Say what you like but black culture brings people together.
Say what you like but black culture brings people together
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Yeah right before they get gunned down in a driveby lmaoooo
Breaking down the barriers of society for 80 years
fuck black culture. the dumbest shit I have ever seen in my life. you idiots glorify hoes, sag your pants,speak like idiots,hate education and you let criminals get away with shit.
>glorify hoes
All men do. All men like whores
>sag your pants
Not really all that cool anymore but it was fashion. Not all fashion is functional.
>speak like idiots
And everyone wants to speak like us
>hate education
Lmao literally has never been true
>let criminals get away with shit
Yeah sometimes
you dumb fucks shame blacks for trying to get an education by calling them an uncle tom or for trying to be white. fuck black culture and the idiots who emulate it.
I pretty much came here to say this. Black culture is a blight on the USA. Notice how the younger generations get stupider at the same time that rap """"music"""" is a prevalent genre.
not all men like whores lmao
you sound insufferable
it kinda not
it brings blacks and south americans
both of them hate whites
or at least normie whites
it seems like they have nothing against white chads though
another reason for me to say
real robot music is metal music
preferably black metal
So does Satan with the tower of babel What's your point.
>2 white women
>2 black women
>1 mexican women
>1 nigger
>1 jew
Yep, the whole gangs together. Loving the diversity btw
No we don't. You're pulling that out of your ass.
One of the most iconic black tv shows ever was about kids at a historically black college.
In the 90s, black university apparel was fashionable. Black colleges were promoted on black TV constantly. They were practically brainwashing black youth to go to college.
BET does college tours. Lie again about some shit you have no knowledge of.
the fuck are you talking about? why do you think the educated blacks are called an uncle tom?
>1 mexican
>1 jew
Where do you see these people
yeah and they get shame for it because that is being white.
They aren't though lol. Who told you that they are?
talk to any black guy that is trying to improve the blacks community and he will tell you how other blacks shame him.
>Not really all that cool anymore but it was fashion. Not all fashion is functional.
Do you know WHY it was a fashion? Because in California city and county jails after you were arrested they'd take your belt away. And in jails where you were forced to wear prison-issued pants, most younger offenders were given pants that were too large for them.
The "baggy, falling-down" pants "fashion" was a deliberate attempt to look like you were in jail. That's the actual sociological history of it.
black people actually believe this? you are the most arrogant people on the planet desu
Who the fuck is telling you this? Lol. Black university culture is huge, especially in the South. It's almost expected of all smart black kids in Texas to go to Prairie View University.
No they won't tell you that. What black person have you talked to that's trying to improve their community? Lmao people who try to improve their community are treated like fucking kings. The famous ones are practically deified after they die. Stop pretending you know successful black people.
That's one theory. Another theory is that black kids used to wear hand-me-down clothes because their parents couldn't afford to buy knew clothes, so guys had pants that were a couple sizes too big and it eventually became fashionable.
There's also the gay theory.
There are many theories behind sagging, none have been proven. Stop acting like you know please.
yung gravy is an exception to rap and is extremely based, hes the white lil b
What was arrogant about what I said? No other culture in America has brought young people of every different background together. You don't see many Mexicans at a country concert. Not many black fans of indie rock. But go to a hip hop or R&B concert and you'll see literally everyone. Black, white, Hispanic, Asian, gay, straight. men, women, in between.
>b-b-but black people hate college!
>they call you an Uncle Tom if you go to college!
No black people even say "uncle tom". The term is "coon".
well that is the general black culture because they want to be the opposite of whites. so trying to be successful is acting white according to blacks.
>I mean, don't blacks hate school?
>they would never have a show about university students that ran for 5 years!
>that must mean everyone who watches BET is an "Uncle Tom"!
>so trying to be successful is acting white according to blacks.
Who is telling you this shit? You're literally saying shit that's not true at all.
things that attract lowest common denominator usually does that
Sounds like something you do. Black culture is based
Like Jow Forums? Cringe edgy comment btw
not saying it applies to all blacks but that is the general culture with blacks.
It seems like your whole theory of blacks hating success comes from Jow Forums and one self hating "successful" black guy who is hated by other blacks because he actually wants to be white, not because he's not a gangbanger.
