Has a girl ever ridden on ur shoulders?

has a girl ever ridden on ur shoulders?

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No, but one jumped on my back one time and I had my hands around her bare thighs and they were so soft and smooth.

I work with kids and sometimes they do that, never had a gf to do it with though.

I had a dream where it happened once

The only girlfriend I ever had was too fat for it

I'm 5'7, if I carried a girl in my shoulders I would be crushed


See a doctor or a priest

>woman's pussy is literally hugging your neck
What a fucking whore


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Same, she wasnt even that big but just too chubby for my skelly body.

jungle fever is easy to cure tho

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yes and it was heavenly

Princess carry is where it's at.

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You won't find any black guy to "cure" your jungle fever, tranny, and you'll never be like the white girls in your pic

No but I lifted a girl up so she could crowdsurf, and she had no panties on.

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>thinking I'm a girl or wanting to be a girl


Yeah my sister used to in the pool, tilting against other kids

What are you then? Explain..

No, just one male friend in front of the school during the opening of one competition, he was heavy as fuck, I lose control and he falls in front of basically everyone in the school, plus his glasses broke.

yes a few times at shows. have carried more on my back desu

Yo this interracial shit is more than a meme, working in retail and seeing all these young couples walk in..majority of the time its some white girl with a black dude what the fuck happened?

there was this fat girl who had a crush on me in grade 4, she tried to ride my back once, i took 2-3 steps before collapsing

>be 5'8 120lb skelly
>5'3 125lb gf
>go to rave
>she want go up
>ask chad for boost
>she go up

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