aspergers thread
who else here is proud to have aspergers?
>unlimited focus
>drug level of ecstacy when indulging in specific interest
>able to achieve many things in life such as discovering calculus or writing entire books by yourself
>better then n**rotypicals
>wont have to deal with the nuisance of having a gf or kids
Aspergers thread
I'm not proud of it, but I don't have angst over it either. I think it's the nature of Aspergers that people with it tend to be high achieving and therefore arrogant. I try to check my own arrogance since I know it is an unattractive trait, but it is still hard not to feel superior to most people.
I imagine most aspies still want a gf even if they probably don't want kids.
You would be wrong. Sex probably feels good but the hassle to get it isn't worth my time when I can feel endlessly content just pursuing my interests. The aspie brain does not contain the firmware that makes intimacy with another person necessary for happiness, instead we get a workaround where we derive essentially unlimited pleasure from simply learning things.
fucking none
shoot me
I can take it or leave it. While I appreciate the hyperfocus and able to overcome anything as long as it interests me, the inability to relate to other people and form deep meaningful relationships is starting to eat away at me with these feelings of emptiness and depression.
So what have you done, specifically, as an aspie?
What extraordinary things have you achieved?
I, too, was in that mode but fried my brain with drugs and porn. Motherfuckers are just finding out the damage porn causes, too
>the inability to relate to other people and form deep meaningful relationships is starting to eat away at me with these feelings of emptiness and depression.
my drinking is getting worse as my emotional state deteriorates
fuck i dont even hate my job but i wanted to be fucking designing cars not this
why must the liver be so fucking resilient
My brother has aspergers and he fails school every year and he's going to summer school again this year not everyone with aspergers is superior
Agreed, high functioning autist here and I think I can link a lot of my issues to it.
>get overwhelmed very easily
>went through a burnout mid 2018 and still havent recovered
>feel like ill probably never be able to handle a job, finances, multitude of adult responsibilities and will probably end up being a NEET or killing myself
>scared to socialize because im inept
Im the opposite of the autistic savant stereotype.
>the inability to relate to other people and form deep meaningful relationships is starting to eat away at me with these feelings of emptiness and depression.
This too.
>be asperger
>be me
>have 2 year degree
>fucking clean cars for a living
Fuck it, money for food and vidya. What else could we hope for? The basic needs are satisfied.
>feel like ill probably never be able to handle a job, finances, multitude of adult responsibilities and will probably end up being a NEET or killing myself
i feel it
i dropped out of college because of anxiety and make 800k p month full time
chronic underemployment is pretty common with the burgers
desu idk what to spend money on because i live with my parents and vidya is shit now
eat my shit, then stop being a spaz
>800k p month full time
What. How. Did you mistype this?
Having aspergers hasnt benefited me at all. I don't have above average focus or any interests. Im a mindless consumer just like normies plus im completely socially retarded
This whole board is coping hard
lol yes
i meant 800
dont know where the k came from
bleme the drink
vidya IS shit now. I want new computer stuff but modern games are pretty meh. I've been thinking about getting a Camaro or something, but nowhere to store and protect it, shame.
>unlimited focus
Where does this meme even come from? Sure if you're a weirdo that likes circuits or engineering or some other lame shit. I feel like most aspies like us tend to obsess over meaningless things, like mahjong or yugioh for me. It gets me nowhere and just leaves me feeling empty, yet I have nothing else I'm passionate about
Do you ever just zone out hard while you're doing something?
I can scrub, rinse, and dry a car in 6 or 7 minutes if I'm really hustling, but if I focus on details too much it can stretch out into almost 12 minutes.
if you got something to do youd brobable be unnaturaly foccused on the task. youd be surprised how unnfocused normal people are
My special interest has always been history so my ultimate goal for life is to become a middle school social studies teacher where my autism would be an asset.
I have ocd but I've always wondered why we have repetitive behaviors and obsessions even when we know it's just part of a disorder.
I am
fuck normalfags
it just made me good at seeing through shit and games and understanding anime and film though
For me at least I find my obsessions very enjoyable. Its fun to get lost for hours researching a subject be it something educational like Byzantine history or something dumb like warhammer lore.
I've got some things I'm really good at because of AS, but I'd rather be good at understanding people and not being different.
Im bipolar 2 so I also have hypomanic episodes. when an interest feels right having the mental stimulation to be engaged all day for days feels like a mental gift.
Is there any real difference between ADD and mild aspergers
>If you like what you're trying to focus on, you excel at it
>If you don't like it, end up sitting there for hours straining with all your might to focus on it, only to have your attention ripped away from it every chance you can
>wont have to deal with the nuisance of having a gf or kids
That's not a benefit. Aspies want gfs and kids just as much as the general population, but getting a gf is an order of magnitude harder.
you seem lucky with things ripping your attention away. I never had trouble focusing on things I didn't like but I just ended up hating them slowly year after year.
I didn't think the first of those was a normal result of ADD. But assuming it is: YES. There's a huge difference in the way the brain works, even though it sometimes produces similar results.
I honestly consider aspergers as a gift.I wish i had aspergers instead of adhd, it is a living hell.Everything that you need to function socially, uni and work gets fucked over by adhd.
When I don't like my job, it's hard.
what about having aspergers and adhd?
i have both
> have aspergers
> use super-analytic mindset to analyze every social interaction
> become able to make small talk and get laid
> now girls interpret my weirdness as a "sensitive artist" thing and not a gene disorder
You must hqve a great personality for entertainment like ice poseidon, a streamer.You should consider doing it in your free time.
>.I wish i had aspergers instead of adhd
Elaborate please my man
Original shall be mein comment
why the fuck would i be proud to be a retard? if i had been less socially retarded then i wouldn't have been enough of a niggerfaggot to go on this site
youre saying it would be better to be completely socially retarded and mostly unable to form meaningful relationships than to have adhd
if you think work gets fucked over by adhd then consider the fact that underemployment is a guarantee with asd and your lifespan in not 60 but closer to 30 because of the extremely high an hero rates
its shit and you dont want it
I guess so, you got point
ADHD is workable. My sis has it and struggled for most of school. She is doing fine in college and between some mild meds she is taking and a group of friends she can study and do homework with to help keep focus. Meanwhile, I am doing fine in uni and have an easy time in my history classes (history major) because it lines up with my autistic interests. But I have a hard time making friends with my classmates and finding perspective girlfriends. So what sounds better to you a niche savant that cant socialize or someone who can't sit down and focus for 10 min but is able to function socially?
aspies aren't retarded at all
I go to my country's top uni and there are unironically lots of autists here. they get better marks than I do.
we are definitely retarded when it comes to socializing.
not retarded in education or work sense but socially retarded. Come on, you know what I meant. someone who's only barely competent in terms of education or career skills will automatically do better in life than 90% of autists, because non-autists seem to at least somewhat relate to society. maybe i'm projecting a bit, but not too much.
not him but I have a 120s is as tested when the risk for diagnosed and I feel pretty retarded
were not but in a lot of ways we are
pic related my biggest fear is that one day I'll finally realise it
the phone fucked that post pretty bad
*when the tism was diagnosed
>You must hqve a great personality for entertainment like ice poseidon, a streamer.You should consider doing it in your free time.
uh no