Jesus christ, I finally stood up for myself and now my two closest friends have blocked me because I'm apparently so fucking bad. I deserve to be cared about for who I am and if that's so bad, fucking tough, god damn. What do I do now, since everyone's gone, but I'm right?
Jesus christ...
Go on man. You got my interest.
You go find friends who accept your new views but honestly isolation is better cause people are terrible.
alright, here's the sparknotes
>have extremely one sided friendship with chick
>also friends with her best friend, kind of a package deal but i genuinely value this girl as a friend
>skip forward 3 years, ask out girl 1, as she was like my best friend and shit, i considered her close
>we end things poorly, very poorly
>try to be friends, get in a big argument that hurts all 3 of us
>don't talk for 2 months
>reach out to her multiple times, want to fix the friendship
>declines except for the last time where it would've been my last chance due to circumstances
>she accepts to try to fix things
>skip forward 2 weeks, to tonight
>i sort of "relapsed" into liking her again, she gets angry, basically forms this kangaroo court involving her online friends
>i bring in my good friend to just back me up if i'm attacked
>she keeps playing the victim card when i literally treat her like a goddess
>i finally snap and let out 3 years of feeling like i'm not cared about, my friend described it as "when you said "let me fucking finish" we all fell silent, you've never done that before".
>go postal on her
>she gets angry and all like "IF I'M SUCH A VICIOUS BITCH IT'LL NEVER WORK, HUH!?" even though she's been spouting that i'll never be enough for like 3 hours
>i've been blocked on everything by her and our mutual friend, her best friend.
i miss the best friend because we were quite close but i miss her of course, i wish she would realize that being friends with someone is a two way street
hope u come back user i wanted to hear ur thoughts on this desu
Sounds like she was insulting you first, but people stay with their own kind. Hoes before bros.
She's pretty much been down on me constantly except for the 3-4 months before we started dating and then after that it just shut off. She said we will "never get back to where we were" yet said we can 3 hours later. I don't know what the fuck she wants but she has to work on this before I'm going to speak with her again, unfortunately I don't think she's coming back though. Maybe fortunately?
i dont know how old she actually is user but her behavior is on the level of a middle schoolers, just based on what you posted. if you arent 12 there is no reason to be putting up with that inane nonsense. shes a crazy narcissist and it would probably be best to never talk to her again
t. seen the effects of a narcissist on a lot of people
please elaborate on the effects more because i feel like i may be under some kind of, well, spell? it's like i'm starting to see how she puts me and our mutual friend down, it's never her, you get what i mean, or if it is, it's very minimal, when in reality it's like, she's the majority of these issues here
What matters is that you feel better. How do you feel about what happened?
i don't know, i feel a little lost, i mean, i considered her to be one of my closest friends and so was the mutual. they wanted to be my friend but they missed the fucking point that i'm treated like i'm shit, i don't want to be friends if i'm treated like shit. i miss them and i want things to be ok but god damn, they probably won't be.
Women are, by and large, awful friends. You played yourself and so did they.
In time you will recognize that I am right, but it'll hurt till then.
YES!! its so good that you are aware of how she deflects blame because thats a classic narc thing to do. and some people take YEARS to realize what the narc is doing to them.
the person I knew was not exactly a narc but he had these crazy expectations for me that i didnt even realize he had until he blew up in my face about them and made me feel like i was a piece of shit for... i dont know?? i still dont really know what i did wrong to this day lol.
some manipulation techniques i noticed she might have used based on your very brief synopsis
>projection, gaslighting
could all be part of playing the victim card, which is a super broad term; projection is obvious and gaslighting means when they try to pretend they didnt do something they actually did and make you doubt yourself
>word salad
her going on and on about you never being enough for 3 hours in a circle
>twisting your words
her going off saying IF IM SUCH A VICIOUS BITCH HUH??
her creating the kangaroo court, as you put it, bringing other people into the situation to validate her point of view
those are a few
Shit, I had a similar experienced like you had. I just have this some normie advice I got from a male high school chad that I'm still friends with for 10 years is all I can say. Don't hang around with negative people and it'll make you more negative. Just find better friends that compliment your personality.
Also men that are "friends" with you through a girl are usually bad friends too so watch out, they will turn on you to get with her, even if they never get anything from her either
men can be horrible too, i learned everything about narcissists that I put in from seeing men act like that
Fuck you and your nigger friends some people don't even get any to begin with.
