Jow Forums
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Anecdotes #528
Armed Protest
Enter elevator
Do you find women more or less attractive if they have tattoos?
It's finally Friday! How was your week sweetheart? Got any plans for the weekend?
Jow Forums draw thread
Thanks for taking me for drinks user, im just glad youre not like those transphobic incels online
Why are you always so quiet user?
Give me ONE good reason you wouldn't gangbang a girl with a bunch of other anons
What was the biggest cause of you turning into a robot instead of a normie?
Why does everyone hate incels, I feel like I want to hug them and tell them everything's going to be okay
I won't reply to my own thread
Anons with a gf, be honest. Do you find her physically attractive or not?
Femanons, how's your relationship with your mother? Do you have things to bond over?
TRaNsPhoBiA dOEsn't ExiSt BeCAusE i'M nOt aFrAid of tRanSpEople
Say hi to a black person
The thing you're most insecure about
What's your excuse?
Wasn't born with a useful skill
Has there ever been a clearer example of "It's okay when Chad does it!" than this?
Why are you all so pathetic?
Ever since watching the Ted Bundy documentary I've come to realize how scary and psychotic men really are...
Just follow your passion
28 year old cyborg who is successful with women willing to answer questions you may have about girls
/bgg/ - Black Girl General #1
Why don't you robots just create your own gf?
Death to transphobia!!!!!!
Dog Hate Thread
Itt post your most deranged fetish
In bed with gf
Normalfags actually dance in real life
Is there any decent cope for being butt fucking ugly or is life an inescapable misery?
Come on user, tell us why you're still a virgin at your age!
Femanons, what do you think would be the worst thing about being a man?
Would you rather be ambidextrous or have perfect vision?
Comfy thread
Be femanon
Have you ever had a supernatural/paranormal experience, robots?
Thrown I'm so sad and miss you I hope you're ok
/rrn/ - Robot Radio/Nightfeel general
Be me
/r9gay/ - #769
Breed me user! please oh please fill me up with your cum... i want to have your babies!!! please please...
Hi, I'm Kevin
Any femanons want to switch bodies?
How do you cope with gender dysphoria when you're a mentally ill 24 yr old that repressed for most of their life?
Ya'know, if everybody just treated trans people with respect and dignity, then they wouldn't kill themselves...
You will never fly your Reisen into an American destroyer and take as many chads with you as possible
I am drunk and I desire (you)s. Ask your questions, robots
Have any anons in college been present when your dorm mate brought a girl back to spend the night?
Abused at 13 by teacher at catholic school, 28 now
I need a small titty femanon gf and i need a small titty femanon gf yesterday
Be me
Do you have any questions about sex? Ask a non-virgin anything
Would you settle for a girl physically bigger than you...
How to stop bing eating!?
Tranny hate
My onenitis is getting blacked rn and I cant handle it anymore. I'm becoming a cuck
Black girl appreciation thread
Fembots, why aren't you dating a fat man right now?
OK user. Tell me why you are fucked and there's nothing you can do to ever find a woman willing to kiss/fuck/love you...
Live at a condo complex, just moved there a month ago for a new job
Who is this pretty girl and what's her story?
Tfw you will never join a warrior order like the SS and have brotherly camaraderie and frauleins all on you
Big tiddy femanons, would you get offended if your bf wanted you to wear a cute cow costume?
Be chad
Mouth breathing destroyed my looks and doomed me to being a social outcast all my years in school...
Black people should leave Jow Forums
What if we put a another fake corporate non progressive Democrat that only cares about money to loose against Donald...
Fembots, have you ever let a guy creampie you? How many?
God has really big plans
Come home
Femanons why aren't you skinny?
I have Borderline Personality Disorder, ask me anything
Lawful neutral who wants to be lawful good
What do I do if the only people I know are total fucking ass holes?
Are there more versions of this?
Tell us why did you reject the only chance you had at having a gf and/or sex in your entire life
Were we doomed at birth? is there a way out?
You aren't meeting the expectations I've set for you, Champ. You've been spending too much time on the computer. Now...
How many Instagram followers does the average normal person have on their personal account...
What's Your Plan Buddy???
What lies are at the core of our society? What are you not allowed to question?
Tranny hate general #007 - /thg/ - kill all trannies edition
Hey bf wanna cuddle and smoke this weed with me?
What is the most brutal truth of them all?
Try just not being a tranny for 20 years
I get god damn high as fuck if I take some caffeine pills and drink a monster or some coffee or something
Are my aureolas too large?
