archeologists to believe that the threat was indeed a very serious one, and the Icelandic sagas themselves often seem to assume that "Vikings" in the purely piratical sense were almost as likely to be Wends (Vends) as Scandinavians.