Letter thread you chumps. Get those feelings out there. Write a letter to someone who may or may not read it.
Letter thread you chumps. Get those feelings out there. Write a letter to someone who may or may not read it
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To my brother,
I want to talk to you about how bad I've been feeling lately because I know you'd understand, but I don't want to burden you with my problems or put you in a position where you might have to keep something from our parents. Soon, though, I think I might be able to tell you.
To my parents,
I'm sorry you're wasting so much money on my college education. I wish I could drop out so I could stop being a drain on your finances. It's not like we don't have the money, but this is just not something that I feel is worth it in the slightest. I don't like it here and I can't see myself finishing. I want to drop out and get married, but then I'd become Mom... She dropped out to get married and look at how she turned out.
But I'd be a better mother and wife than you, Mom. I won't resent my husband or my kids, or begrudge my family the work it takes to build a home. That's what makes me think dropping out to get married is the right choice for me. You weren't meant to be a housewife. I crave it more than anything. I want to separate myself from you guys because I feel guilty for taking your money when I resent you.
why is everyone on r9k so fucking damaged and broken ;_;
You don't end up here because you had a happy and fulfilling childhood that adjusted you well to the world around you.
Hey Myra,
I can't resist the chance to tell you how much I love you. I know I am cringey as fuck, but still I hope you are doing well. I miss you.
This place is filled by edgy incels who believe they had it hard because their crush rejected them in high school and white bois who are mad because they saw a BMWF couple.
You probably haven't thought of me in a long time but I still miss you. I know we'll never be close again but I wish we could talk once more so I could explain myself.
I don't like talking with you. Why does a thing that's cathartic have to sound like the blues? What you say and remember is just convenient for you. Everything that broke isn't your responsibility, and you're afraid of consequences. Crawl back into the hole you came from already everyone wasn't going to say it wasn't your responsibility. Nobody thinks you're capable of any sort of thing. I could kill everything you love and then you. How many times do I have to prove you're not capable of love? Do I have to apologize for you having penis envy? I lied to you to get my dick wet, I didn't know I was lying. Proving I lied is just a circus side show to distract from your other problems since you don't seem to understand I already plead no contest. You're not going to get any sort of karmic justice from this. Welcome to hell faggot.
Well, I'm definitely not going to think of you if you don't tell me your initials.
If it were you I think you would know who I am. In any case, my initial is an I.
Take a look at this guy.
No. No "M". For a moment the ZF made me think it could actually be you. It would have been such a coincidence.
the M was a joke, or did you not watch the video?
I did not. Anyway, it's clear it isn't you. My name does share its root with Inigo though, so that's funny.
You can't write something like that without initials. Come on, user.
You're right. I don't know anybody that has a name sharing the same root as Inigo. Either that or I REALLY don't think of you.
Her ringtone:
I wish you'd still be with me and it went back to how it was before
I'm waiting for you, even if you want nothing to do with me, because you're the only person I truly care about
You asked me how I was doing and I said we were managing. I said that because nobody ever asks me how I'm doing as an individual and nobody ever really wants to know. Nobody wants to hear that you're not doing well because they don't want to feel guilty for not doing anything to help you. So when you said, "No, how are YOU doing?" I answered the best I could at the time because I've never really had to think about that answer, let alone vocalize my feelings. I said some things and you said some things and that's when I recognized that you knew how I felt because you've experienced it too. The conversation came to a standstill and all we could do was look at each other. A quiet moment of mutual understanding.
I can't say that it made me happy, it didn't. But in that moment and for a while after that I felt a whole lot less alone. Thank you for that.
I don't know if I'll ever see you again, but I missed our small talks & wish I would've gotten your number before leaving
I miss being with you romantically
I'm so tired of dealing with women on dating sites. It's killing me inside.
I can agree with this. Unfortunately meeting a random girl in real life is near impossible with the kind of lifestyle I live.
Is the only option to change into something I'm not?
Hey J,
I still miss you. I think it's been way too long now for me to still be justified in thinking of you near daily but it's not like I have any control over it. At least the time since we talked has passed in a flash.
I went running today for the first time and I went back to the pool yesterday after a long time. It was really nice. After relying on you for all my happiness I think it's nice to rediscover the other things that gave me joy.
Anyway, hope you're doing okay.
Irina? Inbal? I remember these names from Israel, but I remember just being friends.