Jow Forums is white culture because no other culture support free speech and expression as much as whites, blacks a very narrow box mentality. so if your black or any other race your in the minority and most likely on the upper spectrum of intelligence for your race desu
No it's not. The culture overall promotes education and going to college, as you can see from all of my posts with college being promoted by popular black TV shows and black television channels. A minority of blacks, usually the ones who have nothing going for them, shame people who go to college, just like poor whites do. Can you stop acting like you know my culture? Especially since you know literally no black people?
It's not uncommon for hip hop and R&B videos to be shot on college campuses.
how much money do you make? you sound like your on the lower spectrum of intelligence.
Just a recap: 9 examples of college being promoted in black culture. But sure, black culture in general is against college. Stupid ass.
>implying they will not call it uncle tom tv shows
>implying they will not switch to lil wayne or nicki minaj shows.
>they = you
How many black people do you know user
I can tell you know 0 black people because you brought up 2 rappers that haven't been relevant in a decade.
Black people are trained from an early age to hate white people. It's literally ingrained in them and you can sense it. The tiny % that are smart always go into racial politics. It's practically their entire identity to hate white people.
do you know anyone who doesn't hate whites? most people have the white hating gene.
Which is why a white man can win a BET award.
well is hard to know black people when the most dangerous neighborhoods are from black neighborhoods.
That must be why there is an entire sociological and educational theory subdiscipline devoted to coming up with bullshit excuses for why African American males despise and deride educational attainment.
Here's a good example:
>Our work with African American males
reveals a positive relationship between cultural mistrust and oppositional
cultural attitudes and an inverse relationship with outcome expectations,
outcome value, and academic achievement. Cultural mistrust is a significant predictor of academic achievement. As African American males'
mistrust increases, their academic outcome expectations decrease. As
mistrust increases, oppositional cultural attitudes also increase. Students
with high cultural mistrust, oppositional cultural attitudes, and low valuation for educational outcomes have lower expectations for the benefits of their educational outcome. A presence of cultural mistrust and
oppositional cultural attitudes clearly undermines educational outcome expectations.
So you know no black people, talk to no black people, but you speak on black culture as if you're an expert. Ok. Just wanted to make sure.
Say what you like but white culture LITERALLY brings people together
Jewish slave traders were not white.
Your own link proves you wrong. You also left out an important part of the paragraph that you quoted in order to mislead. The part that said that African American males recognize the importance of education but don't trust the system.
Here's more:
>For example, some work has found no relationship between academic GPA and ethnic identity for African American youth, while other work found that ethnic identification (e.g., feeling close to members of their own ethnic group) was positively related to school grades for African American adolescents and provided a buffer against perceived discrimination from teachers and peers.
>African Americans value education as a means to improve their social and economic circumstances
>African American students in this study did value outcomes associated with education
Pulled from the same study.
there aren't even any white people in america.
They don't understand the people who want to emulate niggers are the dregs of society.
they don't trust the system because education doesn't portray Africa like Wakanda. Remember they wuz kangs.
>I've run out of arguments so I'll just throw out the KANGZ N SHIET meme before I abandon the thread
i have never seen the term uncle tom being used by black people. i'm a regular at blackpeopletwitter btw.
Because it's a term that black people dont use. It's only used by white people who think black people say it. I've heard it multiple times from whites but haven't heard it from a black person once in my entire life.
Why do Jow Forumsfags love gaslighting tactics so much?
>all men like whores
lul nice projection faggot
Wow. Sounds like the average christian
So if a 10/10 girl came to you right now and asked to suck your dick, you'd say no?
oyu are taking what i said and "extremizing" it with a specific situation. Of course i would let her suck my dick, but that's because she's a 10/10 as u said (also cause i'm lonely), but if i had to chose between a whore and a not so promiscous gril, well it's pretty obv i'd go for the second one, even if that would mean choosing a harder path to conquer (which most probably is, since whores are whores).
Yeah its called the lowest common denominator
>"We value education, just not the actual material."
Correlation to school grades is a red herring. A passing grade in a public school means you showed up. What's the correlation to test scores?
And as I said, the educational theory subdiscipline here is the manufacture of bullshit excuses. That's why the study acknowledges the hostility of African-American males to education right up front, but then tries to excuse it away. That's what the manufacturing of bullshit excuses fucking looks like.
Blacks kill each other all the time. You're seeing what you want to see.
You misunderstood what "loving whores" means. All men love to fuck whores or would love to. But they also wouldn't want a relationship with a whore.
