What are your vital statistics, Jow Forums?
And interests?
What are your vital statistics, Jow Forums?
And interests?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why not.
Of what? If it's penis then I never really measured and is only for a
Engineer sort of
Fishing, camping, wood carving, vidya, reading, writing, drawing, biking, climbing, microscopy, photography, cooking, gardening, catching bugs, and some other stuff.
I like jazz, new wave, punk, classical, blues, disco, alt, and rock mostly but I like most genres. Especially some other weird ones.
Apocalypse Now and Cannibal Holocaust are my favorites.
Kenshi, starbound, minecraft, garry's mod, roblox (I have to, my account turns 10 tomorrow), mount and blade, and total war stuff are my favorites.
My discord is Mourning_Dove#1047 if you wanna talk maybe
Have fun data mining me op
30 waist, chest is probably broader idk. Dick Size: 6.5 x 5.2
Growing stuff, making alcohol, reading, generic stuff
Lamp, Blur, Bowie, Dylan, Holst, Fukui, Stitt, etc
Jackie Brown, 2001, can't remember
FO 1+2
Nein, Had fun fbi/ad makers/Reiko/Discordfags
Have none, NEET.
Trance, deep house, eurobeat, synthwave, techno etc
Don't watch movies
Mostly FPS and RPGs
I don't do anything really, pretty boring.
You mind trading height? I'd love to be even an inch taller.
5 feet 2 inches
107 lbs
None, atm, student?
anime/manga, reading, hunting, camping, music
Iron Maiden, Avril Lavigne, J-pop
Fallout, Zelda, JRPGs
Live at home with dad, brothers
Eh. I am too sleepy to trade rn. Maybe later.
Are you literally a skeleton?
holy shit eat some food dude. also cannibal holocaust is garbage
They literally killed a turtle making that movie.
I didn't want to mention it
>between 5 and 6 inch
>learning japanese and making music and watching retarded youtube videos
>i don't like movies
>i haven't played games recently because i don't want to spend money and my computer's fucked
32x32 pants, 40R suitcoat
process engineer at o&g company
i used to paint and auction for charity but since i started wagecucking all i do is shitpost and read. work out occasionally too
dont actively/recreationally listen to music. i like songs with good/poetic lyrics and comforting tone
Jurassic Park, American Psycho, Troy
im not that autistic to play games after 16+
kissless virgin
can you be my girlfriend pls
prob larp but this is literally my dreamgirl if youre white/italian and attractive
>6 x 5
>doing nothng, smoking cigs, drinking beer, youtube, reading
>vatican shadow
>children of men
>dunk shot on my phone
other is fuck yall niggas
Dk 70k?
,coding,lurking this site and learning shit god knows if will help me improve my life
Rhcp,all grunge,punk rock ,edm,house,jazz,old piano,progressive
Fortnite,csgo,ygo duel links
I hate niggers and larpers,cringe newfags too
Eh. It kind of is but I like it because there is a niche theme that I really like in it.
Yeah rip
I am kind of one. I eat a ton though
And i like anime too
Haha, maybe if I knew you and you were okay with someone like me.
I think I am okay? Not a larp, btw
Not a fag so idk
Stock taker in a warehouse
Music/drums, vidya, manga/comics, drawing, otaku shit in general
Krautrock, math rock, industrial, Coil, Can, Neu!, Yes, Nine Inch Nails, Slint, Talking Heads, Radiohead, Autechre
Coen Brothers, Nicolas Winding Refn and some Ghibli movies I guess,
I don't really watch movies anymore
Soulsbornekiro, Nioh, Japanese action games, Deus Ex series, Dead Space series, Hollow Knight, Hotline Miami, Metroid series, Mega Man X 1-4, FF9, X. Couple others I can't think of right now
N/A, I'm a fairly boring individual
>/out/ and music
>Black metal, classic rock, jazz, none
>Burnt out on films but Cohen Brothers and Sam Raimi
>Skyrim, roguelikes, css
somewhere between 150 and 160
never measured but i can fit both my hands around it and the head still pops out
vidya, reading, anime, about it
the beach boys
don't watch movies
mount and blade, minecraft, gen 4 pokemon, anything that i played as a child and feel nostalgic for really
>>u wat
>>I write shitty ebooks for a shitty ghost writing company barely make 600 a month. (could do more if i could be arsed)
>>Playing videya, downloading various PDF files and not reading most of them, writing sometimes lift weights
>>metal, industrial/EBM, 80's rock several others
>> haven't watched anything lately. Anything by Makoto Shinkai is good
>> Don't play a lot of the new stuff. OSRS Runescape, Wolfenstein ET and surviv.io which I am strangely addicted to
>> May or may not bet getting diagnosed with ball cancer in coming weeks
>Human balloon for dimensions, 4.5 inch/1 inch penish
>Writing, vidya, history
>I get weird fixations with some types of music for a month then drop it after my obsession is over. Right now, it's AMVs and Owl City, before this it was Sabaton and Blink 182.
>Only watch modern movies for graphics. Some artsy movies but I'm not enough of a fag to spell them out.
>Paradox and Total War
>Trying to come up with a proper plot for a historical adventure novel. The MC will start from a village near where I live in 300CE, flee a bunch of savage jungle nigger raiders that'll kill his family then go on a trip overseas as a sailor. He'll get captured by pirates but a storm will force them to make land on some islands where some pre contact tribes still live. Eventually he'll lead the other prisoners in a mutiny, capture the ship then take it to our version of the New World back then. I'll use actual incidents that happened with Iberian adventurers in Asia and Americas to slowly transition him from leader of a bunch of sailors to a mercenary captain and eventually a lord in his own right. Final conflict will be when a tribal horde appears on the frontiers of the civ where he is, prompting the many city states to band together and give him supreme power. He'll fight the army to a stalemate, developing a tsundere relationship with their leader, a young princess. Eventually they'll get together, the war will be resolved with the jungle niggers being allowed to populate the empty countryside after they swore loyalty to their new king(And old queen). If I can write it well, I feel like it has potential but I'm still so far from developing the skills necessary to do so.
