Imagine being so weak and pathetic you need to make inability to get laid as your identity, imagine being such a worthless subhuman pig that you cannot do the basic most worthless thing even a fucking disgusting fat tranny can.
Imagine being so fucking pathetic to identify with concept thats mainly shared between fucking r*dditfaggots to laugh at you for it too. If you call yourself an 'Incel' you deserve to be euthanized, there's no excuse. Volcels are respectable because they atleast don't blame fucking spooks and try to live a better life.
Imagine being so weak and pathetic you need to make inability to get laid as your identity...
Other urls found in this thread:
thats the identity of this entire website, my question is, why are you using it if you arent one, kike
Im an incel but i dont build my whole personality around the fact that im not interested in getting laid.
>thats the identity of this entire website
cope more fucking tourist r*ddit faggot
lmao seems like I struck a nerve
power to you then user, this thread is mainly targeted at fucking loser niggers who try to make being a virgin a whole identity and movement which theres a bit of here. Im gonna be honest that if id see an incel in real life even though im weak and have a small body mass id punch him untill he'd bleed
imagine being this unoriginal, whats your context? where are you coming from? whats the idea user? do you really think im gonna reply with mad fire to you with you sassy comments? ^ ` ^ ? imagine being so fucking low effort you cant even make someone like me mad (which from my life is relatively easy but you're not even good enough for that.)
Plastic at it again.
Needs to go back to that cancerous place that you should stay.
Imagine being so repressed and uninteresting that you need to make your gender or sexuality a defining aspect of your personality that shapes how you behave in life.
The truth is that people want to belong to something and seek common traits out, something as visceral as sexuality is a strong thing for them to connect over because people are fucking strange.
>gender or sexuality
those are much more valid as they atleast have culture and history associated with them. Not 'straight' sexuality though (mainly because it really means nothing, 'Gay' and other alike stuff but well int eh 1960s everyone was 'gay' there was no LBT really) They have history, culutre surrounding them.
While they are not personality traits they certainly are connected to movements and ideas and they for example, can be oppressed (unlike being a lazy fat virgin which cant be oppressed because, its really just your choice.)
And the only people who act like that (aka gender is their whole pers or sexuality is) were either MGTOW or some Chad-Tier gays or in other case trannies who got baited into acting like an anime stereotype.
Eitherway, you're pathetic. People want to belong sure but some things have more 'value' than others.
when i saw this i had a freakout Rimi wrote this geez. Don't scare me.
>Imagine being so weak and pathetic you need to make inability to get laid as your identity
It's not my entire identity. Human beings never - EVER - interact on the basis of entire identities; all interactions are partial and contingent. You could interact with the same person in several contexts and never interact with the same partial identity twice.
>Go to hospital emergency room, interact with girl displaying her "doctor persona"
>Meet same girl at city select board hearing, interact with girl displaying her "community activist persona"
>Run into same girl at park going for a jog, interact with her "fitness chick persona"
>Talk to girl on anonymous Laotian knitting board, interact with her "online roastie persona".
When I'm on Jow Forums you're getting my "I hate fucking normies" persona. It's just for this context. It's not the entirety of my identity; but the other parts of my identity have no function here.
Imagine feeling the need to punch down at the actual dregs of society in an attempt to make yourself feel better about your own pitiful existence
They are no more valid than incels connecting with other incels. If that is your standard for culture, you are probably incredibly uncultured (or just American).
good r*ddit spacing also youre so deep DAMn dude.
>the actual dregs of society
nope, stop projecting. Most of you can function normally, maybe you're awkward and not talkative, shy or weirdish social unaware but you literally can and should function. If you dont have any serious mental illness or aren't handicap then fuck off.
im eastern european actually. Im just much more educated in those cultures, i love music and arts. A lot of music with those themes can be deep and intrigueing or beautiful. It is an 'identity' that has a value. Identity which has differing experiences and often harsher or harder life.
