>incredibly attractive girl ask me out
>say she's not my type
>turn 360 degrees and walk away
how did you get revenge on society today bros
>incredibly attractive girl ask me out
>say she's not my type
>turn 360 degrees and walk away
how did you get revenge on society today bros
But did you kidnap her later in an alleyway?
its not 360 degrees you nigger
maybe he spun round and started walking backwards?
imagine being this much of a retarded newfag
>turn 360 degrees and walk away
You moonwalked your way out, r-right user? You didnt miss the chance, did you?
>turn 360 degrees and walk away
Someone get rid of these fucking newfags.
This most most originally.
I've never understood this meme because the sentence make perfectly logical sense without moonwalking.
You just spin in a circle and walk 'away' (walking in any direction other than in front of you)