Tell me what's bothering you robots
Tell me what's bothering you robots
Last year of HS
Be 18
Will fail 4 courses
What is a fast eazy and non painful way to die?
I want to be a girl but everyone hates me just for existing.
Be my gf (male)
Not that original
I'm worried my two best friends will eventually leave me for women and families. We're all hitting 30 around the same time, we're all virgins who have known each other since high school, but they're both starting to look for romance. One already has a girlfriend, the other has expressed interest in getting married. Already I can feel them drifting from me.
Long story short 6 year relationship down the drain because of her depression, i'm basically pic related since i put all my energy in this relationship since i was basically a dog before knowing her and i had no drive or motivation. Life in my third world shithole has always been bad for many reasons and still is, but i had her as a safety net and not worrying about it in a way that would stop me. Now she's still around but not really and reality hits really hard, everyday for the last 2 months. Wondering if i will ever recuperate. Not to mention if she actually kills herself i would feel even worse.
Keep going get a private teacher or some shit or be a mechanic and fuck hoes
I just feel drained/depressed all the time with little motivation for anything. And it's hard to find people to relate to since I'd say even most actual robots are better off than me social-wise
>get private teacher
Fuck off no.
Not gonna spend money on a hag
Also poor
I feel the same way. Why do you feel like most actual robots are better off? Are you in piss jug territory?
I'm all the way up to 22 years and still haven't really done much to accomplish my dreams. Mental illness and a few strong resentments are stopping me from becoming what I want to.
I've really tried to make my peace with it, especially because I can't cure myself, but fuck do I ever hate seeing myself not succeed. I don't think I can ever get over that feeling.
Same. I already transitioned and pass but even so it sometimes bothers me to read people blindly making assumptions and hating us.
Use those strong resentments to your advantage. Remember that the people you fucking hate don't think you can do it. Prove them wrong. What mental illness(es)?
Nah I don't see how pissing in jugs is convenient and I'm not a NEET or anything but I'm talking about like social skills here, I see a lot of people saying that they at least can make friends online and stuff like that, whereas I legitimately can't maintain any relationship with someone because of my non-existent conversation skills
I don't feel much anymore except when I'm drinking. I sobered up because I thought it would help but now I just go through the motions of life. I'm been dating this guy for about three years and I'm not sure if it's love. I don't know if love exists or maybe I'm just broken. I applied to school (23, f) a while ago but haven't even checked if I'm on the waiting list or starting in September.
I just don't care
I made sure to only eat 350 calories of food so far today so that I can drink a lot of whiskey tonight though.
I want to feel pain tonight.
ADHD and Depression. Also, those resentments aren't really towards people doubting me, as much as things going ways they shouldn't have. None of my teachers stepped in to get me diagnosed because my dad refused to entertain the idea at all.
I am going bald.
It sounds to me like you're trying to ignore your feelings. Don't hit the whiskey too hard until you've actually confronted those thoughts and emotions inside you. Maybe the truth is you don't love that dude, but that's no reason to give up hope. Hell, maybe you can even learn about yourself and make it work.
I'm basically a failed normie.
Have a decently paying job, place, not khv, 6-7/10 on a good day but no gf.
Don't do much other than drinking alone after work and online dating is making me lose my mind.
At least the weather is finally nice but it means all the fucking happy couples are out wandering around.
Me too user. You should do scalp massaging, and maybe look into a dermaroller (1.5mm).
Rogaine is basically a meme, and the prescriptions will all kill your T.
As for the massaging, 20 minutes, twice a day, if you can manage. A chink study said it caused full regrowth, and a Japanese one said it increased follicle count a LITTLE bit and GREATLY increased hair thickness. Take it for what it's worth.
Failed SAP requirments. Can't pay for uni, so I have to take out a private loan or take a semester off to earn money so I can retake classes
I have diareah
Dude, just finish your education, life only begins after highschool.
Just got back to the ol' neet life and its a fucking prison.
I try to get some shit done, go on walks but I am starting to hate sitting in my room, browsing the internet.
honestly thinking of leaving without notice for a few weeks just to fucking to something interesting
After fail med school I lost all my ambitions. Idk what the fuck should I do with my life.
