Anyone else here ever fantasyzes about going back in time and do something that seems "normal" today but almost...

Anyone else here ever fantasyzes about going back in time and do something that seems "normal" today but almost unnatural at that time and blow every living human beings brain away?. I personally Imagine myself going back 500-1000 years with a few other people and just make a concert and play something like through the fire and flames (if I was able to) by dragonforce. People would either look at me as a god or fear me and try to kill me.

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Nah they had harps and junk. A vinyl record player and some Beethoven, however...

Who cares about diseases, they were human nonetheless. I respect your choise of music though.

That's pretty childish desu
I'm pretty sure they'll just burn you alive or something, definitely you wouldn't be considered God. Maybe a lunatic.

I would go back and practice modern medicine. Proclaim myself a Godsent and do "miracles". Don't charge anything but ask for favors. Food, shelter, their virgin daughters. Be a traveler, an angel walking among men.
Although I would also require equipment, not sure what I could bring with me and what I could get once there.

kek the cringe is real here.
This is giving me serious ''Hey guys I just discovered this cool thing called Metla it's really heavy and dark and stuuf'' vibes.''

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Dragonforce suck unless your like 13.

I would like to go back to the dark ages with my Glock.

Childish, please elaborate? maybe you don't like the music or something, but being able to perform something like this at that time would be considered unnatural or even godlike. I never said they would see me as "the" God. There's nothing that would scream lunatic about it anyways, as literally nobody, even the craziest of people could replicate anything close to it.
cringe, why? just because you imagine yourself as some connoisseur in the matter of "real" metal doesn't mean there's anything cringe about liking dragonforce. It might be pretty mainstream (popular bad, unpopular good) but that doesn't devalue the talent that's behind the creation of it.

>He thinks there's actual talent behind dragonforce

Jesus, you guys are really fucking dumb.

You'd get lynched is what he was saying, faggot.
They wouldn't all rock out to your music. Theyu'd probably think you were devilspawn and chuck you in the fire.

You're both retarded. You'd be ignored as some nut noodling around on a weird instrument.

Says the faggot who likes dragonforce. lmao

"they suck, because I don't like them. My taste is the greatest taste and everyone else is wrong"
YoUd GEt LynCHEd Is WHAt iM sAYIng, FagGOt.

>literally implied It could go either way from the start, even jesus got fucked, yet people see him as god.

No, there must have been a time and place, were someone played something like it for the first time and someone liked it.

They suck 'cos they suck. Simple as.
If you want flashy and impressive guitar solos, Listen to Malmsteen.
You want power metal and fantasy lyrics, Blind Guardian have you covered.
No reason to listen to Dragonforce as all they do is offer a shitty watered down version of these

>performing a metal concert to a bunch of randoms out of the blue
>believing everyone will come and applaud, bang their heads and be amazed at your skills
How's this not childish? this is every preteen's fantasy except you decided, for some reason, that it has to happen 1000 years in the past and to a bunch of ignorant, dirty, literal plebs. what else? were you expecting groupies as well? lmao
Also, dragonforce is normie tier but even nowadays there are still many non-metalheads who would consider that shit "demonic" and "lunatic", what makes you think it's not going to be any different in the past?

I'd want to use stage props to make them think I tore a body part off or something.

>They suck 'cos they suck. Simple as.

stated as fact, as if if you took a vote based literally billions of human beings different opinions

>If you want flashy and impressive guitar solos, Listen to Malmsteen.
You want power metal and fantasy lyrics, Blind Guardian have you covered.
No reason to listen to Dragonforce as all they do is offer a shitty watered down version of these

God complex opinion and I bet if I said any of those sucked, you would be defending them like I'm defending what I like myself, hypocrite.

You can fart into a microphone and someone will like it. Doesn't mean the 14th century masses won't disregard Dragonforce as nonsense.

>farting in a microphone in the year 2k19 is equal to someone performing through the fire and flames by dragonforce in 1019

>stated as fact, as if if you took a vote based literally billions of human beings different opinions
I couldn't give a shit what billions think of a shitty power metal band. I'm making criticisms of their shitty music based off what I know. I don't need need to take a vote to come to my own conclusions.

>God complex opinion and I bet if I said any of those sucked, you would be defending them like I'm defending what I like myself, hypocrite.
Is having the ability to make basic observations about bands having a God complex now?
You're just skirting around the fact you can't defend the shitty power metal band you like.
Kys faggot

Again, you are stating it as "fact" that dragonforce sucks, when in reality it's merely a personal opinion. Your opinion does not make anything a fact. The sun shines, that's an undeniable fact because it' how everyone expreiences it. To say dragonforce sucks, based on personal belief does not make it a fact, as it's percieved differently from one person to another.

I'm not trying to defend that "power metal bad" that I like as being better or worse than any other band, I'm just saying that neither you nor I can say any band is better or worse, at least not on facts, only on personal beliefs. We are entiteled to opinions, but what's better or worse are merely a subjective case.

Nice way of avoiding the argument.
Kys faggot

>Nice way of avoiding the argument.
Well, whatever. Don't ever try to see someone elses perspective, as they are clearly wrong and you are right!

Well I can only assume so since you've done nothing to even try and show me your perspective or show me I'm wrong

If you cannot understand that people have different opinions on things you have to be a fucking retard. I never said dragonforce was better than whatever you think is better, yet you say dragonforce is worse than whatever you think is better. Even if I didn't like what you like I wouldn't say what I like is better than what you like, because I'm smart enough to understand the FACT that peoples opinion on things are subjective aka different for everyone. Dragonforce is good yet it sucks, the same goes for whatever you like. things aren't either good or bad, they are both, depending on what any persons opinion is.

OP why are you being such an insecure boy? Do you actually feel personally attacked when someone calls your preferences shit?
Sure Dragonforce sucks, but if you enjoy it then what's wrong with it?
Stop trying to defend those talentless fags anyway, they're not going where you are and let you suck their dick if you defend them hard enough.

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I don't care if people say my preferences are shit, call dragonforce the shittiest band in existence, I don't care. what annoys me are people who insist their preference are more right than the others. Everyones preferences in music and anything else is equally shit and good but to say you are ultimately right is just wrong. I might say something you like is shit, yet it's not ultimately so, because you and probably lots of others think it's good.

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