Choose your RPG(f). She will become your romantic partner as well as your only companion on a long, dangerous fantasy adventure.
Who do you pick? Explain your reasons why.
Give top 3 if you feel so inclined.
Choose your RPG(f). She will become your romantic partner as well as your only companion on a long, dangerous fantasy adventure.
Who do you pick? Explain your reasons why.
Give top 3 if you feel so inclined.
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Wizard gf is unironically exactly what I want irl, minus the magical powers.
I would even consider the supposed cons to be benefits.
I think that's pretty much the point of the cons; figuring out which ones you can stand/actually consider a pro
Paladin gf is god-tier, btw. Give me holier-than-thou Christian girl.
Cleric and Fighter are a decent second choice.
Wizard gf is definitely best girl. Her negatives aren't as bad as what the other girls have.
>Paladin gf
Potential best girl but it depends on what her beliefs are
>not picking natural beauty and odors of unbathed Druid or Ranger
Yeah, you pretty much need to get the fuck off my board
I'd smell a ranger coochie desu
Monk for vaginal muscle control and alone time
>Not wanting a "tfw too smart" gf
at last, a true patrician arrives
Last time this picture showed up it was a debate between christfags who wanted cleric gf and some fetishist retards who wanted ranger gf
The only good choice is Wizard gf tho
>Natural beauty and FERTILE body
>Dirty, sweaty, and rarely bathes
Cleric gf sound like a real sweetie
Cleric and paladin will never cheat on you.
none will cheat on you if you're not a scumbag and give them a reason not to. ('cept bard)
>needing a reason to not cheat
Femoids, everybody.
im the male counter-part of druid, LEL. im literally a preachy hippie vegan who is a reclusive hermit kv, lel
I want to MATE with the ranger like CRAZED ANIMALS IN HEAT
the reason usually is that she loves you. dumbass
Why don't you break up with them if they're a scumbag instead of cheating like a retarded cunt.
jesus christ what a fuckin roastie
because they can milk you for loot n' gold n' shit
The Bard negative clearly states she flirts with other guys.
flirts doesn't mean she fucks 'em tho. Oh shit I forgot, you retards don't know the difference
Imagine being out with your gf and flirting with other girls and thinking thats acceptable, and doesn't immediately give the impression you want to cheat on her.
Hold women up to the same standard as men you retard.
threesomes tho
ikr? Is it bad that I want a cute pure super religious church girl even though I'm not religious at all?
id say
1 bard
2 sorceress
3 ranger
open realtionship so i can some ranger pussy tho
Sorceress gf. I love my proud, confident, haughty women and she's pretty much the personification of that.
>no dwarven prospector gf
I assume I'm gonna be just as useless as in real life so Wizard gf might be best.
I just have to give her the confidence boost that she needs and she can take care of pretty much anything. Also getting berated by her would be hot.
For my is sorceress
Surprised nobody has said Druid yet, that's my pick. Bard gf is pretty good too but there's a 99% chance she cheats on you
It is bad, because no super religious church girl would date you
Monk gf 100%
It sounds like we would be very compatible. Even her negatives are positives for me. I wouldnt mind if she was a bit muscular, I like fit girls. I would probably choose Paladin for myself, so I can tank/buff and we would be a pretty good team I think.
Druid easy
The cons are pros and the pros are amazing
i'm solo like kirito
1. Wizard
2. Cleric
3. Paladin
Here is a quiz so you can see your own class. How good of a team are you and your chosen gf?
definitely barbarian
>constantly have to calm her down
>constantly have to stop the world for wanting to kill the both of us and being forced to talk my way out of it
>she'd bully and tease me for being much weaker than she, but still respect me whenever she'd realize she can't win every fight with strength alone, and that sometimes taking the guy out from behind while he's focused on her is much cleaner
fighter would be a close second, but her honor bullshit would get in the way of my cunningness more often than not
>you can't steal that!
>I was having fun, how dare you interfere with my duel?!
sounds like fun too, but where my monstergirls at
you win internet for just 1 day. gave me good kek. 64 seventy five
Cleric, Ranger or Wizard.
Cleric top choice because I just want someone that cares about me.
Monk Gf please. I need someone to get me out of my basement.
Druid gf no question.
She is almost literally what I want irl.
I would also except the Ranger or Cleric gfs.
gentle femdom paladin gf
But user, what if you commit heresy or worst, . . .atheism
Im 7 hours late, but I didn't mean it that way, its just that they're only supposed to marry someone else thats also in the church
Cleric GF. Rest are thots or bitchy.
I will always choose a barbarian/amazon gf. Bonus points if she's an orc.
>hates the city and refuses to go there
>dirty, sweaty, and never bathes
but these are positive traits OP. giv dirty, sweaty ranger GF.
Warlock seems like the best choice. I don't care if she manipulates me as long as I feel loved
Cleric, but would choose Ranger if she had her v-card and loves pets as much as me.
r9k at it's best.
I got fighter so I can still tank and we can still make a pretty good team.
I got mystic, which I guess goes well with a Wizard gf.
I could use telekinesis to protect her fragile body from attacks or something.
Leia and Elizabeth my guy. Leia has basically got a private militia and Elizabeth is good with guns. Also they both worship you which is always a good thing.
Elizabeth is a 10/10, I'd help her on a farm.
> monk
I hate monks, I want ranger, cleric or sorcerer.
>Strong, fit, 10/10 body
>Amazing stamina
>Dumb as a rock
First choice best choice
waelock a cute
They all suck. I guess the monk is ok??
Combine wizard and monk, and you might have a perfect partner. Even the flaws might be good, complete wimp when you first meet + no tolerance for lazyness.