Fuck off you stupid roastie
this is exactly what happened, yeah, listened to her and her friend talk about how "this isn't the timeline where things work out, user" and "what if you're never enough for her, user?" but then if i go "this friendship has to be a two way street and i'm the only one trying to fix it" they both lost their fucking shit. they told me talking to me is like being on a carousel but it's because they won't move past the obvious issues?? she's admitted before that she did wrong too but god damn like she really does do wrong, this is genuinely bad shit she's doing to me, i'm not a saint but i've never done anything maliciously, you get me?
shit's fucking wild because i always thought so highly of her, but in reality, she's pretty fucking terrible all around.
yeah, i thought we complimented eachother well but there was just always something about me she never liked, oh well i guess. i'm not that positive of a person, neither was she however.
again, those two were sort of a package deal although i feel like my bond with our mutual friend will last longer, that girl seems to have a crush on me depending on the hour, that's a whole other can of worms though. i have no other friends i met through them though, since all of their friends have a very large distaste for me. very much an sjw crowd but not in the whole like "rights for all!" way, but in a "you're cancelled, sweetie." kinda way. got called "dear" today during my fucking discord court trial HAHAHA
maybe if you didnt call people the n word you may get some friends. really makes you think
She give you an answer right there bro, she is acts like the average woman, dont expect anything good of her.
Plus, she made her decision long time ago, she doesnt like you in a romantic way, deal with it, and get over her, its not worth it.
wish i knew why she doesn't see me in a romantic light though - or why most girls i'm interested don't
you posted that fully knowing that i will ignore it and continue posting on r9k
>they told me talking to me is like being on a carousel
they ARE the carousel user. sounds like both of them are, sadly.
>this is genuinely bad shit shes doing to me, im not a saint but
no one deserves this level of mental fuckery. if you try to post more about it on this board, you will get called a pussy, that you shouldnt be affected by it so much, because this board is also like one giant seething vat of narcissist jizz. so please be careful. i can tell it fucked you up and dont allow anyone to try and downplay it like it was no big deal.
if you tell your friends that the convo messed you up big time im sure they will also try to make you feel like it was nothing.
>i always thought so highly of her, but in reality, shes pretty fucking terrible all around
sounds about right lol
hopefully in like 5 years you will look back on this and think WOW i cant believe i kept talking to her
also i would NOT recommend staying in contact with the mutual friend
pretty much fucking hope so. anyone who is not directly tied to this situation, so her, and our mutual friend, has told me i'm in the right, etc. i'm going to stick with that for now and perhaps she will realize that i only wanted what was best for all of us. thanks for giving me some genuine advice user, i want you to know it helped a lot.
the mutual friend has gone off on me saying about how i was trying to "take [her] down" and shit, probably won't stay in touch with her much but she has genuinely been sweet to me through most if not all of this, however she's always going to stick with the queen, you get what i mean. i've left the door open for both of them to return if they ever want to but i highly doubt they will.
I don't hang out with anyone I used to know anymore. One offered to hang next week, first time in 8 months, but I don't even want to.
>being friends with women
of course user. i hope things go better for you
ah that sucks, sounds like she has the potential to be really nice, but she is also defending the big baddie. you sound pretty clear headed so whatever you think is best from here on out probably is.
>wish i knew why she doesn't see me in a romantic light though - or why most girls i'm interested don't
Oh my friend, I have that same question
If you go internal enough, you could "see" some problems, or if you ask someone else, they could give you some, but thinking about that it will make you sadder and bitter.
Nobody is perfect, we all get that, and some are more fucked up than others, but at the end I think it goes like this, she likes you or she doesnt.
If she likes you, the "bad traits" you have will matter nothing to her, and if she doesnt like you the bad traits will be all that she sees in you.
As easy as that, as sad as that can be.
Just like you, I always wonder why girls that I like dont like me back.
The first thing that came through my mind was that I was too ugly for them, they werent 10/10, but I am neither, and truth to be told, Im not a good looking guy.
Then I thought I was weak, the concept of a beta male, girls dont like beta males, I am kinda like that, and even if that has some logic, that answer didnt make me happy either.
A few weeks ago I was reading some stoics works and learn something interesting.
You could try to be more good looking (with the tools you have) or try to be more mainly/assertive, but in the end if the girl doesnt give a fuck about you, nothing matters.
We cant make someone like us, more hard is to make someone love us.
I think folks like us are destined to suffer in the matters of love, because that is not our strength, unless we put the feet on the ground and see clearly our chances and how the person we like see us, we will keep suffering for unanswered love.