I know it hasn't been a long time, but since we've met you've changed my life and I wish you knew that. You've made up for all the people, family, and friends in my life that have disappointed me. I wish I could show you my appreciation somehow, but it'll never be enough for what you've done for me.
It's been a year almost since we last spoke after everything that happened. I don't know what more I can do to try and move on. I miss the sound of your voice and the way you used to crawl under the bed with me whenever I wanted to hide away and cry. Life is so much more cruel than I thought without you. I always try to be positive, just like you used to encourage in me, but it's so hard all the time. My coffee's not the only thing in my life thats gone bitter in your absence. Sometimes I see you in my dreams and I wonder if you see me too. I don't know how I'm supposed to do any of this without you. You were the only true guidance I had and doing everything alone is so hard. I don't know what I'm doing with my life and I'm scared. I wish you were here.
Amicus meus,
I'm sorry I stopped talking to you.
I know you wanted badly to see me get back on the horse and recover but the truth is I've gone backwards and am keeping my delusions and hallucinations a secret from everyone.
I've discovered I can crudley monitor myself using a random sentence generator; if the nonsense sentences start to make sense or hold messages, I know my mind is overassociating and becoming hyperconnective again.
It feels kinda natural to hide these kinds of thoughts but I know if we were still talking I would've had to confess to you, this is one of the reasons I turned my back on you; to keep my secret.
My flailing mind often flies into vivid imaginings of you which mix with old emotions and tie to my memories of us together, so even though it's been months since your final message to me I feel like I still connect with you somehow.
I wish I had the guts to give you the goodbye you deserved,
Too tired. Too much. For me, the blue skies are alright. Can't believe you ascended that night. I, nothing. You, too. Wrapped gently in rope but still a good dude. Mirror image? Not sure. Day, night, all absurd. The light bulb in my room needs changing. You got kinda lazy. Can't remember the sun, it's become quite hazy. It's whatever. I'll be back in time for Christmas. Clean your room. Just did the dishes.
See ya
dear j
im so fucking sorry i actually liked you so much and i ruined it all by just being socially retarded and never responding. when i was around you i literally got butterflies which hasnt happened since h. my laugh was so embarrassing and you made fun of it but you still talked to me. then after we both got discharged we talked for maybe two weeks and then you went to residential and then we never talked again and now youre out and it's summer and im still never gonna talk to you . i fucked it up so bad i miss you so much. god you were so fucking cute and funny and perfect
dear b
im sorry i was such an emotionally unavailable bitch. i wasted your time and lead you on when i really didnt have any feelings for you at all except that you were pretty and cool and nice. i dont blame you for hating me and talking shit and assuming i hate you too. im a cunt and i deserve it
dear h
how about you pick a fucking way to feel about me you two faced fag. one second youre so fucking nice to me and talking to me then youre talking shit to b about me in the middle of a convo with me then you ignore me then youre back to talking to me. i literally cant fucking stand you. why in the world would you ever come to me to complain about your gfs dad not liking you. she deserves so much better you tard. i cant believe i was actually gonna lose my virginity to you
Dear mum why raise me like this
I don't know what to say anymore, my head hurts and I can't stop thinking.
I miss the times we had, I still remember the days years later. But I felt used because your friends left and I was around to hang out. And a soon there were others, I was forgotten. That kinda fucked me up. But if I had the choice to do it over again, I'll probably do it. Don't think I'll ever meet someone like you in this world.
Goodbye forever,
I'm waiting for you too
I've tried to push on, to hope for the best and give it my all. However no matter how many times I try, no matter what I do and the distractions it may give, this deeper feeling never fades but only grows as time progresses. I want it to end, I want to be better but I know that my efforts are in vain. It is no one elses fault my own.
Dear A,
I miss those old days when you and I would play around without a care in the world. I'm sorry that I slowly closed myself off from you with little explanation for why. I honestly was in such a bad place that I thought it was best to just seclude myself again than spread any negativity I was facing. Even then you showed compassion for me on the last day I ever saw you. I'll always remember you and everything you did to light up my dreary life even if only for a brief moment.
wow i wish i knew someone who had a t as their first initial then i could pretend im a
What is your astrological sign?
Dear D,
I'm so happy to have met you
How much longer will it be until I stop wasting my days thinking about you? I'm sure I never even cross your mind. Wish you came back.
