>one chance at life
>born non-white
Is there a worse fate than this? I think about my inferiority daily
>one chance at life
>born non-white
Is there a worse fate than this? I think about my inferiority daily
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Being born asian.
Well that's still non-white, unless you're Japanese which some acknowledge them as honorary Aryans. You also have a higher IQ on average than most races. I'm cursed with African and Amerindian DNA. My skin resembles the color of feces and I'm just smart enough to know how dumb and useless I am
asians are not white, but no i agree with that user. separate asians from other non whites.
You should only be upset about this if you were born a nigger or a Pajeet.
being born a manlet
I'm a hispanic mutt with nigger genes, most people think I'm mulatto. I don't want anything to do with blacks, I hate myself FUCK
I'd take being a white manlet in a heartbeat
Literally the only person on this board that understands me. I also have complete trash genes other than being a shitskin.
What race were you cursed with?
>I'm a hispanic mutt with nigger genes, most people think I'm mulatto. I don't want anything to do with blacks
Same exact story here, actually. But I don't have any angst over it.
Even a North Indian Pajeet? I would say that being an Arab Mudslime is much worse.
I dont know what hurts more, being nonwhite or being a poor thirdworlder i wouldnt mind the racism if it meant a chance to live life rather than getting by as a miserable wagecuck
Like whats the appeal in being white? I personally have asian, european and a little of native american dna. Mi skin is the copper colour and I waish I was taller but apart of that I'm ok with my race. Theres dumb white people and there is smart black people.
Or a kike ofc kek. Afroasiatic Semites need to be genocided for their own good if not everyone else's.
Jews are the true master race though, they control the world. Not a bad fate desu
It's because you're in a multicultural area. I'm black but I live in a black neighborhood so I have no issue with being black.
oh you're mixed that's a big problem too.
You probably shouldn't breed since your bloodline has been Jewed already.
so what? i hate most niggers too but there are decent ones. you seem to be one of the spared ones so just accept your body
Kikes don't know what is good for them. Even if the Semites successfully take over the world they will rule over negromutts and ashes, unlike the Aryans who will actually build a better society.
lmao why?
youre gonna let some memes on Jow Forums hold you down?
non-whites have more testosterone and act more irrationally
the average white person feel inferior to and just scared of non-whites for that reason
Why? Whites have the highest rates of suicide, inceldom, drug abuse, etc., they don't really have any culture or history to speak of (that they haven't stolen from others), plus pretty much everyone else hates them, including their own media and government, they even hate themselves and it's clear whiteness in general is on its way out.
dont let some psyops bs affect you OP, man up and go get shit done
>Is there a worse fate than this?
Yes,sucking whites.Stop being a retad
Nonwhite isn't a synonym for nigger. You can't just put them all in the same group. You really think Asians have more testosterone and act more irrationally than whites?
European whites have their country's culture but unfortunately the same can't be said for Amerimutts. Don't mix them up.
I may be white but I'm a drug-addict and manlet. Being white doesn't seem to matter at all for me. I'm still miserable. Would I be more miserable brown? I don't think so, necessarily.
Asians try to use their intellect and irrationalilty to assert dominance, it's the same thing.
Your interpretation is subjective and Asians still objectively have less testosterone than whites on average.
think of what they have as energetic testosterone if you need to then. They think they are superior to whites just like blacks do.
There are whites who think that their race is superior as well. What is your point? Nonwhites are a very diverse group and can't all be pigeonholed together into a prescribed set of characteristics. Niggers, gooks, kikes, spics, sandniggers, and streetshitters are all very different from each other.
they're all not white
majority of the people you think are white are mutts
>they're all not white
That is virtually the only thing that they all have in common. Thank you for stating my point for me. Euromutts are still white as they have all white ancestry. Amerimutts may or may not be pure 100 percent white.
This. If you are around your own, there is no reason you would feel this way. Stop hanging around whites so much
I hate my own though
>I personally have asian, european and a little of native american dna.
Hapas are probably the most cute, beautiful and smart demographic that there is. You should actually be proud as hell
Have not read the whole thread but what are you and where do you live?
