>robot bf ghosted me
>and here I am once again
>where tf is my female privilege? Wasn't I supposed to have it easy? Reeeeeeee
And don't even bother to say it, you won't get rid of me until I'm married
Robot bf ghosted me
>And don't even bother to say it, you won't get rid of me until I'm married
You have a penis, penises are not female sexual organs
Please be my gf, I will never ghost you
wow he sucks haha you know itd be crazy if you got with me instead which would lead to e-sex so you can get me off haha oh wow what am I thinking I'm gross for saying that wow so what's your contact so we can e-fuck mlady haha
Why did he ghost you? What was he like?
When you realize that all people who regularly post here are so damaged and hurting? Don't start relationships with anybody who calls themselves a robot. Just look around and you'll see all these robots trying to hurt each other because they've been hurt in real life :'(
let me be your new e bf, not joking. what is your discord?
Yeah I agree.
I get wanting to bond with other damaged people OP but most here are so damaged that hurting others is the only way they feel validation.
>>where tf is my female privilege? Wasn't I supposed to have it easy? Reeeeeeee
Just because you fail to use it correctly doesn't mean you don't have it. Figure out how to use it correctly and stop complaining.
Sage sage sage
>goes in all fields
Did you show him your appearance, and if so are you thin or not?
I knew this already as I have been here for years.. and fall in to the same category.. (except I try to be nice to everyone here unless attacked) but reading it again this time made me pretty sad. So many of us are hurting so much.. learning people's stories on here is a great way to chip away at your soul bit by bit. Fuck. I love you guys, I really hope any and all of us can find better days ahead somewhere sometime.
answer me you fucking bitch slut, this is why your bf left you you're so prudish you can't even dish out (You)s. you're such a whore, I know you want this dick come and get some.
It makes me pretty sad reading these threads. You can see all the hurt and anger behind the baiting and trolling.
If I give you my discord someone else is going to be my boyfriend so leave yours instead
alright cool
lmao you dumb faggott
Add me. My discord is brb#3999
I don't like e-sex
I know, but I'm damaged too and I don't think I can be with a not damaged person. Also they are mean too. Most bullies are normies. Most humans just suck
I don't know why. He promised he wouldn't ghost me but he still did. I liked him :(
>Why im I such a victim in my imaginary woe is me scenarios?
Ask a psychologist.
Long distance never works. State your location first and foremost, you should only be looking for those who already live nearby. And no, he likely isn't going to move for you even if he's hot.
add me faster i wanna see if you're real and then make you my e gf
>>where tf is my female privilege?
Assuming for a moment that you're actually female, your privilege is that you were just in a relationship that you almost certainly fell into without effort, and if you actually want to you could fall into a new relationship by the end of this day, or even by the end of this thread.
said she'd send a pic with timestamp for proof and instead went offline
Bump for confirmation on this
what's your discord man?
Post it in the thread
>I don't like e-sex
Then why the fuck are you even trying to get a bf?
He probably just got scared or bored
So was she fake and just baiting good anons?
ill wager your not very attractive so you're worthless
I added her and got a timestamped picture and had a nice talk. She probably just shrugged off the anons who were orbiting like
>She probably just shrugged off the anons who were orbiting like
I wasn't orbiting. I bet she isn't even hot. LMAO. She left because she's a stuck up bitch who only cares for Chad. If you're a robot good luck getting a girl to talk to you, dumb bitch.
stay salty orbiter lmao
You're the only salty one here white knighting this dumb used roastie. LOL
Any femcel wants to trade lewd pics with? I'm on noporn and getting desperate. I promise my dick is of satisfying aesthetics.
Next time don't act like a thirsty orbiter you know? You're the one who left your discord and got mad when you got called you out
you do have it easy though you cunt, you got people to talk to in the first place, even in this very thread people asking for your discord just because you announced your gender in your post. It's baffling how little self-awareness you have. You know how many people here have ever given a single shit about my problems? That's right, nobody. If I made a thread like this it would get ignored.
