Why do so many white boys these days have yellow fever? It seems like its at an all time high.
Why do so many white boys these days have yellow fever? It seems like its at an all time high
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Holy shit this white roastie is absolutely seething that an A-lister would choose to date a cute asian woman. Nick cage could have his pick of white women but STILL chooses to be with an Asian. White women btfo
It is degenerate as is
But more degenerate than yellow fever is a white roastie.
As someone who's been in SEA for 6 months allow me to enlighten. It really is this simple: they treat you exactly how you want to be treated. They're adorable, sweet, feminine, they don't cause drama, start fights. when you want sex they let you fuck them without any begrudging bullshit, they're happy to please you. its heaven compared to white roasties. you're always in a good mood, always having fun, and you end up WANTING to do nice things for them, treat them with respect, and make them happy because they do the same for you.
American women are completely brainwashed, mentally ill cunts
what exactly constitutes "sweet"? like whenever guys describe their girlfriends as "sweet" it seems like it's a fill-in for when they can't think of anything else to describe them. does "sweet" just mean they don't insult you and aren't actively mean to you? because that applies to most people I think.
>nicholas cage
>a lister
C'mon now. It's not 1997.
Unironically their childish looks
It's scientifically proven that men are more aroused by 13-16 yo women
The asians look younger for longer so they trigger that desire
Not to mention they're often a lot nicer, white bitches act like theyre on pms all the time
Mild personality, cute demeanor, positive attitude
what differentiates a mild personality from a boring one? more generally, what exactly is a mild personality? is it just being generally quiet or are there other traits? also what kinds of behaviours would someone have to engage in to have a cute demeanour?
when you interact with them, even if you're just staring at eachother across the table eating lunch, they look at you, talk to you, and touch you in ways that make you feel butterflies in your stomach. it feels intoxicating. i've never felt intoxicated from any white woman. everything they do is adorable, without trying. its "sweet"
theyre attracted to the androgynous looks and submissive personality
could this just be because they're pretty? is there some specific technique for staring at people while eating lunch, looking at them etc. that differentiates "sweet" stares from regular ones? or is it just that the person who does them happens to be physically attractive?
asians are the cheapest and easiest. we pass them around with our buddies and they don't complain.
ill concede here. its probably because they're extremely cute/pretty and this could be replicated by any race. however, i haven't seen it replicated with the same frequency across other races. the vast majority of my interactions with asian girls evoke this feeling. not so with others
>mild personality
No strong opinions, especially when it comes to politics. Never raises their voice. doesnt feel the need to be the center of attention
>cute demeanor
Dressing nicely but not like a whore. Cute face. Thin. Not too tall. Being naiive and sexually inexperienced in many ways. dont take this the wrong way and think we want to date kids, we want women 18-25 who dont have a lot of sexual or life experience because having been around the block tends to lead to problems with loyalty and gives her a cynical outlook on life. These are both very unattractive
As a white guy asian girls seem to be the most open to my advances, so I have subconsciously allowed this to seep into and influence my own presences. I think it is my minds way of trying to maximize my reproductive success by making me prefer groups of women who have a track record for being receptive to me.
I always catch asian girls smiling at me in public, and have had a few go out of their way to approach me in class and on public transportation. I am your stereotypical nerdy white computer programmer.
White women on the other hand are very closed off and cold towards me, and I almost never get Indications of Interest from them. When passing them in public they rarely make eye contact or smile, and I never have them trying to randomly chat me up.
Ahh fuck. A few words got screwed up here. Thats what I get for phoneposting
>and this could be replicated by any race
I'm actually not sure about this. presumably the appeal of asian women is that they're more light skinned than brown/black women and physically shorter/skinnier/smaller than white women, so I'm not sure if, physically at least, non-asian women would stand a chance. though then again classically feminine certain facial features (small noses, large eyes etc.) tend to show up on non-asian women more than asian women, so you might wonder why that doesn't figure into people's preferences.
>don't have a lot of sexual or life experience
wouldn't it make sense to date women who are less attractive then? presumably if someone has all these physical features (cute face, thin, short etc.) then wouldn't they be much more likely to have sexual experiences?
nah there's cute Ethiopian girls who have petite featues, latinas, etc etc. it doesn't have to do with skin color. darker SEA bunnies are still super qt for the same reasons the porcelain princesses are
Idk I think every race has beautiful women (besides abos) but Asians have the most attractive for me
Do white women really care about this to the extent that they make it about race or is this more propaganda?
im not white but i think it is because i watch way to much anime
White women are hypocrites. They hate asian women because they're the one group of women that has dethroned them as the trophy woman.
No they don't they're too busy getting dicked down by chad to give af
>Mfw China is taking over.
I haven't looked at your image yet, but what I meant was "do white women get vocally mad about WMAF relationships because they think white men belong to white women the same way white men get mad about niggers dating white women because of race tribalism?"
Sorry if that's a confusing jumble of words. I kind of wrote this all out in a stream-of-consciousness way.
I have heard my mom make derogatory remarks after seeing Asian woman/white male couples.
Demeanor is a reason for men to date then, although while publically agreeable and feminine they can be extremely cruel behind closed doors, worse than most white women.
The main reason is because Asian women started dating interracially and are putting themselves on the market. Obviously it was never unheard of, but 20 or even 10 years ago Asian girls were under a lot of family pressure to marry a dude from the same country. Koreans used to be especially disapproving of mixing. Now the mindset is more liberal, second generation immigrants don't really give a shit who their kids date, and more relationships happen.
Nicolas Cage went Asian? Wow.
they do actually. White women are awful people and can't stand the thought of someone liking an ethnicity that is different from them
Good looking but without all the mental baggage that comes with white women.
No, retards on here think they're making roasties angry. Women don't care about race mixing unless they're wignats.
It's a real mystery, indeed.
Perplexing. Unfathomable. Genuine.
Go read this thread.
Isn't it funny how literally every other interracial pairing is considered stunning and brave, but anyone with a white guy is shunned as creepy and fetishistic?
Not going to read through a 300 post thread lol. There aren't women on Jow Forums though only gays.
this girl is apparently a pinay, according to her SO who posed this pic before. I'm pretty skeptical
>not going to read
Then you can't say white women don't care. You should be castrated for spreading lies and white knighting for whores.
Kek I saw that thread. He was larping bro, this image is years old
Nicholas Cage has yellow fever. Ever since he married Alice Kim in 2004 (pic related), all of his subsequent love interests following their divorce have been asian females. Pretty based fellow imo