Please logically defend having kids. The only guarantee in life is suffering. The vast majority of existence is mundane...

Please logically defend having kids. The only guarantee in life is suffering. The vast majority of existence is mundane, frustrating, or generally unsatisfying. The worst moments are unbearably heartbreaking, painful, and scary. All joy is the equivalent of taking of a shoe that is too tight. All there is to be "grateful" for is the ABSENCE of suffering. This game we play is absurd. Bringing a sentient being into existence is immoral. You are risking having a kid with horrible physical and/or mental disabilities. And for what end? A false feeling of purpose? A narcissist, selfish desire to spread your DNA? Recognize the extreme self-centered nature of this. This doesn't even mention the issue of consent, which is massive. An unborn child cannot consent to being brought into existence. You are burdening them with a lifetime of negative stimuli.

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The vast majority of people go through their life without committing suicide, and even people who attempt it end up fixing their life later. You're just a whiny little cuckold who can't be content with locking yourself up in your moms basement but you also badger people into thinking having kids is evil. You are why the west is fucked: you grew up in the best living conditions ever to exist, and you just whine!

Up until now people had kids so they could have better lives than their had. We are born in the best of living conditions and look at how we handled. We've rejected God, and live to satisfy the flesh. People are so depraved of God that his name causes them to be angry.

Kids give meaning to your life until we discover the secret of immortality.

There's countless other ways to have a meaningful life.

it is impossible to defend the genetically inferior having children because suffering for them is almost guaranteed and they are ultimately worthless compared to alpha competition, thus making their life truly have zero value

the genetically superior love every bit of life including the bad because their minds are superior to yours and they are not intolerable manchildren who cannot handle any struggle without breaking down and crying (struggle in your case being getting called a mean word or having to go to a job interview), they have a completely different mindset incomprehensible to you while your mindset is incomprehensible to them
biologically incorrect, if you are not a superior human who breeds then you are lower than a dog or even a rat and deserve to succumb to natural selection

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Do you have kids? What would you do if you found out that you can't have them?

Creating one chad justifies the collateral damage if bringing a hundred robots into the world

You sound like a diseased faggot. Kids are great and wholesome and make your life worth living

The best living conditions are still unbearable. If you would just open up your eyes you would see that.
And it's not about me. I have been "lucky" in having fairly stable mental and physical health. But it's impossible to know what your future children's conditions could be. Taking that risk for no other reason than personal self fulfillment is the pinnacle of selfishness.