What would your ideal sexlife be like? No legal or logistical limits, just the ideal
Come on user just bully me! Stop being such a bitch, I want my feelings to be hurt! God this should be easy for you...
If you are a cigarette smoker and dont switch to juuling you are a retard. a literal full fledged retard
Fembots, what are your thoughts on men in uniform?
Your gender
What music are robots listening to right now? I'm listening to RHCP
I hate that I love this show so much. I really shouldn't
If socialism killed 100 million people then capitalism kills 50k+ a year
Is it true that even straight women find female bodies more alluring and attractive than male bodies?
Quick! what's the best anime you've ever watched?!
Hey guys...
Have you ever fantasised about milking male horses?
I know dead meme but i'm curious where all you robots currently fit into this. I'll go first...
Wagecuck thread, open plan office edition
Jow Forumspub
Why do people give money to gamers on twitch?
This with any reading material you like >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dying>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>living in the "free" world
Does r9k like thin girls?
Does r9k smell?
ITT we post reasons why we don't have a gf
What supplements can I take to speed up my foreskin restoration?
Are fembots even aware that every single robot on this board wants to e-date them?
I dont give a shit if she banged a nigger so save your "gotcha" pics autists, she's my oneitis based queen
Videogames doesn't fill the void anymore
He's a c*pricorn
Sir, your government-assigned girlfriend is here. Please make her acquaintance
Why do incels find it impossible to comprehend that even ugly looking guys can get a gf...
Fembots at what ages does a man stop being attractive assuming they are already? Im guessing about 40?
What's the appeal of the goth gf? aren't guys supposed to like bubbly talkative girls?
Yes i am alt-right how could you tell?
Are you man enough to take on the responsibility?
Black pidgeon speaks deleted
Women literally only care about one thing and it's disgusting
As time goes on, people are getting less and less racist...
If you had to live one year of your life over and over again, which one would it be?
Why is Jow Forums raiding itself? Remember when raids were against other websites...
Tfw no tall bf kiss me while lifting me
Incest isn't wrong
/SDG/ Looks like Ivanka in blonde edition
Confess to him
User I can't get out of the pool can you help?
*blackpills you permanently*
Your favourite song
Thrown I'm so sad and miss you
Do fembots get threatened by stacy's?
Tfw bullied someone online to suicide
Is there anyone on this board who has a good heart and genuinely cares about the other person and isn't bitter and...
Waifu General /waifu/ #184
MBTI: ENTPs Are Psychopaths Edition
This AI is based
How to piss off normalfags
Loser on To Catch A Predator - Vincent Ambrosio
People are collapsing
When did you realize that being inteligent is what prevents you from being confident?
Im writing a book and i need names for asian style gangs
Do you have any dating prospects right now user? I chased literally all of them away...
Why is white men always obsessed with asian women ?
Gamer girlfriends are cool only if they actually started to like them by themselves...
I just borrowed these I'm not sure what to try out first
Low-energy thread
Tfw no titcow thread
Well, user? Why haven't you married a nice asian girl and had kids yet?
Do you think the world would be better off if you killed yourself? Why?
Has anyone else had to deal with someone they know being radicalized by the alt right? How did you deal with it...
What are your honest thoughts about your own family?
Be me (f)
If you could nuke only 1 continent, which would you choose and why?
Tranny hate thread
Girl is shot in the vagina while using gun as sex toy, dies
How are girls skinny? theres no fuckin way that these girls count calories and do all that shit
Hi, wanna talk? tell me about your day or something
Tfw a horrible person
Diagnosed as pre-diabetic
Letter thread. write a letter, okay?
5'1" vs. 6'10"
Fuck jannies and fuck trannies, but most of all fuck porn
Is being gay even real? Gay dudes are just settling because they couldn't get a girl right?
Would you rather date a 10/10 with 100 IQ and a 5/10 personality, or a 5/10 with 150 IQ and a 10/10 personality?
Tfw someone genuinely wants to be my friend and get to know me but instead I push them away because I dont want to...
Trans-cis diplomacy
/b/ finally got it together and launched a crusade against the porn...
/r9gay/ - #748
Be me
Itt post your weirdest fantasy
Hi there
Whats your drink user?
/STD/ Straight-Trans-Defenseforce
Yo Freemasons
Welcome To The NHK Thread
I have lustful feelings for my single male friend. What should I do?
This is peak 2D female beauty
I just wanna apologize to everyone for being a tranny. I'm sorry. I wish I knew what was wrong with me...