Who wants to be a cumskin soiboi huwhite anyway?
>inb4 sour grapes
Aren't mestizos sort of like hapas? They have had Caucasoid and Mongoloid derived Americoid parents.
I'm mulatto + a bit of native american and live in the US. My family members are all just as mixed. I don't really have identity issues but due to the 1 drop rule people either associate me or want me to associate with blacks when I don't. I hate this timeline, why is human nature so tribalistic
mongoloide as causcasoid is a too broad term
The one drop rule doesn't really apply outside of the U.S.. In Latin America race is judged by skin tone and what you look like the most. If it really bothers you and you don't look black then just don't tell people that you're part mulatto. Just say you're white and Native American. A lot of white people with black ancestry in the south do exactly this apparently. I suppose they would rather be part Native than part Black.
You probably mean only East Asians. They do look a little similar though.
>but due to the 1 drop rule people either associate me or want me to associate with blacks when I don't.
only in the US btw
American blacks look absolutely horrible. Here in the uk, blacks are alright and this is coming from a pajeet (we usually hate blacks). Might be because I went to school with a lot of them but they seemed pretty chill. Would be difficult because of your family but life outside of the states would probably be better for you
asians are honorary whites. you guys are very pleasant, polite, and respectful. everyone else gets gassed
>is white
>knows he's worshipped all over the world and has easy access to virtually all pussy in the eastern hemisphere.
>enjoys the schadenfreude from posts like these.
thanks for posting bro!
You're the hero of this timeline user. The white race is the most accomplished and beautiful there is. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
its not like you could've been born anything else, you were the exact sperm from your dad, so there was no way for you to be white its not like you have a soul and you rolled white, your existence is your destined fate, you either exist as your shitty brown self or you never exist at all. It was never meant to be
Same here bro we're all gonna make it pic unrelated
Whites don't have the highest incel rates wtf
>I hate my own though
Well stop because your own is the only people that will accept you at the end of the day. Stop believing in this kumbaya bullshit. Race is the only thing that matters in this life, EVERYONE is tribalistic no matter what they say and will work to advance their own race faster than anyone else's. People of different races can't truly be friends.
Not everyone believes in this, I don't care about someone just because we share our roots. I only work to advance myself, at the end of the day you die alone
Being a sub 5ft 6 white male is worse than being an asian male of average height
It really depends man. 5ft 8 or 5ft 9? Not the end of the world. 5ft 4? RIP in peace
>one shot at life
>manlet and dicklet peenoise white hapa
>one shot at life
>born hapa and fucked in the head
>one shot at life
>born a gay nigga with no swag
oh don't feel like that bout yourself i am sure u are lovely :*
mate i am sure u can accuite a great amount of swag :*
i am absolutely sure u are wonderful & very polite :*
thats a very harsh opinion i am sure u are amazing ;*
:* :*
hapas are the best race you fucks. Literally the leaders of the future, a good balance of smarts and handsomeness
Why is it so bad?
Maybe it's because people can't distinguish my ethnicity and that I have no accent whatsoever, but not being white has literally never been a problem for me.
That's like Dante must die megamode. All the gay homies I know have that drip.
Racemixing is not the best of both races you dumb fuck, it's some gross muddy mix. Hapas are trash like all mixed kids, keep the races pure.
>he unironically fell for the asians are smart meme when every asian country is garbage and worse to live in than any european country
Not the chinks user.
>be korean-american
>kpop infesting the minds of white women due to kike propaganda
>can't capitalize since manlet
Especially the chinks, they have by far the most successful culture in East Asia and at their peak are the Asian equivalent of the Romans.
t. yellow fever cuckold
>>"pleasant, polite, and respectful."
Travel to China and you will see a very selfish people. The Japanese on the other hand are far more pleasant and respectful.
I would say their selfishness is more or less due to self-preservation. They are the result of judeo-communist indoctrination, much like whites in Western Europe. Would you really look towards the queer and perverted progressive west as the gold standard? I wouldn't think so.
As humans go, they are just as shitty as the rest.