at some point in you life a cute girl really liked you!
and you fucked it up
At some point in you life a cute girl really liked you!
I'm aware now that I look back I could have lost my virginity at like 14 or 15 instead of losing it at 17 but doesn't matter now I've got a girlfriend so I try not to let stuff like that from the past bother me too much.
No, we both fucked it up, but nice try OP. Still got laid.
I would slit your throat if I could.
literally and unironically not a single girl has ever liked me
If she REALLY liked me, she would have been persistent in searching for a way to get close to me, even if I outright rejected her advances.
The truth is those girls were only testing the waters to see if I'm Chad material. They gave up quickly, because they'z queenz an don waste no time wih no beyta LOOZURS *snap* *snap* *snap*
That's pretty harsh why would you say that?
>at some point a cute girl really liked you
I wish
yeah but i aint takeing that "i fucked up" bullshit. The will to get something you like goes for both genders, if she couldnt work up the courage then she fucked up not i, maybe this serves as a lesson to her, regret is a geat teacher.
Not true. No girl has ever liked me.
Fucking normalfag get off my fucking board you shitty plebbit retard, neck yourself maybe people will care about you then and suck my huge white dick you donkey fucker
wow no need to be so angry friend, never used reddit so I'm afraid I can't go back I've been here for quite some time so think I'll continue to stay, if a cute girl did like you at some point it was probably that bad attitude of yours that ruined your chances
You idiots kill me. Had a girl of your dreams yanked your pants off, grabbed your dick and inserted in her pussy you would scream the WHORE RAPED YOU.
>suck my huge white dick
faggots in denial are usually angry
Yes, several times
From plopping her toned butt right into my lap in a room full friends to "accidentally" walking in on me in the shower when the door was locked
But i panic anytime girls approach me because im a social retard with too many past embarrassments and i know they'll leave me either way once they realize how autistic i am
I desperately want a girl to beat me up but i cant even talk to them normally without dropping pasta
Some of us just werent meant for this
This has actually happened to me too many times to count, even though I am a fat autistic looser
>That girl in 5th grade who followed me around and talked to me constantly but I had a crush on some other thot and ignored her
>That girl at Summer camp who picked all the same activities as me and followed me around
>The big tittie Goth girl who literally asked me to go to prom but I turned her down because I thought it was a prank
>The mulatto girl at work who sat with me on my lunch breaks and kept asking if I had a gf
>The qt shy Asian girl at a different job who talked with me for hours, gave me rides home, and shared all the same interests
I hate myself so I can never believe someone else finds me attractive until my friends point out to me how dense I am. And by then it's always too late. I'm resigned to die alone.
>muh clear hints
I THOUGHT a girl was dropping clear hints once.
So after I while I gathered courage and asked her out but she rejected me.
Another time a girl kept sitting next to me in class and starting conversations with me, found out 3 weeks later she had a bf.
Fuck these whores and their clear hints, they're all just playing with your heart.
>be 13-14
>be really hard into that Qt, just like nearly every boys in our grade, she was really cute and kind and all that
>nigglet(female) that's been in my class for like 4 years by then, come to me and tell me that this very tall girl (I'm a manlet now but I was rather average then and she had a good head on me) that was in our class was into me, and she was standing right behind her looking super embarrassed
>think that she's just messing with me and was just having a laugh so I say I'm not interested
>now realize that the way we interacted really changed past that point (we weren't friend or anything but we weren't on bad terms either) and she might've actually been into me
>now have a size-difference/giantess fetish
just fuck me
I know you have autism and all but talking and sitting doesn't quite count as "liking" someone.
how do you fuck up this many times
it doesnt matter if she has a bf
you know that girls reject a guy hoping that he keeps on trying, they test your willpower
they WERE dropping clear hints
It's me and G again, walking in a gay morning in a good neighborhood of Liverpool, the sun is finally shining after several days of moody cloudyness.
We finally concluded that at this point in life it's hard we're going to find someone. No candidates in our work environment. We don't go out that much. I am even surfing Jow Forums, I mention, with him telling me that it's no good.
> Ah, G, we should have gotten someone in uni. Now's too late
> Yeah. Actually
> What
> Do you know that M...
Oh no, he's referring to that cute girl which was always smiling and refreshing and had nice manners and smelled of flowers and good things and whose sound lifted my spirits every moment she was wondering around me
> ...was really into you?
> What?
> Yeah, she was really into you. Clear as spring water.
> No...
> Yes, remember when we were hanging out in my room? She was literally sitting on your lap
> No
> Yes
I stop. How bitter was the taste of my mouth in that moment.
> How didn't I notice?
> Yeah, sometimes I wonder it myself
> Why didn't you told me?
> I thought you knew
> ...
> ...
