i've done
2cb,lsd, shrooms,crack,speed,mdma,speed and dmt oh and weed of course eddies and smoked
Won't even inject anything because scared of needless
i've done
2cb,lsd, shrooms,crack,speed,mdma,speed and dmt oh and weed of course eddies and smoked
Won't even inject anything because scared of needless
>mostly psychedelics
Salvia and DXM
1g of DPH you will trip balls.
Isobutyl nitrate or poppers are pretty good if you're trying to get TOPPED by a BBC I suggest both. Big black cock can be a drug too
Mescaline. What the fuck are eddies though?
DXM is like impossible to get in the UK if a vendor has it it's not worth the price, i have 800mg of codeine coming to me though what's it like?
i do poppers with my bf to be honest with you user
THC made into cookies or whatever... turn thc into some sort of butter then bake it into stuff, idk how they do it with candy tho, i've made cookies and brownies tho
i will look into it user... ty
You mean edibles you utter, utter retard
eddis idiot, dont tell me how to talk