>muh puss
>muh money
>muh guns
>muh drugs
>muh started from the bottom now I'm at the top
Wow, such a rich and vibrant culture.
>A passing grade in a public school means you showed up
Not always true but the quote was talking about how getting good grades are perceived in the culture. African Americans see success in school as protection from discrimination, so its valued.
>And as I said, the educational theory subdiscipline here is the manufacture of bullshit excuses.
There were no excuses made in the entire study. It said that African americans value education and its importance but they tend not to trust the system. This goes against your theory that black people are hostile towards blacks who go to college and call them "uncle toms" (a term that's never used among blacks).
You're changing your own argument and what the study said to fit your narrative.
They love getting a free ride: they're afforded more scholarships than anyone; they benefit from affirmative action once they're out; and they're held to a demonstrably lower standard of entry when it comes to admission to elite colleges. You would have to be retarded to not take advantage of the education system as a black.
thanks for bringing him to my attention, been a long time lil b fan
I don't have anything against white folk. not all blacks hate whites and some of us are apolitical
this. even whites hate white people
Black culture bringing people of all backgrounds together.
Everyone hates white people you fucking idiot. Even white people hate themselves.
This is the literal definition of retarded brainlet faggot lol
As opposed to blacks who simply kill each other over nothing.
Literally every race hates blacks: Chinese, Whites, Indians, you name it. Your people are seen as a blight.
>White culture for Whites
>Asian culture for Asians
>Black culture for EVERYBODY
>This goes against your theory that black people are hostile towards blacks who go to college and call them "uncle toms" (a term that's never used among blacks).
I'm not the "Uncle Tom" poster. Average blacks haven't used that expression in decades. To the extent that it's still used, it's thrown around in extremely inside-baseball disputes between different groups of elderly and long-since-irrelevant activists.
Who the fuck genuinely wants nigger culture on a widespread scale?
It's already on a widespread scale. People imitate us in Korea.
I'm Indian you pathetic cumskin faggot.
Nobody under the age of 30 hates black people. But everyone under the age of 30 hates whites. Like everyone absolutely despises you fucking insects. I just heard Asians talk about how some girl is a "basic white bitch" which is obviously meant as pejorative. Last summer I was a Myrtle Beach and there were white people being loud as hell in the beach house next to ours. The first thing my cousin said was "omg fucking white people". I can open social media and see thousands of people of all races making fun of your low spice tolerance, meek demeanor, and ongoing descent to extinction.
Everyone who isn't a pol faggot
>I'm Indian
Lol cope. Nobody gives a fuck what you have to say, Patel. You're the eternal beta. Even your aunties call you beta.
How does it feel to be the most autistic and unattractive race in existence? The niggers you worship might hang out with a white guy or a Latino if they think he's cool, but they'll never ever like you Rajesh.
>I'm Indian
Holy shit, dude.
>Nobody under the age of 30 hates black people.
Citation fucking needed.
Stop projecting. Not everyone is as hateful and you. If an indian was cool, I'm certain a black guy would hang with him, pic fuckin related.
That's a stock photo, you utter fucking tard. Keep dreaming.
Lmao no it's not, it's from the music video for Skywalker by R&B singer Miguel and rapper Travis Scott you absolute fucking retard.
>it's from the music video
Wow, then it must be true to life!
Black culture is going to get stomped out soon. When civil war comes you disgusting fucks who ruined our civilization will be gutted and hung from your entrails. You are nothing. You amount to nothing. You produce nothing. And you are all rootless. The men with a moral fabric remaining are the ones that own all the guns. You WILL be massacred.
Blacks are alright I guess. The only race I really hate is Jews. I'm aware it's not all blacks, but I honestly kinda admire their gang culture. I wish whites would stick together like that. If a white went into a black neighborhood and assaulted someone they would probably be rightfully jumped by other blacks, but with the races flipped how many whites do you think would jump in to help a fellow white?
>I wish whites would stick together like that.
You are aware that "gang culture" mostly consists of killing other black people for wearing the wrong colour or hailing from the wrong zip code, right?
Yea but at least they have that tribal instinct, it's just misguided
>Yea but at least they have that tribal instinct
We all do. Whites naturally congregate together when they're allowed to.
>ruined our civilization
Hmm. Didn't know blacks accelerated climate change while also denying it in order to please oil, fossil fuel and natural gas billionaire donors.