> She was dumb anyway
> Yeah
Because he's still a virgin at the age of 30, and overweight
>ridding this board of normalfags
>bad attitude
Okay retard
a cute girl never did and never will like me, stop being delusional
>I'm gay anyway
Yea I don't think this happened to me
I mean maybe but
I don't think anyone liked me that way in school, and I barely leave my place other then the store so
Again, part of my problem is it's literally impossible for me to see how someone could find me attractive. I am certainly not physically attractive. I'm overweight, I have basically no chin, and i'm not particularly great in any other area.
On top of that I don't pick up on social cues AT ALL. I'm smart enough to figure it out late but I can't process those kinds of signals mid-conversation.
My theory on why these girls were into me (at least from what mutual friends claim), is that I have a somewhat chad attitude despite my physical shortcomings. I literally do not give a fuck what people think so I simply do and say what I want and I could care less if people think badly about me. I'm already a self hating looser with few friends, what do I care if someone finds me weird or whatever? I can talk to even the prettiest girl for hours without feeling stupid or whatever because I just don't give a fuck.
That's the only thing I could come up with desu.
>be me
>never had a gf
>never held hands
>never kissed
>never had a hug besides the rare greeting hug that Stacy's give
>go to private school
>filled with asians, Indians, whites
>I should be drowning in pussy
>im not
are they just racist ? no girl here has ever said they liked me, I have tall hair, im not fat, god tier on basketball team... guys what the fuck
but also
>be me
>never ever ever have made the first move
is that the problem ?
no it can't be...
>be me
>no girl has ever made the effort to converse with me often
>get the occaisonal, "hi niganon!"
>doesnt say hi for the rest of the year
Same but the more details I've recalled the more I've realized that I wasn't dumb.
Maybe she was cute, maybe she was totally blunt about the fact that she like me but she literally had 0 idea who I was.
I knew I would only burn myself because fundamentally we were too different.
>Im a brown person so why dont white and yellow girls throw their vags at me
>t-they must be racist
>are they just racist ?
Nah, you are just black.
But to be honest don't expect things to just happen. They might but that doesn't mean they will.
what do you suppose I do ? wait till uni ?
I wish
Would have plenty of problems solved.
But no, I won't go down that way. Born straight and I'll face the consequences.
>at some point in you life a cute girl really liked you!
If you are underaged then probably yes.
It's true not gonna lie, happened to me a couple times but I was to shy/dumb to even do something about this
>it doesnt matter if she has a bf
Would you feel that way if you were her bf?
This sounds like something straight out of an anime
thats the thing
even though these girls have bfs they still flirt around with other guys
this is how it is nowadays user, you can play that game or you dont, its your choice
Nope, never happened. No female has ever liked me.
There will always be men that act on opportunities presented and men that never will. This applies to all things not only with women. Real men ACT and faux men deliberate and ruminate.
>be 2 years ago
>i was 16
>I met a 5/10 gril
>liked anime... and depressed
>Na it's fine she actually likes me so why not
>We start dating kinda
>Only ever held hands
>We did cuddle alittle when watching anime
>I'm to scared to do anything else because I dont know what to do and don't want to be to pushy
>ff a month
>"We're moving user" -Dad
>"What why?"
>"Because we want to"
>I move to other state, change school and never see's her again
>We tried texting and all but I don't know what happened but I lost connection with her
>I became dep at first alittle because I had lost the only friends that I actually cared about in my life and gf
>stops thinking about it
>everyone in my new school were annoying retards that only talk about bs things
>they still get better results than me that actually does what we should
>starts hating everyone more and more
>everytime I hear their stupid voices I just want to snap their necks
>oh yea my ex gf might have killed herself
>she was pretty depressed before she met me and after we met
>i really hope she's well though and that I might meet her again
Relatable. I get called asexual for it and that kinda hurts
I don't respond to signals or advances because I've listened to drunk grills talk about their experiences with small dicks. If women like you and you don't respond they just become cold and angry over time so you're trapped.
>go through with it and eventually reveal your cock
not after the things I heard
>pretend not to notice or passively reject her and she goes cold on you
only possible outcome for me atm
let me know when science invents a proper cock upgrade because right now I can't even find the motivation to moneymaxx, there's nothing else I want to buy
we're talking about 11cm for reference, so about 4.3 in ?
this is what normals do
they see a thread that has nothing they could contribute to so make it about them
>virgin thread? I'll tell them how I'm not one
>sexually abused thread? I'll tell them I wasn't
>aren't I great :)
And everytime I promise myself I won't fuck up next time.
Here I am now 23 khv.
No girl has liked me
im in a similiar situation user. shes a friendless, shy, 5/10 girl who likes anime (probably depressed too). Was dating her too awkward for you, user? or should i go for it
Yet you still ended up here. Curious...
>at some point a cute girl really liked you!
