Joined local KKK group

>Joined local KKK group
>All we do is advocate for and against senators
>They even let in a self hating Arab
What happening to the lynching and bus burning KKK I fell in love with? Does any group like that still exist?

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join your local nazis fren
>inb4 feds
better than the kkk

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How many members does the KKK have? I also wonder how many people are in local nazi militias. I feel like these groups aren't even real lmao

Only in third world countries

I think you go to jail for those. Try there.

the kkk has become more family oriented as lynchings are illegal. theyre still racist but theyll much rather watch niggers kill each other

Lolling at the idea of some disillusioned 20 something retard who turned himself into a nazi by looking at pictures of Bad Jews who joins the KKK and just sitting at one of their meetings, the crowd filled with 60+ year old diabetic boomers, going home and expressing dissapointment about all this on an anime imageboard. Did you think there'd be like a cool bald guy with boots and a bomberjacket screaming "FUCK NIGGERS" on stage???

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How do I find a Nazi group near me? Not a cringy meeting group but a real group where I can make a change by putting fear into the hearts of nonwhites


haha, I too am curious where I can find such a group of rac f-fellow nazis haha