I could get a min wage job and start making enough to live but if don't graduate from college my parents will see me as a failure and also I would feel the same. Not a big deal for me really but a I feel very bad for my parents because I was their last child and they really wanted me to be successful, someone who make them proud since my sister and brother ended up being wagies
Wait, don't you have a degree? You can't join med school without getting a bs first right?
Not him but a lot of people who go to med school have BSes that basically require a doctorate (PhD or MD) to get a job. Biology or Chemistry, for example.
I have a azn gf in NJ (I'm in CT) that I met playing league, we've been together almost 3 years. I don't really want to move to NJ, she doesn't want to move to CT because her job. I feel like I could do better tha nher but I'm not sure since I have very poor social skills, no friends, no hobbies, don't like going out, and I'm a pretty boring person. If I were to break up with her in reality I'd probably never be able to get a better girl and would just end up regretting it. idk if I should move to NJ or just break up.
You should probably go to her.
>I could get better
Yeah we heard that story here a million times, then those guys never feel love ever again.
My instinctual need for love is challenging my opposition to the modern dating scene.
Stick to your guns and beliefs. Most people that use dating sites are not looking for an actual relationship anyway.
Women. I have a seething passionate hatred for them. There are very few people in the world who share the same hate. Most people a normies, foids, white knights, chads, etc... Who will tell me to "just beeee urself!" They are all lying. I hope they get aids.
>Yeah we heard that story here a million times, then those guys never feel love ever again.
Ya which is where the conflict comes from. I am better looking than her, I have a good job, I have a nice car, but there's a reason why I was a friendless, kissless, handholdless virgin until I met up in NYC with her for the first time when I was 21. I feel like I could go on tinder and get a better girl, but I also feel like I'd never actually do better and either end up alone or with a girl who might be better looking but who wouldn't let me spend all my free time playing video games, watching anime, and being a socially awkward loser who hates to go out. I'll probably just move to NJ or hope she will just move here.
Idk about USA but in my country after graduate from high school you can take a national examen and depending in your score you can start studying whatever you want in the public university
No no man. I'm totally fine being with him. I'm fine with everything. I am just so utterly bored. You can only spend so much time walking in nature and listining to music. Life is boreing. I went sky diving recently and it was boreing. The only time I feel alive is when I get hurt.
I try hobbies. I just planted a garden. Nothing brings me joy.
It kinda' fucking sucks. Can't tell people though because they'll get concerned.
You should probably go with her. If down the line things don't work then good, find somebody "better." Who knows maybe when you live together forever and ever you'll appreciate her even if she's not the hottest chick in the block.
friends seem less interested in me in general, my best friend is dying so beyond visiting him to hang i don't hear much and it's already crushing my soul knowing he's gonna be gone by the end of the year. I haven't changed how i am, so it's not like my sad ass state is changing peoples minds, but that also potentially means who i am is just so dissatisfying to be with as a friend. horrible time for this shit to happen, but i'm gonna try n be there for my bud at all times until he fades. I don't want him to go. i really, really hate this shit, trying to ignore he's dying while around him is fucking weird to feel and i'm aware he knows i'm hiding tears but i wanna create happy moments before it ends idk it's fucking me royally
Just cant get any girl to like me, I have been talking to nearly a dozen girls and got their numbers, we talked in whatsapp but it doesnt get anywhere. It seems after a short while they despise me and arent intrested. I waent to a date with 3 of them. none worked. two of them knew right at the first date, they arent intrested. Never had a real gf in my life, am 30. shit is hitting the fan. my desire grows bigger and stronger, yet it seems more hopeless by the day. my mental health is getting worse. I hate the femoids.
ur only 18 I had a gpa of 2.3 when I "graduated"
life will move on just try harder in what you want to learn next time if your truly worried about it
Not getting into my preferred school has left me feeling inferior and now I have immense hatred for even the idea of slightly losing to someone else. I feel as though I have to be better than everyone or else I'm no one
What was your preferred school?