>at some point in you life a cute girl really liked you!
and you fucked it up
you really think any girl has ever liked me?
i've got a friend, but a friend is all that she is really
this, the only girl that I ever really talked to at all was a lesbian
Tell me about it.
>spent 24 years being a fat slob of lard.
>160 kg
>decide to turn life around
>daily cardio
>weight training
>intermittent fasting
>down to 80kg in roughly 2 years
>Jow Forums
>girls into me obviously
>flirt with me
>get anxious and leave
fuck my life. i am a grown man who can't even
I don't like the flirting with strangers. Nothing wrong with it.
>she applauds and probably even actively promotes a world where guys moving in on her is seen as unwanted aggression
>thinks dropping "clear hints" will be enough from her side to start mating or relationship after causing that mess
You do not get to have both your cake and eat it, bitch. Speak up or go home.
>only not kissless because girl said she wanted to kiss me
I'd psychologically be Elliot Rodger nowadays, were it not for this stroke of luck.
But real talk? The biggest problem is cowardice instead of obliviousness. The latter comes from avoidant self-doubt.
yes just happened to me, i wanna die
Could have lost it a 14-15 years old with my gf.
Ended up losing it at 28.
Idc though, the life I lived is the reason I'm who am I now.
Fucked two times with two different girls so I might get back those "lost years"
greentext it you faggot
I know one did. And I was aware. I fucked it up by pushing her away on purpose.
the question is where does the cowardice come from?
Yeah, I wish I'd of acted differently.
But fuck it, I'm a better person these days.
>yes just happened to me, i wanna die
now fap to it
No. That did not happen. I would have known.
Anyone else born to a single mother and realized too early how much complete bullshit women are? I literally can't see myself enjoying spending time with a woman. Im not gay thankfully, just dont want to deal with the drama and headache that seem to follow every woman around.
Fear of the unknown? Fear of embarrassement?
I notice a trend in myself and in anons that we are afraid to display sexual interest to girls. So horny alone inside the bedroom, but comes a girl we get all stiff (except our dicks).
>hook up with girl
>she realizes youre a weird autist
>get #metoo'd so she can save her reputation
Im afraid to even look at women these days
Yeah, it happened to me, a 15 year old said she loved me, but i was 19 years old and i had to reject her because of our retarded laws.
And here i am at 27 years old and it hasn't happened since then.
what the fuck was the issue? most countries/american states have 16 as aoc, and if not then there's a grace period for people in a certain age range (for example, the aoc in my state is 18 but it's 16 for people under 23)
could you not just wait a few months
She was beautiful too, natural blond hair, slim figure and green eyes, but where i'm from its hard set to 18, no exceptions and even just normal dating with no sex would get you in trouble.
Thinking back if i accepted her, my life could have turned out very differently.
I dont even talk to women or look at them unless its absolutely necessary
Im scared of being alone with them in one room
sadly my job involves talking and touching women a lot
this will backfire one day I can feel it
I'm not afraid of "metoo", I believe this is more a first world problem.
I think I'm afraid of the embarrassement. It seems awkward, even impolite or rude, to display sexual interest. Odd thing is, the times I displayed it subtly I created attraction, be it staring in a girl's eyes a little longer or touching her skin with my hand.
Oh, no. Loads of girls hit on me quite clearly. I didn't wang their whore pussies.
They never got anything close to straight A*s and looked like makeup-caked tarts. Fuck them; hope they got teenage pregnancies. I'm too good for society's shitstain majority.
>7 years ago
>be 15
>neighbors come hang out and swim with us sometime
>they have a daughter who's 17
>we are all swimming
>every one goes inside and it's just me and the daughter in the pool
>im just trying to see how long I can hold my breath
>come back up
>"user my top came off can you help me find it"
>it's floating right beside her and she's not even attempting to cover up her chest
>i just pick it up and hand it to her
to be fair what the fuck is one supposed to do in that situation
We were only together for a month or so i can't really help you much but when i was with her it was nice. It was nice having someone that actually likes you next to you
I fucked up so many good opportunities by not realizing or just being a pussy. I try not to think about it because when I do it makes me wish I could just blink out of existence.
I tell myself that Ive changed and that if a good opportunity came along now it would be different, but it's been so long now that i don't know if ill ever get a chance to prove it.
One time a girl straight up told me i should ask her out but i didnt i just kinda laughed it off because i dont even know why
This has literally never happened user
>that tomboyish girl in elementary who told me straight up that she liked me, but I get weird about compliments and had a crush on another girl so I turned her down
>that bubbly girl in high school with the cutest smile I've ever seen who always kept finding me before and after school and sitting next to me to talk to me, and kept moving my hand to her ass when we were partnered for a dance in class and were practicing alone
>that girl from the high school I transferred to who kept making googly eyes at me through the year and eventually asked me to prom, but I refused cause it made me nervous to think of what my friends will say
>that short-haired girl in my first year of architecture who kept trying to be friends with me even though she only hung out with girls, and kept messaging me on facebook trying to get to know me, but I kept cutting her off because I couldn't believe that she could possibly like me, even though I frequently heard her friends tease her about me
I always had this horrible image of myself in my head so I couldn't ever believe that anyone could like me, but looking back now I can see that I used to be pretty attractive. Now it's too late though, I'm just a fatass with terrible posture and a defeated attitude.
