How can you have a good carreer and be a good mother when you were not taught any of this ever?
How can you have a good carreer and be a good mother when you were not taught any of this ever?
Evan Rogers
Colton White
The economy was not made to suit both. Pick one.
Andrew Cooper
the cycle is broken. this is a brave new world. embrace your liberation
Jonathan Bell
You can't do both stop trying to. We men learned that the hard way generations ago.
Ryan Barnes
Are you going to take care of a child?
Ethan Ortiz
Kinda funny how white boys on Jow Forums think only white men/women wanted a traditional family when infact everyone did but it's too late.
Gabriel Davis
make lots of money. embrace being selfish. there's too many babies in this world. unironically don't become a mom.
Nathan Cruz
rolemodel you are
Christian Bailey
I doubt that is him because I see pussy lips.
Jose Bennett
It's truly beautiful. Now I fuck white men's wives as their husband watches.