>>where tf is my female privilege? Wasn't I supposed to have it easy? Reeeeeeee
>Add me. My discord is brb#3999
Here it is, now kys you fucking retarded cunt, you are worthless and not even your family would care if you neck yourself
Fuck off. Don't insult her. She's a princess and is having a bad time. She doesn't need your bullshit.
Easy. Move to Minnesota and marry me. I'm 29, play the guitar, and make six figures.
Also I'm the leader at my local church
>Fuck off. Don't insult her. She's a princess and is having a bad time. She doesn't need your bullshit
There are exactly 6 things I can tell about you from this one post:
1. You weigh 200kg
2. You love McDonalds
3. You use reddit
4. No one would care if you necked yourself, just like op
5. You give whores money online for feet pics
6. You have a neckbeard, shower once every 7 months and wonder why no one wants to be around you
So what. Real men don't insult princesses.
is it ghosting if he killed himself, though. kinda, i guess...
True, a princess, not an attention whore begging for attention on an anonymous forum on which 200 other gross fucking neckbeard like you orbit around her
this happened to me too, im so sad over it and im turning into yandere
be my yandere gf instead?
>im turning into yandere
That sounds fun. Would you like to talk?
Like fucking clockwork. Originol
Come on. Don't pretend you don't want to go all yandere on someone.
noo sorry im only obsessed over my ex-boyfriend, im a girl on a mission and i want him to be mine! :)))
If you're so sure of yourself then it doesn't do any harm to talk to someone else. It's not like you would like me, right?
Come marry my then, if you are willing to move to Eastern Europe. I'm nice, good looking, will give you good sex if you show me what gets you off, I can support you financially so you don't have to work.
talking to someone would distract me from thinking about him!
though i would like to have a friend, i couldnt betray him!
i dont do it for validation. I do it because i can't help not doing it. I sincerely try to connect with people but then I get this anxious/threatened feeling and I burn bridges. Then I feel relieved for a bit and eventually want a connection again. And so the cycle goes.
>be right back
brainlets. every one of (you)
>talking to someone would distract me from thinking about him!
The distraction could help you to refresh your mind and think in better ways of achieving your goal.
>though i would like to have a friend
See? You're already giving in to the idea.
>i couldnt betray him!
Of course you couldn't. We'll just be friends and you will resist all my attempts of seduction.
but talking or thinking about anyone except him would be betraying him! i would feel so guilty
>but talking or thinking about anyone except him would be betraying him!
But you're already talking to me. If you reply once more I will know you're willing to make an exception.
I don't think talking to someone else is necessarily a betrayal though. You could use it as a way to test your loyalty, to prove yourself you're completely loyal in your affection even when talking to someone else.
Perhaps you're afraid of not liking him as much as you like to think.
He already ditched you, retard.
im not afraid of that! i love him! >:(
he did not, hes going to be my boyfriend again even if he doesnt want to be. im going to make it happen
liking haibane renmei is one of the most stealth pleb filters of all time
holy shit
>im not afraid of that!
Then it's decided. We'll be friends.
>tfw all I want is a robot gf who likes weeb shit but none are really into weeb shit like current airing anime every season
Feels bad man. Guess we both aren't getting what we want.
stop dating robots then; anyone offering to be your bf without even getting to know you is obviously not worth it and just wants someone to be with for the sake of it
learn to take care of yourself and value your own happiness and desires then find someone morally aware to spend time with and love each other if it comes to that
good luck and remember to take care of yourself
>forgot to originally attach image
Great advice. Are you a girl? Be my gf.
i'm too autistic to tell if you're being sincere but i have no experience with relationships i just think about psychology and philosophy a lot
also i'm a boy sorry user
>met a guy on here
>hes a total social recluse, only online friends, wont even post selfies on internet, paranoid
>lives in western europe, i live in us
>meet up while studying abroad
>take his virginity
>fall in love
>stay over at least 2x a week, usually more
>go back to america 5 months later
>he never calls or texts first
>he tells me hes finally confident enough to be on tinder
>shows me girls hes thinking of fucking
>i send long messages about how depressed i am and how he doesnt seem to care
>read but no response
>its been two days
i hate the fact that he used me to build his confidence for 5 months and now hes ditching me for hotter girls hahahahahahaha
You are supposed to be in love (both of you) and to spend a long time together before fucking, roastie.
we'd been talking online for 4 months before i went abroad and we BOTH said i love you before we had sex
You got used because you acted like a slut. The sooner you realize that the better. He did nothing wrong.
thats what u get for not choosing me ehehehee
Obviously none of it was heartfelt and both of you are dumb as bricks.