185 cm (6'1")
59 kg (130 lbs)
18 cm dick
Student in hs
Playing guitar, programming
Mostly metal and punk
Don't really have a favorite movie or anime, but I like these where I can relate to the feels
Used to play a lot of LoL
Nothing much, pretty boring
>150 lbs
>gaming, workaholic, reading, listening to podcasts and informative content, modding
>synthwave, darkwave, jazz, classics, non-lyrical
>John Wick Trilogy, Jason Bourne, Saving private ryan, 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, zero dark thirty
>Fallout 3/NV/4, Insurgency, Seige, Dark Souls 3 & Sekiro, Witcher 3, Skyrim, Splinter Cell
>8" long dick and into very obese women with 60"+ asses and sub 45" waistline
>is only for a
I was trying to say my dick would just be for any girl I ended up with
>I have a small pecker if that is what you are asking
>Doing lowest denominator freelance writing so basically unemployed
> internet, writing, anime, videya, downloading PDF files i will never read, code, lifting weights in the backyard on occasion
> metal (every subgenre), industrial/EBM, bunch of others
> haven't watched anything recently. Stuff by Makoto Shinkai is good
> osrs, Wolfenstein ET, somehow addicted to surviv.io
> trying to think of a way to become a millionaire
random stuff
180 lbs
dont know but dick is 7 inches
waiter and dishwasher
video games, war gaming, painting miniatures, exercise, history, shooting, hunting, fishing
older country like johnny cash and hank williams jr
love historical movies like gettysburg, zulu, and waterloo, also love war movies like saving private ryan
mostly paradox games and realistic shooters like squad and rising storm
i have autism
paradox games muh nigger
warband is best game xd
>5 inches i think ive never really measured it
>ex-retail, now im a NEET
>listening to music a lot, literature, philosophy a bit
>bowie, radiohead, min bul, scott walker, oiseaux tempete, coconuts, the necks, buckethead, varathron, castanets, autechre
>day of the dead, falling down, new godzilla was good, se7en, the thing
~= exp(ln(94) * ln(2.174))
6.5" x 2.5"
elf-employed (not a typo)
desolation, also when the voice commands me ( vocaroo.com
Asked and answered: vocaroo.com
I own a copy of ghost in the shell.
No u.
I mean, I don't find any of the above to be vital at all, honestly speaking. What's the point honestly?
Are you 34?
eh? like B-W-H ? 93-70-90
Games, anime, cosplaying
Mainly metal but I listen to classical too
Dont really have a favorite movie
WoW, Tera, Souls game (pretty much everything in the series), Neptunia games,
Idk what else
Bored so why not
>too young
>90 something pounds I think
>dont have a dick
>cleaner/ janitor
>reading, writing, piano
>classical, prog metal, melodic metal, whatever genre radiohead would be
>cant think of any rn
>alot of flash games and pc rpgs (binding of the issac, neverhood, Stanley parable, hollow knight etc)
>What are your vital statistics, Jow Forums?
>And interests?
60-70 kg fat
Gaming epic fortnite
Don't watch
Making my own in Unity, The Forest
>Are you 34?
2.1735 is a slightly better approximation but only accurate to the hour.
Eh, why not?
Slim/skinny idk
Ranch hand
Cooking, shooting, movies, games, aviation, history, and building things
Classic rock 50s-90s but I am coming out of my shell and looking at other music.
Shawshank is my favorite next to interstellar and Children of Men. War movies are favorite overall.
Moving to Vegas in a month and hopefully my friend can get me into the union.
I will be on for awhile so AMA
how did you get so tall?
did you drink milk and walked outside a lot when you were young?
>this guy exists probably
Sorry it took I was playing pubg.
Yeah, I very active as kid and drank milk everyday with my chips ahoy cookies.
I am skelly status though bro
Ty but also rip. My drawings are pretty weird though pic related. I need to get back into drawing.
>deleted the comment but I still read it
I usually feel pretty bad when that happens. Or you delete one and someone posts what you deleted from an archive.
I think that your bmi is pretty healthy though. Maybe you are skelly by amerifat standards.
Yeah you prolly right user.
i should've kept being active and drink milk until adult age. I was literally either the tallest kid or the second tallest until the 7th grade, which is when i stopped being active and drinking milk on a daily basis.
i could've been 6'2" and not the king of manlets at 5'11".
welp, i hope i get to breed my tall gf
>Jackie Brown, 2001
vidya, anime/manga/LN
Game/anime OSTs, nothing else
I don't really watch any, but I liked Shawshank Redemption
JRPGs most of the time. If not, H-games
I'm extremely autistic about Isekai stories, they are pretty much all the japanese entertainment I consume. I also like the occult I guess? Not in the edgy kind of way, I just really like stuff like gods, creatures and magic. It's basically just a continuation of my interest in mythology when I was a kid. Also, pic related.
>dunno what u mean by measurements
>no job
>hobbies: vidya, shitposting
>music:Death grips, alt rock in general Idk
>movies:Synecdoche new york, No country for old men, Boyhood, Mullholland dr
>games: Half life 2, MGS series, persona 4
>I'm just a sperg :(