Post initials orig
Dear D,
I can't wait to see you again! I appreciate every time I get to spend with you
I wish we'd get to talk more. I can definitely find us clicking, and I pray to be more than acquaintances and more than friends before I move. I've been meaning to talk to you since the start of 10th grade, and it seems I have been missing out on such a lovely person.
I love you so much more than you probably even realized. I wish I could just go to sleep and never wake up.
Dear C,
Thank you for everything.You've managed to make me feel something after being closed off for the majority of my life.I miss hearing your voice when we talked.I miss idly talking with you about how we would visit each other even though we lived rather far apart.I hate the fact that I fuck it all up and hurt you.I hate how we'll never talk again because I'm just a pathetic clingy piece of shit.Thank you so much for pulling me out of my facade.Thank you for showing me that I could be myself to people sometimes.I love you.I really do.I want to talk to you again.
Holy shit you are a major faggot.
Dear C/M/U
I really very badly miss you.
I often myself thinking of you, and even my best attempts at filling the gap you left with other people does not work.
Please come back, I'm not even sure what I did to make you leave again.
You were the highlight of my day
From H/A/P
I wish there was a way for us to talk again.To clear everything up because I'm dying of curiosity to see why you did and said all those things to me in the past.I'm not sorry that I wasn't enough I'm just sorry that I didn't leave when I had the opportunity.I feel very empty
Miss you,
I dont believe you at all and you shouldn't think about me at all. In fact if you actually are who I think you are and you spend any point of your day thinking anything about me you shouldn't. We dont know each other and your messages where quite clear before
I respect you a little to much. Stop posting to me
My name isnt J. I have no name
Very very mysterious..
I got the message. You don't want my help and you'll make excuses to avoid helping me. I wish we could have gone our separate ways before I started to hate you.
help yourself you dependent drama queen
It isnt a "her"
I don't post as much these days. I also don't use much of social media either. Don't fall for anyone larping as me. I am going to release a grimiore that makes my prior grimiore's appear outdated. You should unfollow anyone on social media that is claiming they're me or related to me. Everyone from Aidan Alexander, Aiste, Billie Ellish, Etika, Keke, SocalJesus and whoever else. My identity is a matter of national security cause of how much weight I push and the last thing this country needs are trannies larping that they're me or related to me to kids on social media. The courts determined that I should sweep this place up and the government is getting closer to getting rid of Jow Forums if the mods continue to haphazardly moderate this site
When I close my eyes, all I think about is you, I hate it but I can't forget about you yet. I still love you. This is not a world that I was hoping for, not a life I was dreaming for without you by my side.
I'm sorry you're feeling so bad. You're a great person and I wish you could see it yourself. I would really miss you if you decide to end it.
Don't kill yourself. Don't give up. No matter what. Things always get better
The girl I liked use to say stuff like that to me. Sometimes I think I should write to her instead of people that need to hold their little court of public opinion to find me guilty when it was already a done and solved closed case. What fun would be life without a courtly entourage of your own personal jesters and making everything a stupid ass clown world? The girl I liked had a cute face and all but you know what really did it for me? It was seeing her run away in abject terror. Those legs were quite long and nice, real good physique. You wouldn't think some itty biddie tiddies would bounce like that. Usually I consider myself more of a romantic I knew it was lust watching her sweat from the heat and exertion practically in tears hysterical with fear while talking.
I'm scared of you
Really afraid of you and your power
I'm also not feeling bad at all. I have things I'm doing and I'm not worrying about anything right now.
Only thing I regret was not talking to you like an adult and treating you with respect. Also I may have said a lot of creepy and fucked up shit for a while on Jow Forums. If I said that stuff I said didnt bother me I would be lying
C. I have to be honest
Please leave me alone. I dont want to hurt or insult you more than I have in the past. I mean it. Just let me be
If you're not her and some shill well fuck you to
the past couple months has proven things will only get worse. I hate you
I never said to you or anyone else I was going to kms. If that's what worries you than I'm sorry for putting you through this but i have no intention of ending my life by my own hands. It wont happen
Dont assume you know me, what I have going for me in the future or what my plans are. Dont assume I will actually give up my life just because people hate me and cant be me
It wont happen
Is this my J? If not the message is not intended for you and you are free to kys if you cant handle life you fucking cuck
Nobody hates you J please come home