>1 shot at life
>parents named me Bella
1 shot at life
Are you actually pretty though?
>one shot at life
>parents named me chad
>one shot at life
>parents named me Phuoc
Named after Twilight?
It could be worse, you could've born as a male
So I take it you're a girl, right?
i have a girls name too but i'm a boy
>one shot at life
>named Grim
Could be worse. My parents named me Daenerys... I'm a guy.
GOT fan parents?
transitioning.... getting cuter by the day ^^
I want to rip your Bussy open faggot
dubs means you must post pic
aw shiieett
be a chad and change it, pussy
ya fackin bellend
bella means beautiful in Italian. i hope it's true.
i have a chad body just robot mind.
post pic of yourself stupid bitch and if not then there is the door get the fuck out
this is not me
im a man, not a gay or a woman
i can't offend my parents like that...