Take the bidet pill

Why don't you have a bidet installed in your toilet user? They provide many great benefits.
>Clean anus after shitting
>Use less toilet paper
>No more itchy anus using shit toilet paper
>No more brown streaks because you missed a spot
>Butt doesn't smell like shit

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Wouldn't the water smear my shit over my nuts?

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Not a roach

Yeah I should probably get one of these. What I do after I shit is I take a bath/shower to clean myself.

How is water diluting your shit and spraying it everywhere hygienic?

I do have one but I get my balls wet way too often.

First you wipe the excess, then you flush. Use your brain.

You clean your ass while taking a bath? Please explain

>he doesnt want shit smeared nuts to absorb protein powder shit back into his balls trippling test levels and protein fusion

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or you could just buy a good toilet paper and use wet wipes too

What? When I shower I use soap to wash every crevice in my body. Is that not how it's supposed to be?

Are you guys retarded? The water shoots straight into your butt and falls back into the toilet. I've used one for a while and never had a problem with it hitting my nuts.

How hard is the water shooting out?

If you ever develop a hemrrhoid, these things are a godsend

Not hard at all, just enough to make sure you got a clean anus.

I'd like one but it'd be expensive to replace a toilet when yours functions fine.

The best argument I've heard is "if you had mud on your drive way, would you spray it with a hose, or wipe it up with paper towels?"

Nah that argument is entirely correct. All you're doing is just leaving a thin layer of shit on your butt while getting rid of a majority of it. Also I'm pretty sure you don't need a new toilet, you can just buy it as an addition.

>wet wipes

user, I'm not some kind of pervert.

Anyone who spends an appreciable amout of time thinking about anal hygiene is some kind of deviant.

You first wipe it using toilet paper. You obviously can't wipe everything away so in order to clean it properly one must use water and soap after wiping.

I'll look into it, if it's an attachment I can put on an existing toilet I'll probably get one.

just take a bath after you shit

>taking a bath after every time you shit
Please don't tell me you really do this.

I do that but that's part of why I hate taking shits. I shit like once every three days and it takes me like 5 flushes to not clog the toilet

honestly it disgusts me to imagine all the amerifats who take a quick shit and only wipe, especially girls that I would normally want to fug

anyway I always wanted a japanese washlet. is this generic bidet just as good? the water is cold though?

It doesn't actually go in your anus...it just cleans the outside area. Wanted to clarify.

>wanting liquid all over your anus after you shit
Fucking Europoors, man. Just get your effeminate boyfriend to piss on you, saves money on your end.

Christ man eat some fiber

hot desu

clean your asshole after you shit you dirty straightfag, your (future) gf will appreciate it

Wet wipes don't break down in water, they can clog sewage.

You realize bidets are meant for cleaning a girls pussy during menstruation right?
You'd have to be a literal faggot to use one.
Whats next? Using nail polish as a test booster?
The state of this board ffs.

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don't see how this is fit related but I took the bidet pill years ago

I recently got a new toilet and it came with an electric bidet thing that extends and shoots you up the arse unexpectedly if you stay sitting for too long. I'm not a huge fan, to be honest. It leaves me feeling wet and then I end up taking a shower, which defeats the object of the bidet.

Water isn't cold or hot, room temperature I'd say. And yes a generic bidet is good. But christ dude I don't know anyone that goes 3 days without shitting.

put them in the trash...?

the ultimate pill is the fiber one.

If you get a lot of fiber in one tp roll will last like multiple weeks, especially if you've trained yourself to shit in the morning before your shower - not even joking.

>Why yes I do clean mud off my hands with just a paper towel. No water at all because that's for fags.
You really think fucking toilet paper is all you need to properly clean yourselves? Christ I feel bad for any girl in bed with you. You probably leave shit smears on the sheets.

Keep your fantasies to yourself, cuckold.

Based and bidet pilled.
On the plus side, you waste less paper and your ass feels like you never even took a shit.

Clean shits are made in the kitchen

Enjoy the shit stained underwear retard.

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No money for bidet. I just use the shower to clean after wiping.

What I do is fold up some toilet paper and wet it in the sink. It's right next to me so I can just reach over. It's like wet wipes but I can actually flush it

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The number of retards in this thread so obstinate about not cleaning their anus properly is staggering and baffles the mind.

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Quints of truth

i honestly dont understand how peoples assholes arent constantly dirty. i know americans like me dont really use bidets, even if toilet paper comes back clean theres still gotta be some poop particles and scent there if you havent used water/soap/wet wipe to clean it

when people have sex without showering first if your face is down by the penis or vagina giving oral how do you not smell shit

I do the same thing

They ARE always dirty, you are correct. You will smell it.. unless you clean it first

I do this too but if it's really bad I use the shower head and soap.

>work has a few private bathrooms
>have a box of baby wipes in the men's bathroom
>use the baby wipe every time after i take a shit to make sure its clean
>women's bathroom doesn't have them in there but i know female coworkers taking shits in there

a-a-a-are you telling me they all have dirty assholes while i talk to them

Think about it the next time you talk to them, user
Standing there in front of you with a dirty little asshole
>imagine the smell haha

Most likely. Imagine eating a girls ass when she only wipes her anus with toilet paper. Imagine the thin layer of shit you are licking out of her ass.

amazing digits friendo

this is why i am so confused by the eating ass meme. are there really people who will eat a persons ass in normal sex without making sure they shower first?

and are there actually women who will eat a man's HAIRY ASSHOLE that traps all the shit?

>be brit
>work in se-asia for a while
>shit sewerage system means every toilet has a pressurised bum gun
>realise this is way more hygienic than just paper whites
>now disgusted by western toilet practices

Honestly if I ever redo my bathroom I'm getting one installed.

This thread has good digits

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Yea I am disgusted by that fact too. Like do you just eat a random girls ass that you found on tinder? That sounds disgusting dude she shits outta there and you have no idea if it's clean.

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Bidet master race reporting in. It's an easy install and not even expensive compared to the toilet paper you save (2 squares vs 4+ squares, every day, per shitting individual)

kek this was me before the bidet

I was afraid of using these things until I actually tried it. Now instead of wiping my ass 50 times after eating spicy food my ass is clean 24/7.

Bros you need to get on this shit.

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wont a bidet soak your asshole so you have to use a bunch of tp to dry it

No? Just one wipe.

I used to go weeks without shitting

If i bought one it would really need to have some power to get me clean

does using a bidet use up your anal virginity like those girls who tear their hymens from riding horses?

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You dont have an anal virginity to lose faggot

>not taking the three seashells pill
Luddite faggots are never going to make it

I just schedule my daily shit to just before my daily bath.