I fucking hate faggots like these
In my case is self-hate.How could someone ever like me?
Same bro orgog
Ya. But she was like 3 years younger than me and I didn't want to be called a pedo.
Same here. It is what it is.
Because anyone can open social media and see thousands of women complaining about how creepy men are stare-molesting them in public spaces. Or how men are violent pigs who care only about sex and themselves. Or how women have to be afraid of men all the time because we apparently beat women to death whenever they reject us.
The truth is, most normals do not want ugly shy men to interact or participate in anything. They want us to sit in a corner and die. I'm saying this as someone who is not a virgin, and has had girlfriends before. Despite these past successes, I am still very very aware of how society treats us differently from normal looking (white) men.
Understandable bro. Keep your head up
A drunk girl forced her tongue into my mouth once. Hell yeah, what a Chad I am. Truly a life-changing experience.
On a couple of occasions random teens on the street have called me handsome or cute.Are autistic manlets popular among the zoomer girls.
Literally more of a chad than us. I have friends, social skills, good hygiene, confidence, and overall I have my shit together, and no girl has ever showed interest in me. Not even an ugly drunk girl at a party. Why? Because I lost the genetic lottery, and even when I try my best it's usually not enough. Getting women to see me as human is such an uphill battle, to the point where I almost don't care about the entire gender anymore. Even my friends tell me that women aren't shit, and they fuck a different hoe every week.
>On a couple of occasions random teens on the street have called me handsome or cute
Why are you here
>Are autistic manlets popular among the zoomer girls
Zoomer girls are the worst, most entitled bitches in existence. They unironically believe they "deserve" someone like Chris Evans. This is because social media and constant validation has convinced this generation of women that they are inherently more valuable than men and that they do not need to improve themselves for any reason
>Why are you here
Because I'm a kv autistic manlet.
I wish I could explain my failures with women with something within my control. If girls have legit called you cute, it means that your autism is the only thing that's actually holding you back, not your ugliness. I would kill to switch places with you, just remember that. You should at least try to make the most of what you have.
not him but I've gotten compliments on my looks before (not exactly cute but things like "you have nice eyes" or "I like your hair"), but autism is one hell of a thing to be holding you back. Personality is one of the hardest things to improve, whereas you can boost your looks with simple things like exercise/hygeine that has direct, noticeable results.
There are plenty of ugly guys out there with gfs so clearly the problem with people here is autism. it doesn't matter that I look okay (probably nowhere near as good as you assume I do, I'm like a 5 maybe) because I can't hold a conversation for more than a few seconds, so even if I was attractive I couldn't get a gf
She was a cheating cunt, both the ex-wife and the ex-girlfriend were cheating cunts. They cheated after I left. They cheated 8 years after I was gone. The fact that they still cheat on their husband/boyfriend now is no skin off my dick. But I will not give them dick any longer.
I didn't fuck it up.
She fucked it up.
She dropped so many hints, her femfriends told her: "duh, why don't you tell him it's a fuckin joke?!"
When I confessed, she replied "teehee, it wouldn't work, but I still see you as a good friend".
Karma's a bitch: she's now an ugly lard ass golem, 34 and single.
Never forget that girls crave for attention, to the point they "drop hints" even if they're ready to chicken out as soon as you're going to confess (or, worse, the exact moment you confess).
The only exception is when a girl confesses in a way that if you turn her down everyone would laugh at her. That is, when the girl assumes 100% of the risk of this fuckedup "mating ritual".
>be youngster in 1895
>alcoholics: legal age is 16 (yes, 16)
>marriage: as long as you've got a decent reputation and a job, by the time you turn 18 someone will offer you his virgin daughter, a girl who knows her place is the kitchen. She will love you to death because society enforces slut-shaming. And you will fuck like rabbits for decades
oh, boy.
>be youngster in 2019
>50% marriages end up in a fucked up divorce
>with the very exception of super traditional religious people out there, the bride will smell like foreign dicks
> and the groom will smell like decades of obsessive-compulsive fapping
Something tells me you just didn't notice it happening.
And that's even worse.
yes. this is happened on multiple occasions to multiple various extents. could have got my dick sucked by the girl of my dreams but decided against it because "muh real love" and "takin it slow" feels. definitely regret it but whatever, won't make the same mistake with the next one that's bound to come along.
A lot of girls in middle school were into me and then a few in high school
Wish I wasn't so autistic and went for it