Does penis size matter if you are a Chad?
They just caught the tranny killer in Dallas...
Why are so many women so very boring?
How have your tinder dates gone in the past?
What gives your life meaning, user?
I might have a chance with a cute girl for the first time ever bros
Is there a foolproof way to kill yourself that even a coward could accomplish?
LOL SO THIS GIRL FROM Jow Forums MET ME ON OMEGLE ASKED ME OUT... bro this is fucking insane...
All men are trash period
I'm sick of this degenerate state of ((((California))). So where should I move to?
How does one attract a hot goth gf with HUGE milkers ?
White people are Gods Chosen, evolution doesnt exist and more truth bombs
Even Chads like fat poon. What excuse do you incels to not lower your ridiculous standards?
Have you ever cuddled with someone? how does cuddling feel like?
Room Thread
Is the meme of "men dating younger women" real of do normies actually do it?
What terrible decisions have you made recently?
Suicide thread. All thoughts and discussions pertaining to death and suicide go here?
/lonely general/
What is happening in Sudan? I dont know why but no media outlet wants report whats happening...
Reminder that your dog is going to die some day
The year is 2025,where are you at life?
/comfy/ thread
Have you robots ever met someone that clearly out robots you by a long shot
Mfw tried to draw wojak but failed
What would you do if someone you dated and loved alot cheated on you
Is being a farmer, living off the land, the ultimate FUCK YOU to all normal fags?
How many of you want to see the apocalypse in your life?
May 17 2021 is the day I deposit $10k into BonBon's Patreon account and start my long awaited conversation with her
I think she just won the waifu wars
*sexually harasses you on the street*
Sex talk was simply being given porn magazines, some sex ed books, and being told to never fuck without a condom
Is this the greatest soft drink ever created?
Autism General
I love wearing diapers...
How do you prevent your son from becoming like this?
/playerselect/ general
Do you have any goals anons?
Bone chilling sentences thread
/b/ is on fire
Trannies need to be executed
I love going to the hairdresser
Whats your attachment style, user?
I chose not to go to work today
Tranny hate general #006 - /thg/ - pathetic trannies edition
First day of waging
Fuck my wagecuck life
Alright robots, who can guess what I do for a living and my yearly salary just from this picture...
What does r9k think of white men? What has your experience been interacting with one?
Go to the movies
Anyone else like the idea of watching their moms get destroyed by black cock?
My foreskin is super stretchy and fun to play with...
"Look, he's awake."
Why are white women so much worse than EVERY other race of woman?
Q. to fembots
Post the fattest 2d titties you have. Tired of roastie and trannyspam
Can she just come back already?
Is brooke even real ? She is way too hot to be talking to the likes of us...
Why do non black here assume that every black man is outgoing and extremely social? Stop believing mass media
Havent showered in 3 months
I am a wizard. I will grant your wish, all I require is a secret. A genuine secret...
Females asks you what's your favorite anime
How likely is it as a 19 year old college freshman(male) who's not terrible looking...
The button
Roll for your class Jow Forums or forever stay a serf
Jow Forums Music
Wake up
Why is it that even the biggest ecelebs have virtually zero relevance outside the Internet...
Someone invented a time machine, and gave it to you
/r9gay/ - #767
Having a gf is boring, even more so if you came and are not horny anymore. You just want her to fuck off...
Fatposting pt. II
Hello fellow fembots let's talk about what it's like to be a female robot i will start well the other day i was at this...
Fembot Feels Thread
When was the last time you talked to a stranger?
I finally managed to muster the courage to as out a woman at work a few months back
Just broke up with SO. my gf was perfect. - attentive, attractive, clever, and I'm depressed (have been since 12...
Did you party at all yet?
Pay this artist on fiverr from the UK to create some game sprites to replace my placeholder art
Are there any good comebacks to "have secks"?
How can we make r9k just a little bit better?
Ask an oldfag anything
Graduated with engineering degree
You now live inside the Soviet Union, enjoy
Give me ONE reason you arent jizzing inside of fat girls without condoms. Pic related...
I'm super lonely infp loser neet, how do I get friends and a cute girlfriend before I kill myself...
Why are virtually all philosophers and great thinkers white men?
Why do basedboys love asian girls so much?
Hey 25 year old boomer here who never was really interested in phones and tech in general
Anons with gf's, what is she like?
Y-You support trans' rights d-don't you, user?
Why do girls wear more revealing clothing then men?
