I keep getting strange looks from people when they find out I'm not married. They get concerned when they find out I never had a gf. I'm 27.
At what age should a man start a family?
Probably around your age.
Don't let it get to you
>They get concerned when they find out I never had a gf. I'm 27.
This a red flag and they will assume you are mentally ill socially retarded. Perhaps you shouldn't tell people this.
this... why the fuck would you tell anyone this ?
maybe you're not good enough for family, bro.
before 30 is normal. having a committed relationship is usually normal by 25.
You shouldn't start a family. Imagine having a husband like you
I done goofed then. What is the fastest way to redeem myself
Dangerous way of thinking. If you think of life in terms of "should"s then you're probably going to end up miserable.
are you fucking kidding me? 27? I'm 28 and i think its fucking retarded to get married or have children at this age. but im also a complete fucking loser so that probably explains it
You should start around 18 or 19.
24-25 is ideal
Sometimes you get pity sex from girls if youre a decent looking virgin
Get the fuck outta here. This applies to women maybe, but for men the ideal age is 30-40.
>At what age should a man start a family?
you dont have to start a family if you want to. im a 23 year black male and im not going to because i grew up fucked up and i dont think i will be a good father.
Kill that idea senpai it's all a dream. Look up the facts, millenials make on average less than $36k/yr. We aren't teens anymore this means people ages 21-30 are living under the poverty line. Then there is student debt, the lack of high paying jobs, automation taking over the world and killing the dream of making $60k/yr screwing screws in an assembly line. Most boomers get married in their early to mid 20s. But now we live in the era where only the rich get married.
Don't leave it too late or your offspring will be even more autistic than you are.
I'd say under 40. Your not having a gf is more concerning, however.
desu americans should bite the bullet and emigrate to third world countries. If you know a bit of Spanish you can learn really fast and get a poorfag job but you won't be in gigantic debts.
Lol, I don't think you are 30. Best time is mid 20s. 30-40 your body starts to wear down and you won't have the energy for kids.
dope. im 28. almost over the hill
Don't listen to people saying you should have already started a family, OP. They're speaking from an idealist perspective - it would be great if men were in their late 20s and women in their early 20s when they started families, but that isn't actually what's common today, assuming that's what you're worried about. It's pretty typical for a man to be 35 when he gets married and has kids.
>"At what income could a man start a family?"
Fix'd for you.
Having children is immoral because it increases the suffering in the world
and you should hate yourself because you want it
Im 25 with a good job and I would hate to have kids at this age. It is better to have 10+ years of savings and fun experiences under your belt as a 30 something before settling down and having kids. Plus you will probably be moving cities a lot in your 20s to climb the salary ladder which is much more difficult if you have a family.
How should I get a gf then? Most are attracted to pay and looks I am mediocre in both categories.
Never you fucking retard, humanity is brainwashed by the Jews to breed so they increase amount of consumers, you are nothing but a stack of cash to them