How can you have a good carreer and be a good mother when you were not taught any of this ever?

How can you have a good carreer and be a good mother when you were not taught any of this ever?

Attached: Swentagrēiwa.png (600x600, 336K)

The economy was not made to suit both. Pick one.

the cycle is broken. this is a brave new world. embrace your liberation

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You can't do both stop trying to. We men learned that the hard way generations ago.

Are you going to take care of a child?

Kinda funny how white boys on Jow Forums think only white men/women wanted a traditional family when infact everyone did but it's too late.

make lots of money. embrace being selfish. there's too many babies in this world. unironically don't become a mom.

rolemodel you are

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I doubt that is him because I see pussy lips.

It's truly beautiful. Now I fuck white men's wives as their husband watches.