Maybe ask them for help with romance, user. Im sure they wouldnt want to leave a brother behind
I don't think the kind of girl I'd want as a gf exists. Why am I such a fucking hopeless romantic, I can't even channel it into being a poet because it's 2019 not 1874.
same bro feel the exact same way.
my dreams are big
and my resentments are toward some of my family
I feel guilty anger that I'm wasting what God had given me and I'm being held back by my desire to also be a working providing man. I need to be selfish and focus on my self to achieve my dreams but I can't devote myself to being the man I feel i need to be if I do so.
I can't seem to find a comfortable middle ground
I am so sorry, user
Not a terrible idea. Just dont be stupid and get yourself killed somehow
Thats real shitty. You'll get through it bro. Dont try to forget your friend when he's gone. Keep him in your heart
Does life get better if you find your significant other? I'm supposed to be having the time of my life in my early 20s but whenever I'm alone I start breaking down and feeling immense loneliness.
>Tfw didn't get a single reply
I might as well try my luck here.
I feel absolutely nothing. Its not like im depressed, i dont even feel sad. Maybe its better than being depressed but for the love of god i just want to feel anything. I dont even feel arousal when talking to girls (insert gay joke here). I glide through life as a true neutral observer. Social interaction is forced but not a burden. What am i doing wrong?
Do something extreme and see how you feel. Report back here to share your results.
Just BEE urself bro, works every time.
I'm self obsessed, so can never get outside of myself and "flow" with people. I'm acutely aware of this, which makes me anxious, which just makes things even worse. It also makes me feel fundamentally feminine. I care a lot about how I look, I care a lot about how I am perceived, I feel guilt and shame easily, I'm agreeable, I hate conflict. All of these things go against the masculine traits I was brought up to value, and thought I would be able to cultivate. The thing is, nobody really becomes the hero. I get that. But I haven't even become an average, decent man. I am a coward.
I don't know user, I'm hella nervous about it.
Pretty standard story on my end. Saw her for the first time in more than a month today. Thought I was over her. It's clear to me now that I am not.
We spend a lot of time around one another and I gotta play it cool. She doesn't have any interest in me despite my best efforts. Shit sucks man. I gotta fall out of love with her but I don't know how
Jokes aside, there really isn't much I can say to help you, but I can tell you that being nervous certainly won't help. Do whatever you can to relax. Don't overthink things either. Accept that things can turn out poorly but whatever. Just keep moving.
for the past few days one of my testicles has been super swollen and causing me a lot of pain. i hope i can see a doctor tomorrow but i'm also worried i might get fired if i can't go to work tomorrow afternoon. i've been drinking heavily to cope with how much it hurts and how worried i am.
2 semester behind my cohort at university, but I'll still graduate on time thanks to credit by exam. I feel like a failure who didn't earn it. Trying to do work for my major fills me with despair and I've lost all love for the subject. I have no intelligence, but the people around me think I do. I feel like a liar and a cheat every time someone tries to compliment me. My bipolar disorder swung down hard about a month ago. I've only avoided killing myself because my roommate knows and has been watching carefully. I think my little sister might be depressed, too. I've been averaging four hours of sleep a night for the last month, and that's mostly being up for several days and then crashing hard. I despise every person I see on a daily basis. I have no ambition in life other than a meager, isolated existence. Every path seems to lead to the same amount of happiness in my life: none whatsoever. I rapidly swing between desperately wanting intimacy and abhorring every person I interact with, which has destroyed most of my relationships.
Maybe tonight will be the night. Some night is going to be. I view my suicide as inevitable. I am mentally malformed in that respect. I wrote my first suicide note at age 4. I still have it. It probably won't be tonight, mostly because of my little sister's depression. Most of our family hates her and my suicide would probably devastate her. By the time I hit 30 I'm either going to be a miserable, depressed hermit or a corpse.
I'm developing what the doctor calls "worrying neurological symptoms". I am losing time. My memory is getting worse. My fine motor control is degrading. I feel like I'm dreaming, even when awake. Insurance refuses to pay for any of it. I've racked up 20k$ in debt already with nothing to show for it. I view myself as a dangerous and morally corrupt person. I was always morally corrupt, but the new neurological symptoms mean that I the chance I do something harmful has significantly increased.
