post your reasons why you will never find love
>have BPD
>get jealous and clingy
>have socially unacceptable political views
>very shy
>dont have common interests with anyone
>have curly hair that i have to straighten every 6 months
>""too"" loyal
Post your reasons why you will never find love
>childhood trauma
>can't trust people
>don't leave the house
>can't look strangers in the eyes
>afraid people just want to hurt me
>transgender male to female (not passing)
>>have BPD
BPD girls are top tier but if you're a guy there's no hope for you.
Because im not interested in it.
>abandonment issues
i am too far gone boys
I'm really fcking ugly
>socially unnaceptable views
>short and weak
>dangerous hobbies (apparently olympic archery is dangerous)
>understand 4 languages, cant speak none including native
>dont conform with the norms and follow trends
>can't look strangers in the eye
>can tell jokes but can't carry a conversation besides answers and jokes
>not tall
>cannot send or recieve "signals" anything weaker than eye contact with a hand in my lap
>unironically quote anime when nervous
>used to violate personal space and coped by deciding to never enter anyone's personal space ever again without a verbal invitation
>black but ended up separated from every black girl throughout my life so far
ITT: we post excuses for being shitty people instead of seeking professional help.
The only person standing in your way is yourself.
he's one heck of an opponent. I don't think even your dubs could defeat him
>if I talk to ppl my hands and head shakes
>I get angry very fast
3 weeks ago I told someone to not touch my back, at the third time I get angry and hit my head to a door until its start bleeding, but I didn't feel anything.... outside of my class the kids look at me weird or scared.
>Can't hold a decent conversation with new people (or anyone for that matter)
>Uninteresting lifestyle
>Paranoid of other's intentions
>Ruined self image because everyone just LOVES to point out how upset/intimidating I look all the time
I would love to get help but I would have to pay out of pocket.
Maybe my trips can
Self-help books are aplenty, and library cards are less than $5
My continuous self-hatred of myself and others. Along with autism I simply feel like I cant even be friends with a girl without constantly thinking that we could be a thing but then me shutting myself down
>Nazi sympathizer
>only listen to black metal and Western Art Music (I.e. symphonies and piano concertos)
Kill yourself tranny
Original original
>extreme anxiety
>PTSD from surviving my house burning down and watching my entire life go up in flames
>paranoia and insecurity from coming to Jow Forums for years and having my mind poisoned by other insecure freaks
I don't know why I come here, this place only makes me feel bad
>constanly in a coat of pure grease
>can't socialize well with people unless I know them well
>probably give off angry vibes
>nazi sympathizer
yeah you're screwed dude. girls wouldn't touch a nazi sympathizer with a twelve foot pole
Some would, but they're the type of mentally ill girls who'd stab you in your sleep during a schizophrenic fit.
What's wrong with that? Many robots would love a girl like that.
>self hatred
you'll never ever pass, ever. kys