why do white women completely despise white men these days? I see white women with black, arab, hispanic, and even asian men these days, while white men are increasingly becoming sexless incels without a girlfriend and hated by society. what's going on?
Why do white women completely despise white men these days? I see white women with black, arab, hispanic...
They don't, you live in a bubble.
The 10 women I've fucked don't seem to mind that I'm white.
The stuff in that pic was organized by republicans dummy
>Latino/Mexican costs more than Native American
Oh fuck off were basically the same
Because they are garbage, and white men have noticed. The future will be the offspring of white men and Asian women.
exception to the rule
>b-b-but in college i met like 3 super liberal girls!! and all of them were mean to me!!!
>while white men are increasingly becoming sexless incels
Yep, no need for more words
We can close this one janitors
Always knew niggers were more likely to be dirty faggots.
For the most part they only date non-whites either for the social points or because they've been brainwashed. Most of them want a white man deep down.
>Most of them want a white man deep down.
cope. no white women would want to settle with a microdicked whiteboi when black men exist. you are obsolete.
>no white women would want to settle with a microdicked whiteboi when black men exist.
as I said before.
sage and report this thread
limp dicked whitey taking the blackpill pretty hard lmaooo
as an uncle tom I would insist i pay two dollars.
Things that are not happening:
>I see white women with black, arab, hispanic, and even asian men these days
They're desperately trying to sell themselves as allies do they don't get lumped in and shit on too
no more war brother, no need to bait
be in peace
How about you stop living under a rock user
If by white women you mean mentally ill american mutts, then my answer is I don't know lol
Most white guys are just gay men or white women with penises
>stats made up by whitebois
asian guy here. i donut support white bashing. its petty, and op only speaks for himself/herself. they dont get to use others to push hate propaganda.
>if i ignore it then it's not true
This just looks right. I cant even imagine a white guy looking masculine without photoshop. They are usually twinks for other men
Fuck off with the pol brainwashing.
i do see WWBM couples. but that doesnt excuse what yew choose to do with that knowledge - to attack men just for existing. its petty and honestly dysfunctional to keep that much animosity towards men that arent even theoretically involved.
Don't you love it when niggers hijack a thread to try and turn it into a blacked thread
Face reality, white will always be more attractive
Are you a man, saying you think white men are attractive to you?
even if he is, thats still way less gay than the guys saving and posting these
imagine actually posting other men with women yew find attractive, even if yew are of the same ethnicity.
You mean Jewish women?
But in any case it's just another tactic for 5/10 women to get Chad's attention
>white will always be more attractive
as beta providers maybe
the "beta providers" that dont exist, right. like the tinder women that say "sorry no white men" pre emptively, as if its truly necessary to warn off the .00000001% of men that would be interested in such.
It's not gay if i'm a white girl
Gay white dude is seething
ah. of course! we are a LGBT community.
yea he is. hes getting pawnt by me.
Except arabs, because there really aren't many around here, I have seen all of those happen.
why is race such a big deal in the US?
it wouldnt be if some people didnt keep insist on creating animosity via gaslighting.
you mean the people who instituted segregation laws?
really makes you think doesnt it? it's true, all of it.
yea, those people are posting these threads. please wake up
>imagine actually posting other men with women yew find attractive, even if yew are of the same ethnicity.
Fucking based. Can't believe this level of insight came from a namefag of all people. You're alright, Beer Fraulein.
Just imagine the stamina of these guys. They were just done with playing half a game of college football and they still got the strength to have sex with those girls, and play on after that like nothing happened
i use other names, this one is just the flavor of the week. most of the time im user like the rest of us
done. are we imagining the stamina of other men? owo
imagine Damon - hes a vampire so his stamina would surpass any human.
You need to get out of your mom's basement, and actually interact with people, instead of forming your worldview from greentexts on Jow Forums
Damn I wanna walk up the that stand and state I identify as a woman and she needs to sell the cupcake for $0.25
>stats made up by whitebois
terrible. There are similar stats for other dating apps. Even on Grindr (gay tinder) blacks are failing. Black=block is a meme there. Wake up cuck and stop the PSYOPS
white men are actually the most matched people on most dating sites my dude
but it's true, objectively. interracial marriages are at an all time high, and rates of inceldom are also at an all time high
The most matched with other men lol
Native Americans are the most disadvantaged in the country, though.
What if youre a native american woman? Do you get them for free?
>take over the world
>make everything illegal
>enslave everyone
>arrest everyone
>trap people in rural areas
>contribute nothing to society
>just make more laws rules and bull shit to ruin lives
>throw people in prison over drugs
>ruin the world
>everyone hates them
white people:
Arabs and Mexicans racemix so well together. my crush was that and she was 10/10 beauty.
>he still thinks in racial groups
>deciding which minorities struggle the most and giving them a numerical value to represent this
this is actually racist as fuck lmao. I couldn't give a fuck about wypipo being on top it's great being white but asians can have it rough
I never say this but seriously fpbp. OP is most likely an introverted angry man blaming everyone else for his ronrey while waiting on some Stacy to see the special in him without any effort on his part
>deciding which minorities struggle the most and giving them a numerical value to represent this
>you deciding it's okay when white people give numerical values to represent how Europeans struggle the least
user... just shut the fuck up, enjoy your privileges and go
Holy shit, Jow Forums being rational and sane to some incel posting. Are we finally turning back to the 09 era where we stomp out these bitter fucks?
nope. people like to talk all the time, it aint no thang.
literally the only interracial couples I know are white dudes with asian women and 1 couple with a mexican wife
1 white girl with a latino or maybe hes philippino thats it
Because you're fucking savages.
Don't know but it's mutual.
t. same post
>other that green line HAS to be asian guys
not samefag if thats what you mean
t. same post using cell phone and pc
Yep this is a huge load of bullshit not only are white men more likely to marry outside of their race, the most common of all interracial marriages is a white man with an asian woman.
You're not a white girl if you have a penis
No most common is white man latina
Don't know how I would prove that. Don't really care if you think I'm samefagging either.
>Weird I thought I said Latina and not asian bc I was looking at this
this is some shit b8 honestly. I live in the SF Bay Area, one of the most leftist place in the US if not the world, and the vast majority of white women I've seen with a guy are with a white guy. t b h, it's far more common to see a white guy with a nonwhite girl than vice versa