Nearly 29, short, bald, hairy, overweight, mixed race between Lebanese and Euro. I drink myself stupid every night before going back to work, and it's only a matter of time before I fuck up again. I just want to pass away in my sleep, but my body stubbornly continues to stay alive. I wish I had dissapeared a long time ago. This life is nothing but effort without adequate reward. How I hate life.
>happy for a couple of years
>happiness left
>now worse than ever
I miss being comfortable. Why is it so difficult to find someone that wants to be comfortable with me?
It's my birthday today. I don't want it to happen. I want to stay young forever.
I turned 23 but I wish I would be 21 forever.
I'm browsing Jow Forums at 3 am on hot summer night.This is cause for concern...
Sup friends. I went through a big surgery, and a long and painful recovery over the last 4 months. Still in physical therapy for a couple more. Took the day to do mushrooms, yoga, listen to music, and take stock of the health I do have, and days yet to come. Gotta work that long con game, boys. Keep yourselves open and keep trucking
Update: she just went to do one of my favorite activities and didn't invite me I know I'm not entitled to anything but holy fuck do I feel invisible. Should I just cut her out of my life?
not long ago breached 30,
HKV, and don't know my. I'm not an aspie, I don't dress like Chris-chan, I got a stable urbanite job and make good money and have friends at and outside of work. I'm the guy who's usually the charismatic life of the party and known for that. Have always been since high school, through uni.
I have no problems being funny/open around females, but they simply don't seem to see me as a sexual option
How come they don't want me man
confessed to my oneitis and she said she already has a bf
ive had a crush on her for quite a while so this is very fun
Last 4 weeks I'd been waking up at 4pm and going to bed at 8am. It's winter here so I hadn't seen a minute of daylight.
Finally broke the cycle today, feels good.
E3 2K19 seems pretty shit so far. Only seen the Bethesda show.
IKTF user, I considered going on a weeks long camping trip to hopefully rejuvenate myself. I'd have stayed pretty close to town and gone back for supplies. Sadly didn't follow through with it because I was dedicated to finding work.
High school is more flexible than you think. In my area they let flunkouts work from home (even though they are 19) to complete the year. I wish I did the same, but I couldn't swallow my pride to say that I held myself back a year. If you really want to pass, ask what you can do to make up for it, your school will likely organise something. Whatever you end up doing (whether it's wageslaving, college or even a trade) do NOT become NEET after you leave hs because it will fuck up your life forever.
>What is a fast eazy and non painful way to die?
being depressed and retarded isn't cool, despite what your faggot discord group and mumble rappers tells you.
I'm actually doing pretty good right now
Went to the lake for hours yesterday. Just sat there, watched the ducks and people fishing.
Today wasnt so bad either. Back home now for like an hour. Chores are done because I'm a good boy who takes care of himself
Have some stuff at work tomorrow so I'm doing pretty good right now
Life ain't so bad when you stop caring so much
I think I might be slowely falling into a cocaine addiction.
I watched the Kurzgesagt video on loneliness, bad idea for a hermit with mental issues. They don't talk about shutting yourself off as a defence against abuse. They just suggest that in between a job, a romantic relationship, kids and Netflix (yes, really) you don't have time for friends. They suggest that if you become lonely for long enough you lose the ability to read social queues and build defences against people that might not be malicious.
Up until I was 18 I would try to form new relationships with people. 4/5 people would end up disappointing me, replacing me with someone else or actually physically assaulting me. Hell, I was sexually harassed by people so much that I could never avoid them, there was nowhere I could hide at school. I'd get beaten at school only to then go home and hide it from my parents because any extreme feelings I had would set them off and they'd beat me. My brother found out once, he didn't tell them because he knew the deal.
I would pretend I was studying from 5pm to 10pm every day. I'd play vidya from 2 to 5 because that's the only time when I had the chance to do so, when my parents weren't home. If they saw me being really happy they'd get mad because they were never happy and never could be; so I was only happy when I was alone. I started hiding all emotion when people were around.