>4 months
top fucking kek
whats so funny about 4 months ????
That you acted like a slut and then you wonder why you were treated like one. That's so funny about it.
>4 months
>both said i love you
4 months is nothing, i'd at least leave it until twice that
i doubt there was an ounce of sentiment behind those statements either
talking everyday on the phone with someone for four months despite a 6 hour time difference obviously shows we were both incredibly interested in and comfortable with each other
Bruh look at this dude
She ain't gonna fuck you nigga, lol
is that not just a common online friend thing?
i do that with all my friends given they live in the us and i live in the uk
idk i never did one on one voice chats with someone like that and id intentionally lose sleep despite having obligations the next day just because i really wanted to talk to him, even if it was an inconvenience ... and he did the same for me ya know
based post keep up the good work
yeah maybe i'm just a loser but that's regular for me sorry i guess
if only i ever even had a chance
There are people out there who want nothing more than to just love and be there for someone they can relate to.
what is that supposed to mean?
one cannot love nor expect to be loved when there is nothing to love; love cannot exist on it's own as such profound is found through vulnerability, trust and shared experiences
as such profound love*
i'm too tired to be writing this shit
You took issue with people who appears to want "someone to be with for the sake of it".
How about for the sake of caring for someone else and being there for them?
The implication on your part is that these advances are always entirely selfish.
Give it at least year next time if it's a LDR. I gave it around 6 months and still got duped, next time I will give it 2 years.
That's barely even common with your real life gf, what are you talking about? Who the hell talks on the phone to someone every day? Are you a girl doing the "tee hee I don't have orbiters these are just my good male friends XD" thing?
>one cannot love nor expect to be loved when there is nothing to love; love cannot exist on it's own
That is practically the only way love can exist. Your pragmatic-to-the-point-of-sociopathy female mind can't understand love.
this just pathetic.
holy shit.
i said itt i'm a boy i really don't know where both of you got the assumption i'm a girl lol
i enjoy talking to my friends and generally have a lot of free time so i choose to spend it with them on discord when they're around
>That is practically the only way love can exist.
give reasoning pls :^)
i'm inclined to agree with you at this point
>give reasoning pls :^)
Sure - it's similar to the faith reasoning - if what you believe in was demonstrably "real", then you wouldn't need to have faith in the first place.
Love is an abstract concept that's in the person that possesses it, it doesn't have to do much with the person on the other end of it. You don't "love" someone because of the qualities they possess or the things that they can provide for you, you would just "like" them for that. Love is selfless and irrational.
I'm sorry for you user
Incel/robot dating is a very dangerous thing to do, precisely because most are simply broken individuals, and you don't know how a broken individual really looks and acts like when not broken
Sometimes it's good because you can both heal and grow from it, and sometimes you can even start a REAL relationship from that, but more often than not it leads to what happened to you
I mean just look at the replies you got, most of those niggers would've done exactly the same thing your user did, and they don't even realize it because they completely lack any experience and thus the new perspective
But on the other hand, most of the people that end up in this place don't have any other choice either, you're kind of forced to play russian roulette if you want to find happiness
similar situation happened to me. I've dated this introverted girl for 4 years, she had low self-confidence, was socially awkward etc. During our relation I gave her emotional support, constantly bombed her with compliment, helped to build her character. Then she started acting distant, lost interest, respect in me. Felt awful. Had to cut ties with her. She was qt tho.
'sup Chad, looking to get your dick wet by one of our submissive nrrd grrls again? Tell us some of the things they let you do to them.
>During our relation I gave her emotional support, helped to build her character. Then she started acting distant, lost interest, respect in me.
I did the same and got the same result.
But let's face it, why would she stay with a loser who liked her when she was a loser too, now that she's a winner? She obviously deserves better.