Jesse is perfect. Alice is nearly as good but I don't like duping someone into thinking I'm related to them either.
> a world where I can legitimately FOCUS on the study of the arcane
> thinking I'd be deranged enough to want a woman to accompany me as I delve into the mysticism of the seven hells
> tying myself down to what would become later the equivalent of an ant to what you will become in terms of incomprehensible power
Yeah that's a fucking OOF and yikes from me dawg. Go fucking kill yourself normalnigger.
I would go for the ranger gf
>She has a cool pet
>She can survive without me
>She's dirty, so she won't mind if i'm dirty
Second Choice: Barbarian
Third Choice: Rogue
Ranger lesbo gf is god tier to me since her negative points arent negative to me. Monk gf would also be a choice to push me forward but shes 2nd. The others arent interesting as their negative points clash with me.
Monk or wizard. I know where I stand and mutual growth is something I'd want in the adventure.
Druid here. Give me my Barbarian gf already.
I want to split Elizabeth in half with my cock and have a family with her. We'd teach our kids through our strengths and make up for the others' weaknesses.
they all fucking suck, but i would go with barbarian since she's somewhat more tolerable than others.
only men of irrefutable tastes ITT
>amazonian goddess easily towering over you, and most other men
>a fierce stare capable of making your knees grow weak at a single glance
>can easily overpower you with a single arm, which she does often to mess with you due to her juvenile humor
>growls and grunts like an animal when she doesn't understand your own, more subtle humor
>extremely territorial and possessive
>very low upkeep due to very rudimentary equipment, she only really needs meat and alcohol (and you)
>every fights end up with coccyx crushing snu-snu due to the adrenaline making her horny, and she doesn't take no for an answer
>will give you tall, strong and proud sons and beautiful daughters
Cleric or wizard gf. Rogue isn't too bad because all women are habitual liars anyway and I have a criminal record too.
>all women are habitual liars
Based and redpilled
Why do you hate women user?
>Tfw I'm a girl and play ranger and that description creepily applies to me
>yes I'm sometimes dirty and sweaty
>dominant yet tender personality
Elizabeth for sure.
Give me leia and elizabeth pls
Fucking pls
Wow not a single person here picks Rouge gf as their first choice? I'll take her in a heartbeat.
Though, I'm biased towards bad girls who break the rules, as long as they love me.
Warlock is second choice. Not a fan of the tryhard edgy girl Satanism stuff but I could get used to it as long as she's not one of those New Age Satanists.
The kinkiness of both is just the icing on the cake cause I like when girls have weird kinks, and who doesn't want to try a little S&M?
I want them all
Why dont I see the option to have an RPG harem?
Thanks for the gold kind stranger!
Fuck niggers
>dirty, sweaty and rately bathes
>Implying that's a bad thing
Just imagine the delicious smell of raw pussy
Post pics of sweaty butthole to prove
Is that an actual question? Women are absolute trash. Duplicitous fucking snakes.
I have hemorrhoidd user
Tank you for the goal, kind strangler
i'd just die to the first random encounter so i don't think it really matters
In the RPG world, there are REAL afterlifes, so you're forced to go in an adventure in the afterlife
Paladin, Cleric, and Ranger are all incredibly based.
Druid, Bard, and Rogue are all whores.
No brainer it's the bard
Cleric/Paladin/Ranger were my choices, couldn't decide.
Cleric or Paladin would think of me as a filthy nigger, but Ranger would probably be into me. Ranger does sound really fucking hot, though.
how to choose? they all look good. i love fantasy
Id pick cleric because its 100% sure shes a virgin and i prefer that, besides vanilla isnt really terrible and shes like a mommy so thats really nice, also healing from anything seems cool, id visit prypiat and wounder into the zone without worries
Elizabeth as a wife and Quies as a close friend who lives with us.
Jesse and Alice are fucking pathetic and Elizabeth and I can take care of them easily, but Quies would probably have to help us against Leia.
After Leia's cult is gone, Quies can live with us as our based vampire nanny and watch over Elizabeth and my children for generations.
Maybe Cleric will see you as the bad boy who will be good for her.
moral paladin gf master race
Monk is best i could become more disciplined with her and probably learn how to kill armored soldiers with hands.
Only good ones are Paladin, Cleric, Ranger, and Wizard. Paladin/Cleric offer similar things, they are both pure virgins that are incredibly loyal and religious. If the definition of vanilla sex includes oral and doggy style then there's zero real drawbacks.
Ranger is nice too, she's a nature girl with a natural female scent, you'd end up rutting like wolves, it'd be even better if she was a werewolf that turns you into one as well.
Wizard Gf is basically Aqua from Konosuba except she's supposedly intelligent but very wimpy, so you could easily dominate her sexually and emotionally, it's very appealing to show an arrogant woman how submissive she can be.
Unwritten downsides can exist though. Ranger and Wizard are probably not virgins, Paladin might be celibate, the Arrogance of Paladin or Wizard might make them intolerable outside of sex, Cleric may spend too much time in Cathedrals, around male priests that are repressed perverts that might want to drug and rape her, you might get tired of living in the wilderness with Ranger and she might even refuse to sleep in a bed.
>Ranger GF - Outdoorsy tomboy who I can share my love of outdoors, love of animals, and love of bathing dirty girls with.
>Wizard GF - Cute arrogant tsundere who will likely be the perfect gf once you go through her backstory arc, support her when no one else would, and show her it's OK to not be a genius all the time.
She'd be the better materialistic and adventurous choice, but I'm probably too lazy to be an isekai fag.
Until the rogue gf gets raped in prison for years at a time and becomes loyal to her rapist because you CAN'T TRUST HER.