So yeah, I shut myself off. I built defences, went off the grid with social media as much as a bored YA in 2019 can. I stopped talking to people besides the necessary stuff like the landlord, bank, Uni professors. And fuck it feels good. I've never felt better. I don't get abused anymore and that's all I ever wanted. I occasionally get sad because I have no chances of getting with my oneitis but ever since I cut off contact with the world I haven't had two consecutive days of sadness.
Family member gets out of jail tomorrow and they're coming to stay here while they "look for an apartment" because my mom doesn't know how to say no and forgives way too easily.
I also can't move out because I don't have a job (I have some money though but I don't have a credit card to access it), I can't drive, and I don't know how to pay bills and shit.
>Be me, 17
>Birthday is coming out soon
>Literally no one to spend it with
>No friends, family hates me for being the black sheep on my fathers' side, my grandmother can't stand me publicly, hates me in secret
>Cousins who are most female despite me, treat me as less than dirt and constantly piss me off, and I can't do anything physically about it without receiving retaliation
>Cannot talk to anyone online, effectively wipe my online identity because of rash and younger decisions
>Lost the only person I ever loved to her best friend, the one that got us together in the first place
>It's all my fault, and I can never fix it without opening old wounds that I thought I could seal, and not trusting myself from ruining everything a second time
God, fuck this planet, the cognitive standpoint of the human mind isn't strong enough to handle this shit, Anons.
She thinks I care about her and I'm the one who wants her in my life when I know the truth and I couldnt care either way what she or anyone else does
I have my own path.
I'm wasting my youth by being a spooky ghost faggot who runs away from anyone and never trusts a soul with anything. I'm growing older and torn apart by contradictory elements of my nature. I'm searching for someone to trust but am hung up on gay little mental blocks that exist because I'm bitch made. I had a gun in my mouth 3 years ago and this is the second time I've told anyone. Emotionally constipated beyond all belief. Lost personality years ago.
Disregarded. This is a normie problem. Get out.
My pet has cancer and will absolutely die. She doesn't understand this, and is currently very happy because of all the attention and treats I'm giving her. She doesn't know why I'm doing it.
With the treatment she's being given, she isn't in any obvious pain, but looking at her face disfigured by her massive head tumour gives me such an intense feeling of sadness and guilt that it's been giving me nightmares.
I don't know what to do with my life anymore. I had everything worked out and it fell to pieces. It's like a bad dream I can't wake up from.
That's unbelievably terrible. I have no idea what advice I could give you.
Underage B&.
Don't know how to help you.
I finally got a girlfriend after 22 years of being a KHV, but it hasn't made me feel any better. I don't know if she genuinely like me, and years of women rage threads, divorce statistics, and Tinder experiments make me assume she's going to cheat on me or get bored with me before too long. I was a NEET until 2 years ago and I've been working hard to try to make up for being a NEET but it still doesn't feel like it's enough. It feels like I'll never be good enough.
>Tired of siting inside
>Want to be more social
>Can't start and hold conversations for the life of me
>Get anxious around new people
Why is socializing so tough? Why is it so much easier for everyone else? I fucking hate being "introverted", it fucking sucks. And then they tell you that its okay. Right, because trying to hang out with someone but having nothing to talk about is so fucking okay. How the fuck people even think I'm cool in any way is beyond me. I fucking hate being like this.
Well I've gotten to the point that I'm not taking treatment anymore. Apparently it'd cause more harm to my body than good, at least at the intensity it'd need to be effective. Just taking painkillers now and waiting I guess. I'm not sure how to feel.
Is there a book to learn how to cope with being unwanted? I am 25 and no gf and theres no hope. I have no idea how to cope with this. I will never be enough for someone
>How the fuck people even think I'm cool in any way is beyond me.
Essentially this. I'm an autistic neet but everyone I talk to thinks I'm funny and likes talking to me but rarely do I ever feel like I actually am since I'm always stumbling over my words and talking slow like I'm high or something. The whole "talking" thing is so much more difficult than it should be and even then, it have absolutely nothing to really talk about with people unless it involves video games so I can't even utilize this apparent "funnyness" to socialize with.