25+ Virgin Thread
Jow Forums Thought Crime
User, I have something to tell you
I have no friends at all. The few that I had betrayed me for no reason and left me to suffer
If he's a poc then I am a poc
Get over yourself
I'm just a normal guy ask me anything
Be girl
He doesn't want to be happy and loved
My parents are forcing me to get a job anons, FUCK!
How is it possible not to go insane in an urban area?
85% of college graduates with autism cannot find a job
You sit down at the table
What is your favourite drink?
Is it possible to cure a loner into being a normal person?
Women's bodies are disgusting and I want to hurt them
People who were teenagers in 2008 are 30 now
What you blame:
Nephew killed himself over the weekend
American Debt Refugee Article
Another abuse thread!
Did Jow Forums like this game? I liked this game...
Do you like pubes on a girl?
How do you sleep at night knowing no woman has ever wanted to spend time intimately with you and that you'll never have...
Check in time boys
I'm a trans girl ask me anything
What has been the greatest realization of your life so far?
Uh-oh! looks like it's my time of the month! OwO
Grade-A Cunt
Is it a bad idea to start a long distance relationship?
My crush is turning into a trans
How you been these past days user
Please tell me I am not the only person who is "over" owning a dog
User, don't you know you get a free pass to fuck sissies during Pride Month? Now get in here!
Question for all the qt white girls here. Is AMWF actually possible...
Hey you guys
Be me
Anons who have dated before
How does this opinion make you feel?
/depression/ - dead inside edition
The reason you're a virgin is because you don't have a car. Plain and simple
Im gonna try this again
Take a day off from wagie
How do I become an interesting person...
I want to brutally kidnap a NEET robot friend of mine and forcefully feminize him...
Want to try my own cum really bad for a while now
How long until this thing kills itself?
Reminder to go outside and engage in strenuous physical activity to improve your mood and appeal to the opposite gender!
Room Thread
How do you live knowing you missed out on getting rich from Bitcoin?
25 year old incel breaks into his hot Stacy neighbors apartment
Asian women ruined dating for me
Have to start an 8 hour shift at my manual labor job in 30 minutes
Do femanons hate trannies?
My tooth broke in half and I don't have insurance. What do? How much do I need to save up? I'm poor as fuck. Argh!
What do you not get about women?
Are women able to adjust back after experiencing a huge cock? redpill me on this
Why did she stop talking to me?
Why do you still come to this site? Theres nothing here that can help you
What anime is actually worth watching?
On Doomer/Jow Forums discord
Cute Nazi Girls
My life goals are fucking retarded and all revolve around dressing like a girl
Last deeds
Why do people have such a problem with us sleeping around a lot? It's fun and exciting...
Anyone use FL Studio? What tips would you give a beginner?
Fell in love with a tranny
What's the most times you fapped in one day?
Ask a cute transgirl anything!! ^_^
Hey user, why didn't you come over when we asked you to?
Respect a girl's personal space
This thread is for certified cyborgs only. This means you are not accepted by the robot community...
Is it possible to go back to highschool at age 28?
Was this guy a giant meme or what?
Why are Americans so sissies?
Asian guy here
We need a new militant Jow Forums culture
Hi there! I just finished coloring and mommy's not back yet so i'm bored. How're you doin...
Meet a cool dude at a barcade
If the current trends continue with pedophilia being slowly more and more accepted in society...
How was your college experience like?
Tranny hate general #005 - /thg/ - 40% edition
Why do incels worship asian girls, but write long posts about hating ''wh*te roasties''?
Why don't you just go to the local breeding grounds?
Let's post and share waifus
Anybody here whos dated or slept with extremely young girls? Why do you do it...
Robots, what was the last text you got from a girl (who isn't related to you)?
Im a girl and I had sex with over 20 guys and counting. Ask me anything
Why aren't you a norse pagan?
Post thy wish, and if ye receive the right numerals, Kek shall fulfill it!
/r9gay/ - #766
Want to go to olympics in japan next year
Riding my bike along the fjord
It's about the chase, user. It's always been about the chase. You're the ultimate creator...
Should you make a new discord account for every person you talk to (so if you fuck up with one person you can ditch it...
What does r9k think of white men? What's your experience interacting with one?
Fembots, how common is this? Have you or any of your friends tried the knot?
Ask a late 20s employed black man who loves video games/Anime but also
Im completely dead inside, post some cute anime girls to me
Femanons, why dont you just become tradwives?
Why do Western men suffer from either being pussies or being batshit insane?
Literally just be smart
How do I stop being a tranny?