You'renotvalid,incel unless youre handicap or mentally ill to an extreme degree (schizo for ex.) You have no excuses and the whole concept of 'Incelism' is filthy+gross
Doesn't matter what you "can" or "should" do if you refuse to actually do it. Isn't that the point of your shitty bait thread?
I can spot your posts a mile away, plastic.
I'm not even in Tsukichat.
I don't agree with incels, I am not an incel, I just take issue with the current level at which people present sexuality or gender as an important character trait. I'm not saying sexuality or gender hasn't inspired works of art, because I see art as a good way to represent many facets of yourself in a way you ordinarily wouldn't. However, internet LGBT+ representation is as shallow as the incel identity, it exists largely for the earlier stated reasons.
>shitty bait thread
No, i actually mean everything i say. Its not a bait, i despise of incels. I despise of parasites like you who feel entitled to anything, feel like you deserve love and get everything gov mandated out of POOF thin fucking air. Refusing to do it makes you a parasite, disgusting fucking maggot.
its easy at this point flower, i knew it was you after i exclueded the other poss :x
I can agree with that, thats why i despise of pop-culture. Its exploitative and it feeds you quick sensations and good feelings when in the end its all an illusion and just empty with no soul or truth. Representation is pointless when its forced but you should note that in a lot of places it is straight up banned from soley existing even if its authors own will (mainly refering to TV media though.)
Lamao XD
>stop projecting
>projects furiously
Okay, retard. Take this and crawl back into your hole.
original and strong comment, totally
im not projecting anything, im saying what i see and whats true. I'd not tell a lie even if it'd benefit my agenda.
Been a few months since i was in TC, not flower btw.
Didn't flower leave for good? Good to know he's still around
geez so its someone different? i actually didnt expect that at all and i can't make a good guess! Flower came back recently actually and he's still not doing too good but he's back. Btw hope for you to be back fren.
Don't end it.
Transition has no long-term proven benefits.
it does tho you fucking seething liar ;3
Bitterhon shill detected.
>linking a shitty video as "evidence".
You're the liar you disgusting freak.
i just post songs with my replies, i just do that. Ive never stated it as evidence lmao youre hilarious, also i was lucky to be an early transitioner ;3
Remember, you will always be a delusional male no matter HOW much you hurt yourself.
It's sad you got conned into the delusional cult as a young child. Regardless of "passing", age or other factors transition is delusion and will result in your life being eternally terrible.
Remember, transition has no long-term proven benefits.
Seriously, don't trap yourself.
Do you want to be a disgusting, delusional freak or a human being? The choice is yours.
Being a man is the best thing ever.
so you're a volcel then?
Imagine being such a faggot that you make any one thing you do your identity.
dude you're fucking r*dditspacing, you're literally mentally ill enough to claim that a crystal castles song i sent as 'evidence'. Transition does have long term proven benefits. FOR PEOPLE WITH GENDER DYSPHORIA WHICH IS AN ACTUAL MENTAL ILLNES HEY! AMAZING RIGHT? COOL STUFF I GUESS!
>disgusting delusional freak
so you're literally claiming that by choosing to wear female clothes and wear make up i loose my humanity? You seem to be the delusional if you'd kill someone or see them as inhumane for literally just wanting to be happy themselves. GO BACK TO R*DDIT INCEL
what even is the context behind this reply
This. Trannies do it the most.
Since OP is also a tranny, we can safely confirm anything they say is delusional.
Incels are a billion times better off than some mentally ill freak sitting in a suicide cult chatroom wishing they were dead because they're taking fucking delusion pills.
>>>/systemspace/, freak.
I wouldn't kill anyone. However, trannies commit suicide at higher rates after they transition and harm millions by giving into their delusions rather than repressing as I do.
>>>/psychward/, bitterhon.
It's not the clothes, it's the delusional identity, the lying about what you are, the mental illness and the lack of will to try and fix yourself rather than taking pills that MUTATE your brain, FREAK!
>what even is the context behind this reply
I'm saying that nearly everybody does what OP is complaining about, just with other things. Just like how people call you a faggot for being really into shit like warhammer lore yet at the same time can recite the statistics of thousands of baseball players.
are you bitter because you got banned of /ss/ for being a fucking nigger traitor?
