How do I stop liking femdom, female supremacy, female worship, small penis humiliation, netorare, feet, foot worship...

How do I stop liking femdom, female supremacy, female worship, small penis humiliation, netorare, feet, foot worship, high heels, high heels humiliation, high heels worship, beta humiliation, premature ejaculation humiliation, spitting and virgin humiliation?

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by suicide commission

female supremacy is awesome, why would you want to leave that? Haven't you learned anything from all the sad attempts at being alpha you see here?

suicide and/or realize you look retarded and a female cannot dominate a grown male

you don't
you can't

I also wish I could, and from time to time I find myself capable of staying away from femdom stuff for a month or maybe slightly more, but then I always end up going back to it, whether because of some dream, or watching a movie, or playing a game, or simply a few pictures on the internet that was barely relevant to femdom but just enough to make me open sadpanda and look for femdom

there really is no escaping it, once you realize you have it it's too late, there's no 'redpill' because you will easily debunk anything you read about it on Jow Forums or Jow Forums about females being inferior and thus can't dominate or whatever memes they spew at you

tho I feel bad for you for being into NTR, that's the one fetish I don't have and doesn't wish it on my worst enemies

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I like NTR because of humiliation not because of the bull or cheating. Just girls humiliating my little penis and reminding me that I'm a pussyfree virgin.

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i feel you OP. Not because I want to get rid of the fetish but because I'll never get to live it out

I see
tho I guess it IS NTR, I don't think cucks actually like the 'act' of being cucked, but the humiliation resulting from it?

anyways, good luck trying to fight your nature

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I just like the small penis/virgin/beta humiliation while having my little penis mocked and being told its undeserving of sex. I don't like "bulls" but just big penises that make mine pale in comparison.

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stop watching porn.
it's tough, but you need to master yourself.