Where can I find males that would like to worship me (a female)? It's my fetish
Why don't you have a job yet user
Hobbies Thread
Bots our time has come
What the fuck is wrong with you retards
*teaches children*
Ttfw only one person remembered your birthday
When will you move on?
/creativerobots/ general
OSRS autism thread
Reminder to femanons that flat tits can be very cute, but a flat butt is always gross
Has anyone ever met their significant other on Jow Forums? Please tell me ur story if so!
Do any of you have serious suicide plans here? If you don't, what would an ideal exit look like for you...
/r9blacked/ - #002
Itt:Suicide Tier Pills
Does r9k like asses or tits?
What is this look
Need to stop with the fucking cancer sticks boys, how do I go about it?
Questions to the real actual virgins on here
Who else /cuttheirownhair/
I'm going to Brazil for a week. What should I do there?
Worst pill
Let's discuss the effects ionizing radiation has on the human body
/NEET/ - #1
How can she be so flawless? What's her secret...
It's been 1 year since Four Loko user posted
Tfw homosex
Disgusted by interracial couples
Your age
Femanons why not become a camwhore? Thousands of men would fantasise and masturbate to you...
Posting this thread everyday until I get over with my obsession - day 2
I saw this and I thought of you losers :)
Be roughly a 6/10
Let's maximize our profits by destroying our entire userbase forever
Sex is good for you. Why aren't you having it?
Why don't guys put more effort into their looks as much as girls do...
What do you think Jow Forums will be like in the 2020s?
Tfw bullied a guy to suicide online
So I've been watching this chinese girl's yt channel recently and desu? Peak lifestyle. Simplystic and minimalistic...
Is loving your parents stockholm syndrome? We never asked to be born. We didn't choose to be ugly, autistic, gay, trans...
Borat voice:muh wife
Kathy, is it wrong I feel used by you at times.I know i stressed you out but the memories are haunting still...
Jow Forums draw thread
Does autism even exist? Or is it just a meme perpetuated by (((them))) like ADHD?
Imagine lifting for four fucking years. Blood, sweat, and tears. All to see her choose a fucking spic over you...
I miss when chad would make me suck him off after class
Why do normalfags think that social isolation causes insanity...
"Oh no it's just so adorable when you notice the difference between when a robot speaks on this board/in public and...
What is the cutest thing your human GF does user?
Its my birthday robots
The chad Stalin vs the monorchid Hitler
How do I get a (perfect face) ulzzang gf?
Men are slowly stripped of who they are. It happens over the course of our entire lives and it begins when we are young...
Every tranny post I see, I open the closet and just stare at the gun...
/depression general/
How are women okay with this?
Kids say the darnest things
Do you know anybody who has committed suicide? What were the effects?
Holy shit. This is it. The robot 9000 album. Why did none of you fucks tell me?
I wish a tranny hater would pin me down and forcefully have his way with me while calling me mean names
White guys are not only better looking face wise but are more masculine, taller...
This is how you solve the transgender problem on Jow Forums
I had a girl telling me my moans are cute and she loved it
I'll never live a simple life with my traditional family in the countryside of japan in a house like pic related
ALL I want is to live somewhere warm in a big city (south florida or los angeles)
Why do people act like college is some magical virginity cure? I have seen nothing to indicate so thus far
Would you sniff a nice beige pair of Latina soles?
Doomer Hours
Any really good things happen to you so far this year?
How are there people who masturbate 3 to 5 times a day? I cant be bothered to more than once every other day or so
Why is r9k so fucking slow tonight? where are all my night owl robots
I'm 24 years old and still a KHV. How the fuck is this even possible. What the hell is wrong with women ?
I am a good person
W-what's the smallest chastity cage I can buy?
When are we going to war with Iran? Should I enlist now or wait until its a sure thing?
Turning 27 in 2 weeks
Skelly thread
I just noticed they changed it to Robot9001. When did this happen? Anyway...
What is an easy job that pay decent (40K minimum)?
Once schizophrenia is cured, I'll come here to get a boyfriend
America has had 100+ military interventions since WW2 spanning all across the globe (protip: not a single one was...
All I'm saying, is that if we shrunk down all the robots, and gave them away as pets to all the fembots...
I am an Abra AMA
Would you bury your face in a fat girls fat pussy if she asked you to?