>commit suicide at higher
nope, they ATTEMPT and guess what, suicide can be caused by things such as not being socially accepted by someone and having people harrass you, not having a stead job etc.
also you sound like a 30 year old boomer female who'd not vaccinate her kid
its different retard. I cant comprehend how retarded you have to be to not get why being into warhammer is an actual thing you can identify with and being a virgin is just a stupid cope and not something you should identify with because its meaningless.
>blatant avatarfag
>imagine being x
>imagine doing y
>imagine being so fucking z
This is a Reddit onionboy thing for sure. Stop doing this. With that being said, I agree with what you're saying.
who the fuck are you (dj?) and why are you redditspacing
salty because b& or what
Not banned. Never even been a part of it. Just saw someone else mention you're from there in the chat.
>>>/systemspace/, freak.
My name is Cureanon. I'm /lgbt/'s biggest delusion fighter.
Transition has no long-term proven benefits.
I have nothing to do with your cult beyond knowing a friend who was a migrant.
>reddit onionboy thing for sure
nope, its just me bringing up reasons why identifying with being a 'virgin' is autistic and retarded. Like hoooooly fucking shit, yes im using a shitty fucking forumla but the point of it is to bring up arguments instead of writting it like on a fucking pinboard like a stupid nigger.
Also, i just like pictures of Yuuri. I can post different things too.
Stop r*ddit spacing, does nothing fucking help you nigger?
Give me sources for your 'transition has no long-term proven benefits' catchphase which you repeat over and over and over and over again like a fucking broken record. I hope your friend is dead, all non-migrants are fucking subhuman scum and if someone willingly unregisters they deserve to insta shatter
>reddit spacing forced meme
Never been to reddit in my life.
I just prefer my posts to have formatting, freak.
Check the archives for citations. I'm not going to spoonfeed you.
Nice delusions there with your cult as well.
Triggered much?
Back to your containment general, tranny.
>I just prefer my posts to have formatting, freak.
who the fuck formats their posts with two spaces?
nobody on this website fucking does
we dont need to split messages up to take 4328904239 lines its good
...also, by the way
its not a cult.
like you've been there, though.
I took a quick look at the site as there was a /mtfg/ thread up at the time on the imageboard there.
Always keeping an eye on the delusional freaks such as yourself.
Enjoy your anime suicide cult to COPE with the fact that you will always be a male and always have XY chromosomes, no matter how much you MUTATE yourself!
stop r*ddit spacing, you're a fucking newfaggot and it shows
>archives for citation
wow its literalyl like 'NO IM NOT GONNA GIVE YOU PROOF! GOOGLE IT! YOULL FIND IT... somewhere...if you'll look hard enough... and cherrypick studies from the 1980s.......'
imagine actually saying
>triggered much
and this thread is not even about trannoids for fucks, i dont have to go anywhere if im making threads about different shit i can stay anywhere i want to. Nice fucking tries Gincel though, i bet you have a cool and fun life and i bet your mom si very pooud of how you R E K T those trannies on the internets 'xD'
btw the reply there wasnt me lol. what afucking luser nigger you are and keep repeating like a radio radio radio radio raadio
15 times now, huh
...btw, you're referring to the wrong person.
>been posting with this same style since 2007
>forced reddit spacing meme comes and gives an avenue for trolls to troll
Back to your containment cult.
Not Gincel, though I support his posts sometimes.
I'm Cureanon. We are different people.
Bet you believe "hyaks" did 9/11 or some shit.
>>>/systemspace/, bitterhon.
This is what trannies actually believe.
Brought your systemshill buddies to shit up Jow Forums again?
Wohldn't be surprised if your cult was behind 90% of the tranny posts on this board.
Reiko 2.0?
Don't worry, I'll expose your delusions if so.
holy fucking shit i cannot believe you fucks are so delusional im not even gonna reply constructively anymore i literally fell on the floor onto my fucking empty water bottles and tea jars because i laughed so fucking hard about your fucking delusions with no fucking proof jesus
Looks like systemspace is at it again!