Oh, perfect timing for one of these.
I'm an 18 year old loser. I have friends, but none of them consider me a person they trust or care about emotionally, going as far to tell me that blatantly. I can't communicate in appealing ways, for example I'd never be that guy on the street you get a good feeling from just from one interaction. I've never had a romantic partner obviously. I'm not fast to pick up new things and don't have "common sense".
I've realized recently that while I'm not entitled for things to be different, and I'm not automatically "deserving" of having a good life or people who care about me, it really hurts that I haven't been or made myself a person that people WANT to like or care about. I'm not clueless as to why things are this way either. It's because I'm an asshole. The ways I joke around is always cynical in nature and I don't have a good outlook on anything. What makes it worse is that's the one thing people like about me. Other than that I'm totally insufferable.
The clear answer is to just change yourself, but that's really hard to do obviously and I probably wont be "changed" until I'm too old for it to be relevant for me anymore.
I wouldn't say I'm depressed or anything either, or that I have a jaded/warped view of myself and my position in life. It's just the truth that I'm a loser, and I always told myself that I didn't care and that I wouldn't get sad about it because it'd be pointless. But here I am.
This feeling isn't going to get any better, is it anons?
You have to be enough for yourself first, user
One of my biggest fears is finding out I'm actually autistic in some sort of way.
I meant autistic in the memey way rather than saying that I actually have autism. I am a neet thought, so I guess I might as well have it any way.
>This feeling isn't going to get any better, is it anons?
It can but like you said it is up to you to change yourself.I know that feeling of trying to even think of yourself in a positive manner only for it go just go back to self hatred the longer you stare at yourself. Changing how you feel about yourself I think is the hardest part out of it all.
It just so hard because there isn't anything for me to like about myself right now. My only "positive" traits that people like just feed into the bad ones that hurt me as a person. There isn't anything I can point out and say I'm doing right.
Are you just supposed to make things up about yourself or "lie" a little bit when reflecting?
yes you retard. it's harsh but there's no reason to cling to people who clearly don't give a shit about you
is it fatal user? it sounds rough.
>My only "positive" traits that people like just feed into the bad ones that hurt me as a person
Can you give me an example?
I'm a miserable, self-hating loser who's ready for this ride to finally end.
Everyday i curse my creators for not ending my pitiful existence before i gained self awareness.
I can't be the sperm that won, a mistake was made somewhere.
People think that my cynicism can be pretty funny. Not in a "cynical sarcastic" way, more like pointing out things that are bad/flaws in something in a comedic way. Basically insulting stuff.
That's bad though obviously, because it indicates to the people around me that I'm not a positive person. It also makes me never want to be vulnerable emotionally to other people because it's not what I do normally and it'd be jarring for them. They don't trust or value me emotionally as a result of that stuff either.
Yeah it's looking like it. 8 months I think. Hard to think about it.
>final year
>supposedly the peak (friends with the school's biggest chads and stacy and actively joining activities)
>in reality, disappoints literally everyone because of how much of an irresponsible faggot i am
>everyone thinks im a joke now
should i cobain?
I feel you. For me I try to look at things in a realistic manner but that just makes me look negative all the time. Like I'll try to poke holes in someone's plan not because I'm trying to be a dick but I'm just trying to see if there are any flaws that can be worked on. But people think I'm being negative all the time.
>Are you just supposed to make things up about yourself or "lie" a little bit when reflecting?
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people (you in this case) will eventually come to believe it"
I had a girl who I truly loved
only person in my whole life I cared about
she started acting shady and I suspected she cheated, I asked her about it at first she denied it....continued acting weird and it got worse....
accused her of cheating
she got extremely defensive and basically cut me off, told me we should take some time off
recently talked to her again and told her sorry, she told me that she's being going through a lot and she needs time to think
I dont know what to do....this is the worst ive ever felt in my entire life
was I wrong...for accusing her? for doubting her?
>not taking as many psychedelics as possible
why even live (for 8 months)?
what is it? do you have family or friends who can help you and stuff?