The Return of /r9futa/
I wish a big strong man would break into my house and rape my face
Just want to make 40k a year. too stupid to achieve financial independence. i think im going to end it all
I did it anons. I finished my Comp Sci project! Now I just have to write the report...fuck
Interesting Hobby Thread
I wish i could puke out the 2D pill. I mean how can any female compete with something like this?
If you wouldn't, are you really an incel?
What's your go to order at a bar?
Anyone willing to pay for my proxy?
What is your greatest fear, robots
Is there any reason to be here?
You're telling me this little dweeb is getting PAID to fuck women for a living, but you can't even get a girlfriend??
Why not just settle for a 6/10 Mexican gamer gf?
I fell for the gay meme. Take my advice, robots. Don't do it...
To the owners of Jow Forums...
Do you vape, user?
Gf told me to stop working out
/r9gay/ - #765
Why is every girl on tinder completely awful?
/Wagecuck/ Thread
Are trans girls the real robots...
Be white
When did you realise that the LGBTQ commuity and its supporters are closet pedophiles?
>he still hasn't moved to SEA
The only people who dont like ayn rand as a writer dont understand her and her beliefs
Does Jow Forums support trans rights?
How does Jow Forums feel about the asexual community...
Tfw you get some poop on your thong
Why haven't you taken Kratom bots?
TRANNY hate general #004 - /thg/ - kill all trannies edition
You smoke cigarettes...when a juul exists. cigarettes
I have approximately 72 hours left before my life is over. What should I spend it on before my date with a rope?
ITT: post the sexiest SFW photo you have saved on your computer
Does penis size still matter if you are a Chad?
Anyone else stopped eating regularly?
Tenderly caring for her edition
Waifu General /waifu/ #183
Femanons, would you like a lanklet? Would you just be settling?
How can white roasties ever compete?
Seeing as how robot culture is a dying thing
If you get a girlfriend, how often will she make you lick her pussy?
Follow all the normalfag advice, do everything I'm supposed to do
L lifted my hardest for 4 fucking years, gave it my all. Blood, sweat, and tears. All for her...
Who's your favorite monster and why?
Why is reddit so lame?
Im scared of women
Be half-White/half-Iranian
Dominant traps/feminine guys
If pedophilia was legalized across the world tomorrow, would society collapse? If not...
How can you hate on such an adorabke creature? I mean look at these poor thingsn where you see baby killers...
Live in state forest 5-6 miles from town
How do we stop the demiurge?
Mbti/horoscopes/sex/ thread
Let's watch a movie tonight, bros
How do i make money from home on the internet anons?
Have you ever taken LSD?
What kind of girls do you like user? Any specific type?
How do i get a mentally ill tranny to obsess over me?
Big Five Personality Test
Who else /cutetransgirl/ here?
Ideal bf thread
To be honest, I 100% wish I had been born a chick, but would never mutilate myself to become a tranny
Can a non--Chad get the one on the right?
I wish I didnt get this car...
Damn internet cut out last night so I'm gonna try this thread again
Does missing out on teenage love and unrequited love in general actually damage you mentally?
Life is a loop, life is infinite, free will doesn't exist...
What do fembots like most about robots?
Tfw skelly
Posting personal info
How many guys does it take before my vagina looks like a roast beef?
Another weekend, another creampie left inside my fatass fuck buddy
What's on your mind right this moment?
I'm a 186cm female. If I want a guy thats taller than me and doesn't have the face of a goblin...
At least .5% of women get creampied by dogs
Why wont fembots not date me. I don't get it
If you woke up as a 10/10 tomorrow, would you still come here?
How does one stop being an incel?
For 1 million dollars would you have sex with a 9 year old girl?
How many of you believe you can't feel love? what does love feel like?
This is the ideal white "male" body. You may not like it, but this was peak submission looks like
Was France the most powerful medieval kingdom/state?
When Chad sends a pic of his big white dick and tells you to dump your Asian bf
What do black femanons think of non-black men having a preference or fetish, let's be real for them?
How are you doing today, janny? I still have 2-3 days of proxy data left
How to get a Japanese gf?
Gf application
Stereotypical male incels spend their free time watching anime, playing videogames...
Which boards have actual female Anons?
When he has no social media
*knock on door*
Dead inside. Super mega ultra lonely edition
Hes bisexuaI
I went outside and filmed people without asking again. Received my first real hard kick.. from a feral female
The ASIAN male
Your reminder that it's fap o'clock
Need a h-hand Anonymous?
I dumped my boyfriend because I fell in love with Joker from Persona. oof
The age old debate
Whoah. Why does Europe get all the good stuff?