>no proof
You mean like the trannies that claim they have female brains?
>>>/psychward/, get that brain checked.
U mad normie? You came to us, not the other way around
hey fab
oh hey now we're actually being raided by tsukichat lol
Bringing the shill gang, "plastic"?
Is that the best comeback you've got?
>Wohldn't be surprised if your cult was behind 90% of the tranny posts on this board.
You wish, faggot
Says the shill
Looks like it, I'm afraid.
I honestly feel pretty sorry for most people in Systemspace, most of them are just mentally ill people suffering.
But the trannies and delusional freaks who seek to harm people?
They can fuck right off back to their containment board.
I doubt even systemspace wanta delusional trannies.
why are you implying im not plastic lmfao
>bringing the shill gang
i never asked anyone to reply, i was in one person in vc though and we're both having fun laughing at you
hi beku!!!!
why the quotes?
who is this "plastic"?
>implying you're not the mentally ill one considering you've been here "since 2007" (yeah, sure!)
>voice chat
>CuckCord faggots
That explains a lot.
Reiko 2.0 confirmed.
>>>/systemspace/, bitterhons.
Remember, you will always be delusional males no matter how much you try to trap yourselves.
Transition doesn't work.
hey, did you know discord is not the only app with 'voice chat' option???? wow
The supposed name of OP in the systemspace cult is "plastic", or "fab". Since I'm just going off what someone else said when you invited your shill buddies, I can't confirm who is who.
Also, not mentally ill. I've been checked.
What I do know is that you're all a bunch of shills that are against repression and pro-delusion and you all need to go the fuck back.
I'm not a trap, fag boy. I'm a big, strong man
Oh, you use TeamSpeak or Mumble or similar?
Good to know.
Either way, stop shilling on Jow Forums and /lgbt/.
I'm sick of bitterhons, and if I find out you systemspace faggots are behind the tranny shilling, you're gonna have a bad time.
jesus you sound like you're 12 and you're saying you're gonna come to my house and fuck my mom with this speaking nigger
Not 12.
Though you are underage yourself, aren't you Plastic?
Jow Forums is for users 18 years or older.
Stop posting on Jow Forums.
>>>/systemspace/, underageb&
Don't clump the rest of us in with this obnoxious delusional faggot please. Most of jewspace is alright people and not really comparable to this new wave of circle jerking retards and faggots. The rest of us either fucked off or got banned for not being "comfy" enough. Tsuki and this other retarded tranny are both off their meds.
lmoa thanks for the graphics card
Yeah, I'm aware how shit they've gotten.
Had an old friend who unregged due to the place literally just being a scam.
Sorry to those who had their community ruined by delusion. I'm here to fight for you, in Jow Forums, /lgbt/ and elsewhere.
Transition doesn't work, but Tsuki's new graphics card sure as fuck does.
It's funnier because the tranny memes and graphics card shit are just elaborate psyops and nothing is funnier than watching people think they're serious and the newfags getting upset by them. It's like a win-win every time someone mentions systemspace because no one that actually knows what's up wants to do anything but laugh at the whole debacle. There's like maybe 2 or 3 trannies in the whole group and jewki's scam never even made enough money to buy groceries let alone a graphics card. The best part is his best friend back-stabbed him and ran off with what was left of the money to run his website too.
imagine being so weak and pathetic that you go out of your way to go to a gathering of commiserating incels just to tell them how pathetic they are.
Yeah man we know we are weak and pathetic; if we weren't we wouldn't be incels.
How is it a psyop when there's literally delusional bitterhons such as OP in the cult, and bringing along their friends to shill?
Yeah, it's a psyop alright, against repressors, robots and everyone who values sanity.
The graphics card shit is a hilarious meme and mostly just shitposting, I'm aware of some of the finer details of the cult due to my friend who unregged.
But let's be real here, he had a box to buy space with Bitcoin. You can't help but seeing that as a literal scam.
