how to ascend when tiny?
How to ascend when tiny?
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It physically hurts being a manlet. Nothing you do will make up for the fact that you're short
Recognize your position in life and act as a buffoon for some taller girls' amusement
>tfw ugly, short and autistic
We manlets should have just been bred out of existence
accepting that i'll probably die alone despite not being ugly, having a good job and a degree has been a very painfull
I am a 5'7 manlet but at least I'm taller than the average woman
I'm tall but ugly. Nobody wins it all.
it can't make up for being short, but there are things that you could do that helps shift the scales, like being shredded and the life of the party, it might make your napolean complex obvious, but goddamn have i've seen that shit work miracles for an otherwise short ass dude.
Ahahah I know this feel man. I work for a FAANG and am white but it doesnt matter because im 5ft 4
5 ft 3 and 117 lb manlet checking in
I wish this was me so I could be manhandled
The only thing anyone can do to change anything is to either punish behaviour you don't want to prevail or reward behaviour you want to prevail. This is what is power. Especially if you have numbers. However, it's hard to do so. Because if you want to do this, you have to "punish" yourself. You have to reject the girl who want you (because she didn't get chad and have realized she can't have chad), even if you have been celibate for a year or more. And it only works if others do exactly the same.
You (as a group) have to make the rules very clear, and don't accept any compromise:
If the girl doesn't accept you as an equal to a "physical beast" and choose you when you are a success.... If this is not the case, you should reject her. Even if she is a 10/10.
You should also make sure to NOT create any kind of progress until it changes. You know that you are the backbone of society, right? Smart, single men is creating the overflow of goods and services in the world. If you don't get your part of the good things in life, don't produce. Producing goods for society when you are an outcast is moronic. If you do, you deserve being chosen last.
It will hurt you. Your life will be shit. But it will force change. It will make stupid "physical beasts" forced into doing intellectual work. And we all know that won't work. Thus those people is rendered useless and losers.
Don't do this for yourself. Do it for the coming generations. It's a slow process. If you are an egoistical cunt who only want to help yourself, then fuck you. You deserve to be last.
Blame the porn industry. Fuck, even go after them legally. They implicitly spread the idea that a man should be a certain height, have a certain pecker, a certain status, and a certain wallet, and that a man should only value himself on his ability to pleasure women. They do this 24/7, and corrupt the minds of youth before they even reach highschool. This creates an environment with impossible standards for men, which in turn creates celibate males that are 'low caste' and forlorned.
Wanna trade bodies?
Stop feeding the beast that kills you. Refuse to work. Get any and all of the benefits that is a drain on society. Never do anything that benefits anyone who is not sympathetic to your fight. Even if it hurts yourself to hurt "them", just do it. Don't be a pussy. You can take it.
You are the idiots that don't make being short a thing. You fail to understand no woman wants to date a short guy any more than you want to date a tall woman.
If you are literally offended by posts like these make one saying the same thing only that she was tall as a post. Don't freak out if the feminists decide to say smth about it though whic is the female version of r9k
Yeah I consent to whatever future tech you have that'll let us do that.
>be me
>crown prince of manlets at 5'10
>penis is 6x5, even girls have bigger penises in
>IQ 121, too dumb to relate to anything smart, too smart to be able to enjoy low-IQ parties and clubbing
>7/10 face on a good day
>genetically predisposed to various types of cancer, diabetes, mental illnesses
>shitty bone structure, partially due to low prenatal T: wrist circumference is barely 5.8"
>born as last child and only son to poor slav parents in poor slav country
>spent childhood playing accordion instead of sports like a normal kid
>only ever had 3 "friends" at a time
>longest conversation with a female so far has been 10 words
I can go on indefinitely here but I think it's apparent height is not the only issue in life.
I could have been so much better if only *one single thing* off this list was removed.
What are you talking about nigger, tall girls are great.
I don't know a single man that discriminates in their choosing of women, except for not wanting to date a woman being fat (and that is something that each individual actually have power over). Usually they don't want to date someone fat because it tells something very bad about their personality: Enough is not enough for them.
Be good looking.