Is it normal to not 'feel' like an adult? I just feel like child me except now I'm expected to do stuff...
That time you followed an internet guide to train yourself to be incontinent and willingly made yourself disabled...
Boss is mid-30s blonde unattractive flat-chested white girl who's still single, always furious...
What do I do if my computer is so god damn slow. ive only had it a year and it is FUCKED
ITT: be original with one word and one word only
/r9gay/ - #764
Anyone born in the year 2000? hows college been treating you?
Whats the biggest "fuck you" I can give to this world? Suicide?
I miss JohnnyNeptune, where is that fucker?
User, why are you wearing your shirt? its blazing hot, take it off. I want to see your body
Have lots of money but no gf
So a cute girl I met on tinder asked me out. We're going to a bar today...
Have you guys ever tried not being creepy ass holes weirdos and angry dick heads?
A girl at my job started talking to me
Every job asking for previous experience
Trapped in small town
Giving up at women
Hourly Fucked Up Tranner Thread
What's the point of this shithole if there are no qt semen demons lurking anymore?I mean...
Why are Asian males so racist?
Do any lonely robots want to cuddle? i live in florida
You will never have a strong bodybuilder gf
Meet a fembot in one of those discord threads that lives in my city
Would you rather have a tol sub gf or a smol petite dom gf?
Reminder that if you don't have a GF/wife who doesn't have a burning desire to take care of you and make sure you're...
After almost fours years i think im done i really did love him though i cared about him more than i ever should have im...
Truth bomb about cereal
Every week I tell myself I'll stop drinking so much and then a few days later I drink myself into a stupor again...
California dating scene circa 2019
Why do white people feel the need to do this?
Alright, I've done this thread with positive results on other boards, might as well do it here
How many of you have dated/ are currently dating someone you met from r9k? how did that turn out?
My entire childhood went by and I never went to a party, did drugs, had sex, or had fun of any kind
How do I become manly?
Feeling kinda naughty tonight tehehe
Tfw the only people that hit on you are your sex offender downstairs neighbour and the crackhead that hangs out at the...
Jesus christ...
Falling in love with e girls
What is it about smol chubby girls that makes them so appealing?
Tfw no pure qt weeb autist bf
How big is your member Jow Forums? Don't lie to me
User, don't you wanna be held by a taller boy than you? Bury your face in his warm...
Ugly people thread?
Chad put my boyfriend in hospital
This is a thread dedicated to cute asian girls
Reaction image thread?
Hey Jow Forums
Aspergers thread
Tfw LSD made me love being alive
What is the best job in Japan for a foreigner?
Post your reasons why you will never find love
Tfw I will always be a shitskin
Would you fuck a fat chick if she was begging for your cock?
1 shot at life
Fat femanons, would you date a guy who is similarly overweight?
Hey user, honey, how tall are you?
Sister is on her period again. I know because the house smells funny
Repeat after me: trans women are women!
Letter thread you chumps. Get those feelings out there. Write a letter to someone who may or may not read it
What's your favorite pokemon anons? mine is absol
How are people skinny? like I literally dont get it?
Wizard Youtubers
Would you date a fat girl if she had a very pleasant personality and genuinely loved you?
My favorite bands are oasis, The Sex Pistols, The Replacements, blink-182, Fall Out Boy, Weezer...
We are closer to 2030 than 2008
Why do white women completely despise white men these days? I see white women with black, arab, hispanic...
What are you supposed to do when you have a day off but your boss calls you and tells you to come in because they're...
Check my stats in a video game
How do I live with a dog and avoid getting bitten?
Tell me what's bothering you robots
Humans are fundamentally insane and evil
What does it feel like to be white?
How to ascend when tiny?
Tfw you will NEVER be a member of a famous band or soloist who creates lauded music and leaves a legacy behind that...
Why you dont wear a ahegao hoodie?
What new drug should i try?
I just got my dick sucked by a 4'8 ftm in a park
Why do so many white boys these days have yellow fever? It seems like its at an all time high
"You want somethin' to eat white boy?"
Do men in this board like brown girls?
Men are all the same
Get gf
U pretty cute, user
At what age should a man start a family?
I met up with a girl from Tinder at a club and ended up leaving the club just to make out with her and feel her ass...
When will r9k turn gay/bi?
I am a sucker for a good debate but I can never get a proper one...
So son, any chance we'll get grandkids any time soon?