And yeah, the hyak snoop.
See this video, it's great:
Thanks to whoever posted that, haven't laughed that hard in a while at how delusional people can get.
Sorry to the victims of the scam, who had their community ruined.
I respect "incels" a billion times more than trannies.
At least incels have a brain, even if they're stuck in fucking awful circumstances.
Don't fall for delusional tranny shit.
Don't fall whatever Tsuki's latest scam is.
And never trust bitterhons.
What's up with tsuki? Her/his manga was good. Dunno about his/her politics
You still haven't told me what my delusions are, I'm still waiting.
Referring to the Systemspace cult, not the Anime Tsuki.
Isn't worth my time to point out your delusions if you can't see them at this point.
Why? You pretend to want to help fellow repressors, yet you refuse to tell me? Would it take so much of your precious time?
My job here is done. Bitterhon shills BTFO.
If you've got dysphoria, make sure to repress or you'll end up as batshit insane as OP.
I'm a proud repressor myself. I'll never stop fighting for the truth, or a cure.
Transition has no long-term proven benefits.
Seriously, don't trap yourself.
Don't trust bitterhons!
Plastic is kind of a uniquely retarded person that if everyone in the community right now wasn't such a complacent nigger would have been banned long ago in every previous iteration of the community. Dude literally pretends he's a normal girl, plugs his ears and screams if anyone says anything against it, and has been ERPing and hitting on like every dude in the chat that buys into their delusions despite being underage. Wish him and the rest of these attention whoring mentally ill faggots would just get help or off themselves already and stop trying to force everyone to tolerate them.
Discord trannies are literally the worst thing alive, what a dumpster fire of a thread.
What about Discord has made it a cesspool of faggotry?
trannies lmoa
Here's your (you) Plastic, keep jerking off that "feminine penis" of yours bro.
This is our board.
You tried to invade.
You failed.
Long live Jow Forums.
I actually want to be euthanized
It's about DNA
Every cell in your body with the exception of some of your sperm cells are male.
systemspace was comfy until snoop made tsuki start clamping down on every bit of fun there was
have fun being transgressed or exiled if you do anything other than constantly be sucking his toes off
those replies were not me, fuck off.
I won't even give you the satisfaction to reply to all of your personal attacks, manfuactured blatant lies. Everything you said about me& the community is a lie. I'll only refute one of them: I've never hit on anyone, i had two people hit one me and i didn't like it. Fuck off.
>this is our board
cope moar fucking incel faggot, no one likes you, good fuxking r*ddit spacing nigger. I've not invaded anything ive been using this board for nearly as long as ive been using Jow Forums. ^ ` ^
i actually want to spit in your eyelid, slowly peel off each of your eyebrows and hopefully some skin attached to them. I actually want to burn a fag on your stupid jewish nose. I actually want you to choke on a fucking piece of ham because a scum like you deserves no honorable death and should be laugh at.
My ego is boosted up by how many people got a hateboner for me :3Thx!
Everyone knows you're crying right now and just lashing out desperate to get the last word in in a vain attempt to stroke your fragile ego. Your entire sick fetish is based on nothing but similar acts of vanity, you have no personality, you have no one that cares about the real you, and that's why you cling to your made up female persona to try and feel better about yourself. Please see a psychotherapist and don't lie to them and scapegoat your body as an excuse for your insanity the same way you do to the "friends" that don't know or care about the real you enough to tell you to get help.
you've never met me and nope! im not crying, i've never cried over anything ive seen on the internet. I've only cried when my friend attempted suicide few years ago and i was calling her multiple times on cellphone freaking out. heh. good times ^ ` ^
Im not a fetishist, my ego is not fragile. I have a very strong personality and claiming otherwise is a blunt lie to cope. Im much superior in all ways to you. My friends actually care about me though and you know how? by not making me miserable and want to fucking chope my ribs off my body and mutilate myself and actually being nice to me. I hate my body, i feel disgusted with myself. Im seeing a therapist btw! and guess what they recommended me?!?!?! wow! HRT! epic! who couldve expected!
