Incredibly attractive girl ask me out

>incredibly attractive girl ask me out
>say she's not my type
>turn 360 degrees and walk away

how did you get revenge on society today bros

Attached: 76879.png (1280x1280, 163K)

But did you kidnap her later in an alleyway?

its not 360 degrees you nigger

Attached: dumbfaggot.gif (325x265, 12K)

maybe he spun round and started walking backwards?

imagine being this much of a retarded newfag

Attached: giphy.gif (300x233, 155K)

>turn 360 degrees and walk away
You moonwalked your way out, r-right user? You didnt miss the chance, did you?

>turn 360 degrees and walk away


Someone get rid of these fucking newfags.

This most most originally.

Attached: IMG_4135.jpg (349x642, 40K)

I've never understood this meme because the sentence make perfectly logical sense without moonwalking.
You just spin in a circle and walk 'away' (walking in any direction other than in front of you)