Tranny hate

post ugly degenerate men

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heres the same one OP. weird innit he?

Attached: SOY MY GOD.jpg (640x852, 87K)

Jesus, imagine having to interact with this ugly delusional veiny abomination, disgusting.

FWIW i think he'd be ugly as hell as a guy too, extremely bad luck in the genetic lottery. if he weren't trans he'd just be an incel instead, not much of an improvement


Honestly she seems very kind and you all are terrible people and should fuck off to whatever pits you came from.

He kinda looks like Goebbels

At least they are happy, even if they do tend to an hero before 30. Better than being miserable and still an hero by 30

Pretend you're a goat I don't give a fuck and you shouldn't either

very bad bait

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Trannies aren't pretending they're women in their room entirely in private (and even if they were they would still be the peak of worthless filth), they actively try and convert others to being trannies, infiltrate the media, ruin online communities, try and spread AIDS and STIs and increase the social stigma against whatever would otherwise be a relatively harmless form medium (anime).

Trying to push your way of living onto others is degenerate but why do you give a fuck if someone dresses up as a woman alone in their room?

the only emotion i feel is pity. he's clearly mentally ill and aggregating with other mentally ill people doesnt help that.

Whenever i want a self confidence boost, i just go to

it comes at the cost of faith in humanity, but oh well

Because the moment you do that you're permanently a lost cause mentally and spiritually and a waste of whatever genetic material created you. Not directly impacting me but it's a depressing thought none the less.

Anyone else question gods existence when seeing things like this? Why create such degeneracy? Why give this poor creature consciousness and emotions like everyone else but curse him by making him repulsive? Why create such a horrible existence for this poor entity. Why make him have to live this horrible lonely life, forced to watch everyone else around him be happy and attractive while he is judged and hated for something he could never control? why?

No shit they are lost causes mentally. Most of them commit suicide by the time they are 30 after they realize they did permanent damage to their bodies and can't go back, they realize dressing up as a woman doesn't make them happy then finally question why they are alive int he first place.

I feel it's basically a coping mechanism to delay suicide.

When they commit suicide that's evolution biting them in the ass.

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he unironically looks like the american goblin meme lmao

Trannies are the sad result of a generation raised entirely on pozzed media and SSRIs
Kill em all

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This thread has the lowest average IQ ive seen since pol during the elections. Keep posting the same regurgitated pics, statistics that are bent to fit your agenda, and strawmen, it makes me happy to see cishets seethe

I got some real uggos right here

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