You have exactly 3 seconds to explain why you aren't transitioning RIGHT NOW into a cute girl, r9k
You have exactly 3 seconds to explain why you aren't transitioning RIGHT NOW into a cute girl, r9k
I'm 5'11, have large hands and feel, look male with a good jawline, and I'm not uncomfortable with my gender
What do I benefit from it?
I am 23 years old, didn't think about such things before Jow Forums
You get to be cute, have orbiters and live life in tutorial mode
Be gone you degenerate, these poor robots won't turn their backs on God.
I'm 6'2" have a VERY deep voice and am 33 so it would be an all around bad idea.
don't want to look like a linebacker in a dress
if I had any chance of passing and was younger I might have considered it.
Holy shit the tranny memes are real, holy fuck.
Because I would never pass, my family would hate me, i'd lose any job prospect and i'd end up killing myself.
Because I'm comfortable as a guy, and I'm not a degenerate.
I am cisgender.
Transition has no long-term proven benefits.
Seriously, don't trap yourself.
Nice shill thread, bitterhon.
Back to your containment general on your containment board.
Stop pushing delusions onto vulnerable people you disgusting fuck.
Bullshit. You become much more likely to kill yourself, be seen as even more of a freak if you're a robot and overall ruin your life further.
Don't trap yourself.
It's Reiko's shilling operation all over again, except this time they're just /mtfg/ bitterhons it seems.
Tell them to go back and watch them recoil in horror, they've been found out!
"Passing" is irrelevant, even if you pass you'll be a disgusting delusional freak. Good call however not to trap yourself.
But I am and I'm happier than ever desu!
Hey look, it's another tranny shill trying to get more people from Jow Forums to join the delusion cult.
>>>/mtfg/, bitterhon.
Stop lying to yourself and others.
Transition has no long-term proven benefits.
If you are legitimately happy, you may be in what's known as thr "honeymoon period" of HRT in that you feel delusionally happy - this is onky because the pills are physically mutating your brain and literally destroying you. Once that's over, you're basically dead as a person.
Stop taking the pills before it's too late.
>reddit spacing meme
I've never used Reddit in my life.
It's simply easier to read. Deal with it, Satan.
You know what's really annoying? Seeing delusional freaks actively harming vulnerable people. Fucking disgusting.
We have to fight against the delusions. How one formats their post is irrelevant.
Because testosterone makes me faster on a bicycle. Gotta go fast.
Testosterone has many other benefits, like physical strength, not having a brain that's been physically mutated by estrogen and hyperdelusional in the case of trannies, and overall is the source of all drive and success in life.
Even as a robot, Testosterone is crucial. Without it, you'd be far worse off.
Give thanks every day you were born a man.
Transition has no long-term proven benefits.
I'm too chunky and I'd just end up looking hideous. The whole "turning into a woman" thing is retarded as fuck, but I'd be lying If I said I don't dream of being a cute twink who teases straighties with my feminine looks.
Too masc also I don't want to be a "girl"
Because I still identify as male despite being heavily undermasculinized from AIS. If anything, turning into a girl despite being comfortable with myself would just make me an hero.
There is nothing more disgusting than a woman so why would I want to be one?
I'm 5'6" (so too tall), I only dress as a girl for fun or in my dreams, and I'm not comfortable in my own skin, so I'd be even more awkward transitioning.
honestly the third one is fuckable
Because I'm cis, OP.
>Transition has no long-term proven benefits.
Statistics prove you wrong dear bitteregg!
Not an egg. I'm a repressor, fully aware of my mental illness but I have rejected the delusiom.
also >statistics
[Citation needed that isn't correlation=causation BULLSHIT!]
This guy is a tranny shill trying to make repressors sound bad and retarded, don't listen to him
Repression power brother!
>calling other bitter
>denying statistics
Oh dearie.
>5'6 too tall
are you retarded
I don't wanna be thrown off a roof when the Muslims come.
Not every repressors are like that. This guy is a legit retard, who hates everyone, from trannies to other repressors.
hello DBZ user :3
im going to eat my own ass and call the police about it
He's not dbz user. They're two very different person. DBZ user is pretty shill, lets other repressors do their own methods, and doesn't come off as insane. All the opposite of cureanon.
I'm well-aware but this guy is repressing so damn hard lol.
Not a tranny. That's you, freak.
>>>/mtfg/, bitterhon.
Don't literally fuck them, but their delusional ideaologies have to die.
Not a "retard", bitterhon shill.
I also hate nobody.
>>>/mtfg/, bitterhon.
Not DBZ user, but have fond memories of posting together with him against the delusions.
I'm Cureanon.
It's not related to the repression strength, it's related to the method.He's giving such a bad name to repressors and eventually pushing people toward transition, at this point i wish he'd just kill himself
Been repressing for my entire life pretty much.
I'm a master at it, and I'll never stop fighting for the truth and for a cure.
Not "insane", bitterhon.
I'm just successful, unlike you, freak.
>not a retard
>acts as autistically as he can
keep using fallacies kek
yo MARQUIS we goin' to DETROIT, ye homie, nigga. we git' dat' GREEN, makin' dat GREEN, nigga. i need 2 escpz my baby mama' LESHANDRQUISHA
I'm almost 6 feet tall and weigh 180 pounds, and I'm comfortable with my gender.
How am I unsuccessful? I'm relatively happy, and have almost no desire to be a girl anymore.
That's as successful as repression can get.
Encouraging suicide, bitterhon?
They never last long before saying KYS.
Shows your true colors, you don't support repressors or repression, you want us dead!
Fucking digusting. People like you need to go to
>>>/gaol/ immediately, for our safety.
they just need to wash their hair imo
ok what's cureanon doing wrong? he seems to speak sense?
>muh fallacies meme
Says the freak.
You clearly still believe in delusional shit.
I am the only one willing to speak the truth.
Even fellow repressors bend the knee to the freaks, and they suffer for it.
Of course that gets hate.
Don't listen to them. Spread the truth.
I'm here to save lives.
we get the NIGGADRUG
Wait, you're sperging out because I'm telling YOU to kys (and then say it like i'm wishing my fellow repressors to do so), despite telling me to transition for half an hour, which is basically suicide. Are you aware of your double standards?
It will not solve your problems.
>You clearly still believe in delusional shit.
Just tell me, what delusion do I believe in, seriously? Seriously, tell me and then I can fix it. Also how am I a freak? I'm just a guy.
I'm 6'0", ugly and in my late 20s.
I would never become a cute girl no matter how much I wish I could.
The best I can hope for is to cuddle one of those qts.
>the virgin repressers trying to spread the word and cures
>the chad repressers posting on Jow Forumsegg_irl to trick retards into transitioning
thanks for the advice, it helped so much
I never told you to transition.
What are you smoking, freak?
I told you to stop shilling delusional garbage.
Only a tranny shill could be THIS retarded.
>>>/mtfg/, bitterhon.
You tell me to go to mtfg, so you're asking me to transition. You are the retarded one, clearly
Harming other repressors as a repressor is despicable.
We must fight together for a cure, or you must be fought against as one of the freaks.
Transition has no long-term proven benefits.
Saying otherwise is extremely brainwashed at best, outright criminal at worst.
>>>/gaol/, bitterhon,
I'm telling you to go back there because you're not actually a repressor and just a fucking shill, freak.
If you actually are a repressor, which I doubt then stop encouraging people to be deluded.
cureanon, what is your story?
>reddit being based
No, I'm not. Why do you want me to be one? I'm not a fucking tranny. I actually tell people to repress and that they're not trans in like 70% of the r9k threads, while you are nowhere to be found.
Tell me, then , answer to me, what are my delusions?
Because I am male (male)
Also i like men and women and I feel comfy as a man with a man penis and man hands and man balls with man semen
I repressed successfully and beat the delusional mental illness, and now do my best to fight delusion at the source.
Feel free to check the archives of /lgbt/ for more information on me and what I'm about.
Whoever you are, I love your posts.
Keep on fighting the freaks.
>I repressed successfully and beat the delusional mental illness
>I repressed successfully and beat the delusional mental illness,
Genuinely just gave me a boost in self assurance. Like I've been given a senzu bean.
Thank you based cureanon
I'll never stop fighting for a cure, and to help repressors worldwide.
Neither should you.
Keep on repressin'!
You still haven't answered to my question, tell me what I can do to stop being delusional, and what my delusions are.
Because I'd go from being an ugly guy to an ugly girl. Plus my voice is really deep, not quite radio voice but close
lgbt shills back at shilling once again nice fuck off faggot thanks
6 foot 2 without shoes on
broad shoulders
big jaw
not mentally ill
I'm tall, have really large hands and feet, it's impossible
>implying having small hands and feet's will change something
and a male aspect in general. But the idea ofe being a girl attracts me, at least i have a big curvy ass
Potential links to systemspace / that anime cult
Investigate this shit.
We need to get the filth off Jow Forums.
Because I took HRT for 5 days and lose my ability to cum and got painful gyno.
Never again.
iam jealousy of humans who are REAL neets i would cut my finger just so i can be neet i cant keep with stress i really cant but here's thing i dont bitch about it on internet nor i ask random politicians to fix my problems instead i deal with it and wait for glory days of pension and freedom
also the guy in pic asked for help and guess what male pretending to be female dint bring his gf incels truly need to be executed
>spending money to fill pockets of some rich dudes
image being this dumb i dont even buy shower gel for years now dont have single problem
Systemspace had nothing to do with tranny-ism. It was a board with cyberpunk/ lain-ish aesthetics.
If I'm in tutorial mode I'm not going to become a real person
Explain them and their shill buddies shitting up this board with intentional shitposts then?
They're also likely involved in the similar /mtfg/ delusional cult located at as they had a thread up on their board at one point.
Transition has no long-term proven benefits, but Tsuki's graphics card sure does.
Hey, I'll give it to Tsuki. He knows how to run a slick operation, and has a real brain on his head unlike trannies.
Hope the guy gets the help he needs.
Shame his cult got shit up by delusional freaks. Probably why he ran off with the cash.
Am male. I like being male.
Transvestites on constant suicide watch.
>Explain them and their shill buddies shitting up this board with intentional shitposts then?
But isn't systemspace dead? Honestly I've never been there. Just heard about it through r/conspiracy, videos and the likes.
>but Tsuki's graphics card sure does.
What does that mean?
>Hey, I'll give it to Tsuki. He knows how to run a slick operation, and has a real brain on his head unlike trannies.
How? He's just a jap guy, aren't japs outside of the whole tranny stuff? His mangas had nothing to do with trannies.
>Shame his cult got shit up by delusional freaks. Probably why he ran off with the cash.
What? What cash?
And you still haven't told me what my delusions are. Seriously, I want to know. I don't think i have any, but if i do i'd appreciate you telling me.
use this is better version user
My dad hates me for being trans. My dad and I used to go out to the movies or just to eat out. After coming out as a tranny our relation got terrible. He starts crying everytime he sees me, blaming himself and my mother for me becoming a "fag" once he even tried breaking my pc and throwing away my meds. Now I barely speak to him (even moved with my bf to be able to get out of house). My mom says my dad misses me too much, but everytime I tried to talk to him is the "I want my son back" talk.
He isn't a bad guy, just has problems accepting who I am.
I hope someday he accepts me and we can have a better father-daughter relationship.
Noted, downloaded, and set aside for future use. Thanks.
no seriously question du you have SINGLE shame or respect to people who give you chance to be alive image your parents wasted more than millions of dollars on you your school your rent food luxury's etc
and after all of what your parents suffered to bring you to right path you just give up on it and decide to commit suicide by refusing to have future and insulting you father with sins at least pay back what you took from them faggot
those type of story's is why i have so much joy knowing lgbt faggot suffer everyday
It's a copypasta from reddit, retard
the place you come from
>father daughter relationship
can anyone give me a good reason why HRT is/should remain legal?
You don't have to stop fapping to repress
faggot i wont tolerate propaganda on my board unlike you i did more protecting white race here that you will ever will
also unlike you i use sage
Why should it be illegal? If they're consenting adult, then just let them do whatever they want to their own bodies, even abuse.
Because I'm a man's man who likes fucking tight little young pussies.
i like being a man
I always wanted to be chad instead. But my body is feminine as fuck.
I have like the reverse problem of all these big trannies.
White race? Are you really cureanon? I don't remember curanon being spewing bs about the white race, i thought you were more based than that.
because it enables people to turn into
i would say it overall is a demerit product
HRT only makes sense if you start early and/or are naturally feminine
There's no point in transitioning if you're just gonna end up as an ugly, non-passable hon
no iam not him even if i was him it wont matter only one thing matter our future yes you might say "internet warrior wont do shit" at least i will be encouraging white nationalism to other anons and new fags who maybe have better social status than me this will trigger domino effect and maybe wake up our people from destruction