Would you fuck a fat chick if she was begging for your cock?
Would you fuck a fat chick if she was begging for your cock?
I like fat black girls. Probably not Tess Holliday big but something like this would be perfect for me.
Then hopefully we can cuddle and talk about feelings afterwards.
and then you can ask her to to anal and she will say OOOOH HELL NO
I don't get the appeal of anal honestly. I dunno what people see in it.
I literally had this issue in junior high but I didn't do it because she was so retarded it would honestly be rape. She was really into me though, everyone knew and it fucking destroyed my self confidence for years. It's both
>ew, fat uggo retarded chick is into me
>wait, is this how the chick I like sees me?
its thigh, and its like shitting
>pic related is as fat as I'd go
Only strongfat
Damn, she's a thiccums
Long as she were cutefat, absolutely
I do it often, I'm not really especially attracted to them but my gf is like a good 350lb so...
I've said this before and I'll say it again.
It depends on what you mean by fat: overweight or obese? There's a definite difference in terms of how it plays out during sex. And there's variation among fat girls just like there is among skinny girls so unfortunately, it won't always be the same.
The best type of girl to get on the thick-overweight-obese continuum is thick or overweight, though. Obese is still a fuck at least. it's okay, but there's just so much loose skin that gets in the way and it can be unpleasant.
I know what you mean, the sagginess plays a factor too. But when everything is still night and soft but tight, just... bigger. Heaven.
depends on how fat. this is about as much fat as i can find attractive. she's a bit overweight but it works well for her. i consider this chubby thicc
Don't forget proportions, when a girl is 200lb but carries it all in her back and belly while not even having B-cups. You'd have to be really horny and lonely to want to fuck that
I consider that fat, but it's a nice fat. I'd still love to have sex with that woman. Women look their best with some weight on them. It's a shame they usually tip beyond that nice weight and become obese hamplanets.
it's probably kind of hard trying to maintain that level of thicc. they get used to overeating and just keep getting fatter.
I would literally pay money to creampie Tess Holliday and be her husband and just suckle on those magnificent tits all day and nourishing her with my cock and maintaining her fatness with my protein rich cum
They'd be literally perfect if they could "freeze" their body in the state of chubby.
Muted forever
Venezia Cruz. She's on instagram.
Is it just those Jean's holding it all together though?
Depends on how fat she is. Got a pic?
yes its mostly those jeans. fat girls wear those high waist jeans because it gives their blob body a shape. if she wore regular jeans she would have a huge muffin top
Here's a bikini pic, but I'm betting she's sucking in her gut.
Still a turn-off proportion-wise. Those jeans even make the gunt look bigger
she's definitely sucking it in, and she's also leaning forward. photos are all pose tricks.
I dumped a fat chick who was begging for my cock today. She was a literal 0/10. She was literally a background character in a movie or tv show, no fucking personality. I may be desperate but not that desperate.
My self respect and human decency>>>>>>>>>>>>>sex
Well depends on how fat I guess.
how fat?
a slampig maybe
I tried but the fupa made me lose my already weak erection
trust me, I tried, she was lovely but I couldn't deal with it