why are black woman on Jow Forums?
Why are black woman on Jow Forums?
I've only seen one black woman on Jow Forums. she posted her face. she was pretty thicc and didn't look bad. she was looking for a bf or at least someone to talk to.
i hope she died from aids like 90% of black people but thats what they don't tell you on the news you fucking bluepilled glow in the dark bootlicker
They are awesome, like all women are
I hope they posted more threads, the quality this weekend has been pretty low
>it's another 14 yr old schizo thread
This is probably the most depressing, autistic thing I've seen all week
stay buttblasted nignogs
fucking r*ddit spacing. Imagine being attracted to fat black obese people with wide shoulders, black women are more masculine and more materialistic. Still something to appeal to you, i dont care about racemixing but be careful not to get aidsed.
im glad to deliver :3
based r*ddit spacer.
you're the insecure underage considering you reply to everyone who criticizes you like a sperg.
This chick posted her pic years and years ago and I saved it cause I was surprised black girls would be on r9k
eheh. Seems like i got on the nerves eh? im not sperging, im replying to your stupid CAPSLOCK SPAM with equally shit reply. If you would give me an actual fucking reason to reply with something relalvant i totally would! But guess what! you give me no substance to reply to you fucking subhuman! woo hoo! choke on a ham!
this is a weirdly 'lo-fi'-ish picture, it feels like it was taken with an older camera, cool though.
There are no girls on Jow Forums and black people don't use any website that requires them to type. They only do Twitter using the ebonics version of text-to-speech.
>There are no girls on Jow Forums
Imagine believing this unironically
>landwhales and trannies do not count as girls
black girls are kinda hot desu
another fucking r*ddispacer JESUS learn to type for fucks sake niggersperg
there are girls on Jow Forums but theyre only bipolar attentionwhores, trannies and landwhales uwu
ew, sweat woman. gross, tis isnt fucking femine this looks gross and like a man
I think you should just hide the thread and do something nice
Such anger isn't healthy, especially if directed towards others~
>this is a weirdly 'lo-fi'-ish picture, it feels like it was taken with an older camera, cool though.
It was MANY years ago, back before beaches and shores and all that. So it was probably taken with a flipphone camera
yuuri is really cute and you have an interesting music taste user. racebaiting is pretty cringe though
ah, thats understandable then user, i kinda guessed that but still well wanted to ask.
i love Yuuri! I pre-ordered the nendroid figures of her and Chi (cos itd feel out of place to just get yuu) anyway thanks, im not racebaiting though. Never would intend to and honestly i hate racebait threads. When i made it i didnt think it could be taken as such but well now i guess but its not a racebait.
Black women are so funny and interesting, last time I talked to one I had a great time.
Sadly she stopped using her throwaway
Who is this qt you keep posting?
i sometimes forget to ad the stupid links like the reatrded piece of glue that i am, i like doing it a lot. Even though i don't need to bump this i feel angry whenever i forget to do it.
I've only met some when i was in UK once and had to spend a week in a ghetto-ish area near a reagge store ran by a cool old black guy. They seem really loud especially on the street.
Yuuri from shoujo shuumatsu ryokou
Nope you can't take her from me
Masturbating to her right now, boy you are getting cucked so hard.
cause you big retards are dumb racist fetishists
and the black girls notice
imagine some nignog is reading your post or even replying. fucking eww
like id care, id not masturbate to her. Its disgusting and impure.
no im not into blacks sorry, thats disgusting man
also you're retarded to think girls would go on this board, they only do to use you and get attention
user please stop you're gonna give me a fucking panic attack holy shit