
Wanking without a license edition

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>feel like staying up late
>have to get up early tomorrow
this week will be rubbish

Starting a new job tomorrow lads
Or am I?
Evens I go in, odds I stay home
Not a joke this is how I'm deciding

>odds I stay home
fuck off. Do your work dammit

Find owning a pet dog fascinating. I literally have a pet wild beast lying on my bed where I sleep. He wants to be around me. A dog that would otherwise be chasing a rabbit for dinner. He;s a good boy.

Sorry user, fate has decided

Might pay for a euro slag to peg me this month. Never been dominated before so I'm a bit scared.

That seems sweet lad. Cant wait to get a dog myself.

>paying to get done up the arse

Just had to contend with two difficult poos lads.