What keeps you guys going? I have no energy left to keep going
I cannot do this anymore
Because I have hope that I'll become a millionaire off this project I'm heavily invested in so I already feel like I'm rich.
No one will let me die. Just let go, let me go.
My material possessions are the only thing keeping me going.
I possess the most advanced mind and pair of digits earth has ever seen. I can do great things.
Lifting and improving myself
Based, youre going to make it brah and if not at least you got farther than most people.
No one is holding you back, pussy. Stop making excuses.
You don't know what it's like to have people love you and depend on you for their happiness.
My guy, just listen to Ram Ranch.
In all serious, just imagine being a buff cowboy
post robot 2049 pics robots
I live to follow stats. I'm too curious to die, I need to know what the numbers will be tomorrow. Right now there are a lot of cool weather stats nearing their most interesting stages of the year, for example arctic and greenland ice melt, hurricanes, and record temperatures. Also, it appears more and more likely that a stock market crash will happen sometime relatively soon.
>I have no energy left to keep going
i feel the same. i think im quitting this summer
that would be interesting to see but it's not enough
Unironically turn to God and start honestly praying every night. All these years of trying shit, and recently I find out that this was the only thing I needed. Been happy since
drugs, alcohol, caffeine and nicotine. Otherwise, i would've killed myself months ago
I have nothing, I have reached a point where I'm unironically looking forward to going into work (I'm basically one step above a Mcwageslave) because there is literally nothing else I enjoy or have going for me
I have no optimism for a miraculous change but I still endure every day knowing that eventually this will end. Still can appreciate the simple experiences, things like a walk in nature or a good meal. Maybe that's the best anyone can hope for.
>tfw my weed guy stopped providing
how can you find drugs on the web in europe? it's pretty much a life or death question
dark net
install tor and look up empire, pretty simple
just fucking do it faggot..and film it
I cling to some shred of hope that I'll be able to live a simple and peaceful life without needing to work my entire life away. I just have to dumb myself down a bit and focus as much as I can on the immediate things in my life that give me gratification.
>What keeps you guys going?
I'm simply not satisfied.
>made too many enemies.
>made too many promises.
>made many friends along the way.
>i feel that my purpose is not fulfilled.
If I die, I want it in sacrifice, I want it towards the greater good.
>In the end it's my decision to live. I still have the will. It's my decision when to give up and when to keep going. My life is worth living here.
Unironically i want to see it all hit the fan, to see things unravel because they arent sustainable and for people to realize that they have been living a lie all their lives. I want to witness others who lead happy carefree lives lost in hopelessness like have been. Because misery loves company.
Crypto gains, possibility of making at least 250k in the next year
New anime seasons
The possibility of finally finding a cute mma girl to beat the shit out of me
I spend 98% of the day alternating between charts, crunchyroll/netflix and Jow Forums
Yeah I just can't bring myself to do it. I think I'll have to wait for my hand to be forced.