If you think no one cares about me you've not met anyone who knows me or me. If you claim i have no personality you're pathetic. I have a great taste in music, im a self-taught producer, guitar player and an art collector.
Unregister from the TSUKI Project.
another thread this OP made
take out the trash please
i can as well, speak three languages fluently and im learning fourth currently. I have wide knowledge in all musical genres and ive been obsessed over it since i was a small fucking piece of shit that tried to die by taking starving myself multiple times but wellp didnt work. Nothing is wrong with me, im not insane. Im superior to you and my existance is more valuable, you're a stupid fucking non-migrant subhuman and not even a person in all considerations. Me being a tranny has nothing to do with 'me' im myself. Im a person and i wanna be judged as such and not as a stupid fucking idea and a lie. I identify the way i feel and i dont give a fuck if some stupid nigger finds me valid, im still superior to you in all ways and i'll always be happier than you :0
that was a one line shitpost i wrote with my bf, it wasnt a racebait you stupid nigger if youd read my replies.
Your bf, "rimi"? Guess Was right.
Congrats on finding a chaser.
Ok bro, keep telling yourself that while you get jewed by your nonsense pushing "therapist" to mutilate your body and lie to yourself because pseudo science proved it usually gets crazy fuckers like you to stop hating themselves or wanting to kill themselves by ignoring reality. You're definitely a strong independent woman who aint hurt by no mean words, I can tell by how defensive you get over anything remotely personal said by people that don't know you at all on the internet. You're definitely completely mentally and emotionally stable and not grasping at straws, ignoring your problems, and committing logical fallacies just to avoid having your ego completely dismantled by the pathetic losers you sought to make fun of in empty attempts to make yourself feel superior to ANYONE to avoid how badly you hate yourself. Congrats on repeatedly proving you're significantly worse than those you were attempting to act superior to because the only way you know to seek entertainment are through delusional escapism.
nope, ive never flirted with anyone myself. Stop projecting, i can date someone and not be a whore about it you stupid nigger. Also, he's not a chaser :3
>tells me to go therapist
>while you get jewed by your nonsens pushing therapist
wow and i thought i was delusional. Stop projecting, accept that im superior to your coping fuckhead. Im not attempting anything, im just not a fucking liar. Eitherway i dont care. Project moar niggy.
You say that like those are the same posters and that there isn't a difference between a therapist and a psychiatrist.
I think alot of "incels" literally just don't make any effort whatsoever, and so they ultimately don't get laid. Even if you are a 9/10 looking guy, if you sit in your house all day, don't socialize, and have shitty social skills, its probably not gonna happen
>is a tranny
you need to do what your friend did except succeed. stop talking and kill yourself. go to /LGBT/ we don't care about your problems or your hopes/dreams/desires. we want you dead.
Imagine being delusional enough that he can be a boy dating another boy, with no physical changes done whatsoever and manage to somehow see himself as anything but a homosexual male. Not even trannies like these types of mentally ill subhuman faggots.
yea this guy needs to kill himself. you're less than human. you're a freak. i would douse you in gasoline, set you on fire, and jack off to your blood curdling screams as you burned to death. you need to die or at least get the fuck off this board
well i dont care what some fucking rando nigger thinks. I dont care what you want, im happy and my life is good enough not to go after people online and sweat on keyboard freaking out about how to 'coldly' tell me to die. Lmao fucking loser.
>no physical changes
you've not seen me and you don't know me, how can you claim something like that? oh assumptions and blant lies! yay!
Imagine being so so so fucking edgy, this thread has so many fucking underages it burns my eyes. Have you grown out of your edgy highschool nu-metal phase user? did the chad bully you too much yesterday hmm? you need to get it out on the poor minority and some poor guy who literally did nothing but loved someone and cared for them? oh well, you don't understand that because you're too pathetic and you're off yourself sooner than i will.
You are literally underage yourself, Plastic.
Go to sleep, Plastic.
Jow Forums doesn't need more shitty threads.