What new drug should i try?

i've done
2cb,lsd, shrooms,crack,speed,mdma,speed and dmt oh and weed of course eddies and smoked

Won't even inject anything because scared of needless

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>mostly psychedelics
Salvia and DXM

1g of DPH you will trip balls.

Isobutyl nitrate or poppers are pretty good if you're trying to get TOPPED by a BBC I suggest both. Big black cock can be a drug too

Mescaline. What the fuck are eddies though?

DXM is like impossible to get in the UK if a vendor has it it's not worth the price, i have 800mg of codeine coming to me though what's it like?

i do poppers with my bf to be honest with you user

THC made into cookies or whatever... turn thc into some sort of butter then bake it into stuff, idk how they do it with candy tho, i've made cookies and brownies tho


i will look into it user... ty

You mean edibles you utter, utter retard

eddis idiot, dont tell me how to talk


he said DPH (benadryl) actually, but don't listen to him, it's a shit drug

cant get dxm in the uk and its just an iq lower anyway

Did you not read my post or are you memeing? The post you originally replied to WAS NOT talking about DXM. DXM was never mentioned. DPH, notice the two different letters was the one he mentioned.

>what new drug should i try?
My cock, but I warn you you will get hooked.

Ketamine, or any dissociatives really

shit i forgot i got 1 bags 1gs of ket the other day done it before a few times as well, k holed once sorry already taken user

ket but you do some MDMA before and during to surf round the k-hole like a champ.

How much ket tho? shit mostly knocks me out after a bit, i have a load of stuff in rn not really mixed stuff apart from mdma and lsd

do a line of md then a line of ket, repeat md as desired. you feel great, potential for some visual artifacts (i stared at a fire and it looked like it was glitching around in a circle) and overall just rather nice.

Don't do opiates. You will like them too much.
I suggest xanax. Xanax, weed, and adderall make for a very good time.

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I know a lot of people get hooked on them but i wanna try them and see what they are like i have a bf i will do them with and have 150mg of H ill snort like 30mg of. just lost job dueto i fucked my back in and its gonna take 2-4 weeks to heal so

If I didn't have a (relatively) straight edge bf I would be addicted to opiates right now. If you have someone who really cares about you it hurts them. It's just better to stay away. They're too good.


Just to add onto that. I literally mean they are too good. Our brains are not supposed to release all that pleasure at once for such an extended period of time. The meme about getting hooked after the first try is actually based in reality.
It's a toxic substance that makes you feel good. Would you take a toxic substance that does anything else to you? Probably not.
Avoid them, please.

mdma is probs thegoldendrug for anyway you love everything and everyone and i take that every 45 days or so i don't really get hooked on anything ijust wanna try it becuase i know the first time is the best kinda thing

would i not just do DMT instead as it's safer or is 5meo really that good of a drug to try?

Thank you for caring but i have a load of drugs right now i could get hooked on pretty easy, speed, mdma and so on i just want to do some opois with my robo bf for like a 1 time thing

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why do trannies like drugs so much

not a tranny, 22 yo male


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After your first shot, your perception of needles will probably be much more favorable towards them.

i'm never doing needles at all, i hate them even for blood tests and vacs. I don't want to do like hard H just a small amount cuddle with bf and sleep been taking drugs for a good 5 years i''m not gonna get hooked

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