Guys just live for yourselves and do what makes you happy, even if it pisses everyone else off. Just take what you can and give absolutely nothing back, except to those that truly deserve it. These thots don't care if you die alone, so you shouldn't give a single solitary shit about them either.
upvote. Do.... Not... White... Knight... Nobody EVER got pussy that way.
Summer starts in 11 days, pal. Keep the summer shit away until then, please.
this is what i do. im so fucking hated in my community that it's hilarious. i see so many people preaching about self love and being yourself, but people flip their shit when im doing exactly those things. fuck em.
youre in the process of being bred out of existence virgins
god you are literally me (except for the 7/10 face) i tried getting into math and shit but at the end of the day i'm not even smart enough to spend more than 1 hour on anything without getting bored or thinking about stupid shit
I've been here a lot longer than you newfag. Having cultural references outside of Jow Forums isn't a negative, son.
people make being short and having a tiny dick out to be way much more of a big deal than it really is i'm trans so i have no penis and are 5'4" and have had 4 girlfriends and 6 boyfriends so i really don't get how other people have such a hard time? currently engaged too btw
People like that like to pretend they are good people who can do no wrong, but trust me, none of us are innocent. You have one life. Live it as you see fit.
>Had 35+ partners, often get checked out when I go outside.
>Have had girls blatantly approach and hit on me.
It's funny when I hear people talk about how they can't tell if a girl is interested. If she is, she'll throw it up in red letters.
Anyways, if I didn't know any better my feelings would be hurt by OP's pic. But here are the rules to making it.
>Rule #1: Be good looking
>Rule #2: Have a nice body and dress well
>Rule #3: Be both charming and have a high sex drive
Follow those three simple steps
Originally fuck off normie.. originally
To be honest, a lot of sex-partners is equal to "not making it" in the mating arena. I've had my share of women. And the share of a couple of other guys too. None of the girls I've had relations with would ever consider having my child. If you don't understand that the endgame of male-female companionship is to procreate and thus genetically survive, you do not understand anything on this subject
Three. Simple. Steps.
>To be honest, a lot of sex-partners is equal to "not making it" in the mating arena
Whole lotta coping goin on there, lol.
That's a nice opinion you've got there. I'm pretty sure what most of us know what sex is for though, don't worry, seething bi-faggot
>men don't want to date tall women
Nice try you dumbass woman. Fuck off, there is no equivalent because women are the gatekeepers, no matter what her status is, if she's a woman she will always, ALWAYS have a guy willing to take her no questions asked. A woman's only limitations are her standards, and a woman is only ever a virgin if she chooses to be. Fact.
This post as bait and this board is fucking terrible
I'm not even gonna post a bait fish, I don't fucking care anymore and I hate all of you.
>giving a fuck about LTRs and children
There's a correlation between women who see height as a deciding characteristic when looking at a guy, and lower IQ. Consider yourself lucky and move on. Height, like penis size, means literally nothing. Only intelligence matters in the grand scheme of things.
>tfw 5'11 god emperor of manletkind
Hurts so much more when you're so damn close
My parents are(were) good looking, charismatic, and tall
>There's a correlation between women who see height as a deciding characteristic when looking at a guy, and lower IQ
>short women are cute as fuck
>tall women get to be fucking MODELS
Fuck off
Her small feet contrasted with chad's size 15 feet would be hot as fuck
large shoes look ridiculous no matter how you cut it. just lmao @ ur clown feet
t size 9 cuck
t. pic related chad
imagine the lack of self awareness it takes to take a photo of nothing and put some retarded caption and post it thinking anyone even your closest friends care. modern women are so self-absorbed it's a joke
Im 156cm and ready to kill myself.
Unironically just become taller, modern medicine is a miracle, your legs will look utterly destroyed but it's the price to pay.
You don't want to be a manlet forever do you?
Oops i originally forgot the pic.
if you're worth liking you'll find somebody regardless of height
problem is you're probably not worth liking so your looks are all you have going for you, so you curse your height for interfering with your looks
In what country do you live homie
Not even the same people or place
common sense
totally not a manlet cope
Yes it is retard
Do you seriously not believe leg lengthening works? It's been done for 70 years
If permanent leg damage is the requirement for getting a gf I am happy being alone
tallfags out