I am just going to say this. I love chubby to obese women
One chance at life
Spam and share your fetish
Mother literally has an IQ of 91 points
Be Peter Steele
Hey brobots I finally did it. I got a doll. Went to the wearhouse and picked it up yesterday. AMA
Which anime are the ultimate normalfag filter...
Be Muslim
Walk to the living room and sit down next to my mom who is browsing facebook on her ipad
You have exactly 3 seconds to explain why you aren't transitioning RIGHT NOW into a cute girl, r9k
Joined local KKK group
Who else here has tiny wrist
Why are black woman on Jow Forums?
Robot bf ghosted me
What would you do if a cute futa girl really liked you?
Please logically defend having kids. The only guarantee in life is suffering. The vast majority of existence is mundane...
Why is it so easy to tell if a dude is "that kinda nigga"?
There are cute negresses reading these posts right now!
Are women really this dumb, refuse to do anal then complain about how chad cheated??
How to fix sad
4 gigabytes of proxy data left
Anybody else swallowed the hard-deterministpill...
Imagine being so weak and pathetic you need to make inability to get laid as your identity...
Let's see what an avarage robot is like. Post your:
That's it, guys. I'm done. I'm the user who asked for advice about a girl, a couple days ago...
What's your classpect Jow Forums?
You have just been invited to the next mortal kombat tournament
How about some more ideal gf/bf to go with the shitposting?
Asian girls love white seed
He's a christian
Why are INFP girls repulsed by INFP males and only date abusive assholes? Let me love you you fucking whore
ITT: post your most positive attribute and your most negative attribute
How do guys really feel about small boobs?
My gf of 1.5 years randomly broke up with me pt. 3
Say what you like but black culture brings people together
Why do you always choose the female in video games?
Incredibly attractive girl ask me out
Weekly Family Thread
You just finished taking the biggest, sloppiest shit of your life
Accidentally cheated on my bf with my ex-bf
Scenario: A rich motherfucker bought land in Africa and he created his own state...
Scared of accidentally finding hentai of her
On b/f's laptop
Do you robots like Pokimaine?
How can you have a good carreer and be a good mother when you were not taught any of this ever?
User, we need you to go into this damaged nuclear reactor and close some valves to avoid an even greater catastrophy
You're on a date with this fine specimen
Be legit 8/10
On date with girl
/comfy/ thread. Let's get those nostalgic bittersweet feels out of our chests, back to when times were simpler
He treats fast food workers with respect
At some point in you life a cute girl really liked you!
Amerilards are asleep
Tfw, haven washed/showered/bathed or cleaned myself in any kind of form for over 10 months now
Do women get aroused by the thought of taking virginity of a beta male in his late 20s?
The average woman
Today I said no. I said no to pizza. I said no to pizza and I grabbed some fruit instead
Imagine being a woman, being able to generate money comfortably from home via Instagram, Twitch and YouTube
I'm cuddling with a cute transgirl I met off discord (my gf) rn
Had sex with trans girl I know
School Shooter achievement thread
Why do girls wear thongs? Aren't they uncomfortable?
Fallout new vegas was, and always will be, the only good game...
Does anyone else here hate America?
Be me
Is there a connection between being an incel and possessing almost god-like levels of superhuman intelligence?
Why do so many guys like cock but aren't attracted to men...
I want to fucking kill myself since my boyfriend left me. Anyone else?
Ask for clingy friendless bf
Big penises are too painful
How do I stop liking femdom, female supremacy, female worship, small penis humiliation, netorare, feet, foot worship...
Be me
This bitch cheated on me, shall I dump her pics?
How do i find friends bros im evil and disgusting and mega woke and i cant relate to anyone i just want to talk to...
Well played life, I concede
Vital Statistics
Why are robot standards so high?
Asian identity thread
I cannot do this anymore
Women are the most self centered, disgusting...
Songs you'd play before commiting suicide?
So these two girls working the drive-thru at McDonalds just asked for my number but I got nervous and said no since I...
/mommy general/
What is the best way to impregnate a fembot?
/r9gay/ - #763
Do fat girls like skinny guys?
I've been living in my aunt's barn fifteen feet away from her house and have avoided interacting with her for the past...
Do fat guys find fat girls attractive ? Or do they just fuck them because they can't get slim ones
What happened the last time you completely lost control of yourself?
Bar's open lads
Tfw my yellow fever became so bad even 5/10 asians become 10/10s to me
Why do Jow Forumstards do this
Tfw no asian girlfriend
User, I just wanted you to know that your height and dick size doesn't matter. So stop stressing over it...
Fantasy Roleplaying Girlfriend
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship