Mother literally has an IQ of 91 points

>mother literally has an IQ of 91 points
>mine is somehow 110 points
>never even acknowledge it or try to show off
>don't even feel like i'm smart in the first place, if anything i'd sooner consider myself an idiot or borderline retarded
>she considers herself a geniuses though
>and she also feels like she's above everyone else somehow
I'll just ask your opinion on this, what do you think is the logic behind this kind of behavior?

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Retards lack self awareness.


I'm 130 and suspect my mum must be about 95-100. I show off and criticise her for it.

let her be that way, one day she'll come against someone who is better than her in every way. Then she'll realize why cockeyed optimism is something you don't want.

Attached: Trash nigga.jpg (1280x543, 62K)

wow absolute chad for bullying ur mom

Interrupting your crap thread to make a public service announcement. Lately these frog memes have been taking over every website on the face of this planet and people are beginning to forget the original memes. It's a shame since an entire generation soon won't know anything other than shitty green-and-blue stencil drawings of old jokes. Here is the original image that OP is trying to mimic.

Stay safe everyone.

Attached: orig.png (1920x1080, 1.43M)

1. theres some ironic meme about how smart people know that they don't know anything
2. you're probably realistically dumber than your mom if you can't win in an argument or convince her of where she stands on things

she bullies me for being short and not being able to get a girlfriend

>ironic mem
you're retarded. imagine giving out advice and opinions like this when you have no idea what you're talking about

dunning-Kruger effect
bad argumentative skill doesn't always mean low intelligence.

You have clearly never argued with a boomer brainlet. They are impossible to get through and they lack self-awareness.


studied at elite institution, dumb boomer parents

110 isn't smart anyway. If you discounted non-whites in white countries, the average IQ would be 110 and not 100.

>doesn't always
i agree but the "potential" for intelligence =/= actual intelligence. if your life creates major consequences for shitty social skills or negotiation skills, and you're fucking shit at those with no good substitute, then it just follows that with or without your supposed IQ you're pretty stupid.

maybe for you. also, i wouldn't engage in pointless arguments and get so emotional that i blog about it on Jow Forums. boomers get btfo in court all the time.

>argue with mother about some shit that she doesn't understand
>prove my point and prove her that she fucked up
>turns the whole thing around on me and claims that's what she initially meant from the start but i just didn't get it
>dismisses everything dumb she said prior to me explaining it all to her
>whenever i try to point out what she said again she immediately dismisses it and says she ''doesn't remember'' telling it like that
>claims i must've misunderstood her or something like that
Come on, there's clearly no point in even arguing anything at that point anymore, just drop it all off and walk away, you can't win against a literal retard, and funnily enough you don't have to either, you got nothing to prove.

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I don't see the return on investment using meme phrases to piss off that other guy for arguing with somebody that has dementia or short term memory loss.

Is it intelligent to place yourself at odds with your mom? What do you gain? There's not much to discuss here and I wouldn't blow this out of proportion. People have misunderstood each other across generation gaps since the beginning of time. But if you're going to start with some autistic IQ measuring statement, I just need to remind you that there is no standard life for someone with 110 or 91 IQ. there are absolute fucking retards with high IQs because they make consistently bad choices. if you value intelligence, you'd value the outcome of intelligence, not your inherent ability to do intelligent things in theory.

tfw males in my family are all 125+ but they think they're retarded, 140 grandpa is the one who talks sense into everyone, i'm 150 and can have good conversations with them because they know about history and shit while i'm just a science/philosophy nerd

also my uncle is 135 at least but he makes dumb mistakes like arguing about what an isotope is. i don't talk to him about science though he enjoys politics

How the frick do I even find my iq

dunning-kruger effect
dumb people think they're the smartest
reckless people think they're the most responsible ect

taking the online mensa practice test will tell you how well you're likely to score on a real test. obviously it's just a meme test but all professional IQ tests have the same questions.

nah. looked at the questions and they're mostly stuff you could improve by paying attention in school whereas even the mock IQ tests give you crazy spot-the-pattern type questions that if you don't know the answer to, you wouldn't be able to get the answer to given a year to figure out

Why do women do this? I'm not short but all the women in my family bully me for not being able to get a gf.

Lack of self awareness OP, that's what differentiate retards from smart people

I'm in a similar position.
>Have average IQ
>Mum is a literal retard
>Likes to go on about how she's a smart and intelligent woman
>Also claims to be strong and independent, yet can't control her emotions

matrix patterns are a subset of full-scale IQ tests, also the test is timed which factors in your performance speed and can be extrapolated to determine how quickly you would work on a real test

just weirded out that it felt so similar to a GRE exam

yeah that's understandable, psychologists are weird in general

Mensa test in my country had only matrix patterns with some variations.

And I still didn't manage to get in.
>too smart to be oblivious
>too dumb to be actually smart
at least I can adapt to various jobs pretty fast

Dunning-Kruger effect how is this not original

>at least I can adapt to various jobs pretty fast
as long as you can do that your IQ score doesnt matter at all

That's because 110 is pretty fucking dumb. 100, average, is fucking retarded. Honestly 120 and below IQ should be considered a disability.