what's your favorite pokemon anons? mine is absol
What's your favorite pokemon anons? mine is absol
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Shadman's shit is irredeemable. My life is worse for having seen that.
miltank is my girl
I don't have a lactation fetish
Fuck that cartoon OP.. Mewtwo isn't gay. Fuck
I actually don't mind Shadman's artstyle itself that much, it's the content of his stuff that I dislike
Fucking shad. Hes one of the reasons I like traps now
>mewtwo isn't gay
what a silly comment
its gotta be brochomp for me
I think nothing is "sacred", and that everything can be perverted.
So, for me, Shadman is doing god's work.
>I think nothing is "sacred"
oh it's not the fact that he's doing porn of kid's cartoons (e.g Pokemon or Teen Titans) that I dislike, I'm assuming you're talking about people who don't like his stuff because "OMG CHILDHOOD RUINED". I just don't like all the trap/futa and focus on ass sniffing and rimming he does.
This is originally why we can't have nice things.
do you think the sniff meme is his fault?
Not only is Shad gay as fuck, he's also a pokefucker which basically makes him a furry
>perverting Mewtwo like that
I agree with that. He didn't seem like such a brapfag/trapfag in the past.
It's just the same old shit over and over again,i can't understand how people like him outside of
>lmao shadman xd
I think it's less him actually starting the meme himself and more him latching on to whatever's popular, especially memes. He had the boomer guy with Monster energy in one of his comics and also drew a trap version of the "hit or miss" Nico cosplayer girl. Traps in general are getting more and more popular in the last like 2 years, so I think it's just him drawing whatever's blowing up on the internet. There's no doubt that Shad probably occasionally browses 4 chan so I bet he's noticed all the brap shit here. Especially whatever will be controversial/generate shock, didn't he draw loli of some little youtuber girl or something a while ago?
He's not my favorite but I like his style more nowadays.
Yeah the pictures where it isn't some weird pedo incest or straight up faggotry are actually kinda hot. Like just vanilla sex or even striptease.
>he had the boomer guy with Monster energy
He made porn out of boomer wojak? Post pic, you can't leave us hanging here.
this is absurd! shadman is being a bad influence to children! imagine the first thing you put on your butt is a dildo that size! its going to fucking rip your ass, you should start with one finger
I am so incredibly turned on by this.
>tfw no mewtwo to sit on my face
It has to be blastoise, gallade, noctowl or a roserade.
If I had to have sex with one of them it would definetly be one of the smol ones, like ralts, gothita, smoochum, etc. But as long as it's a female there's no exception actually, right after
>tfw brainlet
I wish I had a Slowbro bro to goof around and be retarded together
Totodile my guy. Why? Cuz it turns into feraligatr which is a giant sewer alligator with fists. Also S H A D M A N
For me it's vileplume
I like Mew because of its rareness but Charizard generally despite it being really generic.
I wanted to like the Hit or Miss thing from him, but the little brother just ruined it. He goes into so much detail with the gay shit and assholes. Pretty sure the Monster Energy Boomer was the fag in dad and in one of them, the dad makes out with him because the guy is wearing his mom's clothing and the dad thinks it's her. Shit like that just always ruin my boner in all his stuff.
Jesus Christ Shadman, what the fuck is wrong with you. How can you draw this and not want to eat the barrel of a shotgun. What happened, how does a man reach such depths of depravity.
I know you're reading this.
Seek Therapy.
>He made porn out of boomer wojak? Post pic, you can't leave us hanging here.
It wasn't full on porn but I remember it was sort of a humanized version of him fucking some girl (might have been a trap i dunno I only saw the censored version)
I can't find that pic right now but here's another comic he did where the boomer is in the background
I found another one, it wasn't the one I was talking about but still
Gardevoir, obviously.
Ah fuck I finally found it
rate my taste, anons. How'd i do?
i don't know if you noticed but this thread isn't really about pokemon, also you having 3 or 4 favorite pokemons is ok but fucking 40...
Why u do this op?
I'll link 2 here, not saving that crap to my files. Both trap/gay shit. 2nd one features a meme line.
Giratina because I am an edgy piece of shit.
mah nigga
>but fucking 40...
Aren't there like 700 pokemon now or some shit? Having 40 favorites out of that many isn't that much.
This and Serperior
Serperior is the smuggest pokemon.
Can any other truly beat it?
Original pic of serperior
A lot of my favorite pokemon are from 3rd gen
>3>4>1>2>5>6>7>probably 8