My entire childhood went by and I never went to a party, did drugs, had sex, or had fun of any kind.
My entire childhood went by and I never went to a party, did drugs, had sex, or had fun of any kind
You are still young. Do not feel that you are in any rush to partake in hedonistic activities. Your whole life is ahead of you
Trust me, I don't think you missed out on much.
>Tfw spending the rest of your life trying to catch up
high school parties suck. its just standing around making bullshit small talk while looking around to see if anything fun is happening. everyone is super fake.
having fun is overrated. i spent 8 hours last night partying but today i just want to relax.
missing out on teen love is pretty rough though
>teen love
Just love in general
is that like where some preppy kid invited people over while his parents were home? all the high school parties i went to, we got drunk, some people went into random rooms to have sex or make out, a few times everyone had to run out the back because cops showed up, and everyone had a fun conversation or was watching a movie.
nah love in adulthood is just a cope
teen love is pure
purely sexual, yeah. PTP is great
stop idealizing teens, kids, fetuses etc. they are all lustful and retarded, not pure
why? who gives a shit what others think about you, everyone's shallow as fuck
my teenager years went by like that and before I knew it my 20s have too. By 30 you're supposed to past that stuff and have a stable life but I don't have a life at all.
t. never had adult relationships
people dont get better with age, especially women, kids/teens dont have to cope with reality, they get to live their blissful fantasy and maintain their purity
Good, you're pure. Kike society paints literal degeneracy as "life goals" for some reason.
This. Anyone who has ever looked at porn or drank alcohol is just a waste of human being. I only respect guys who have children by age 22 and follow God.
i did drugs and went to a couple parties. it's nothing special, just a bunch of idiots getting fucked up maaaaan, its dumb. missing out on the cheesy teen love stuff is what you should be much more concerned about. if you missed out on that then you are most likely never going to be 'normal' in any way. that was a key development and you missed it.
Blatant falseflagging, you don't have to be a devout Christian zealot to not constantly engage in acting like a mindless troglodyte.
Shut the fuck up degenerate whore. Your mind is poisoned by "them"
>Anyone who has ever looked at porn or drank alcohol is just a waste of human being.
literally wat
you look at porn whenever you load this website, and if you take communion you've consumed alcohol
>spout bullshit religious dogma
>criticize the kikes that birthed your dogma
absolute brainwashed
You little vile shit, are you defending pornography?
No I personally hate it but unless you have adblock, you have to see porn to load Jow Forums...
>that was a key development and you missed it.
>thinks you can have a concept of purity without religious doggyma
i see you're just like the other degenerates.
>needing others to invent god to tell you what to believe
nice cope fag
You're the degenerate here. Falseflagging as a Christian to ironically paint anything opposed to living a life of social hedonism as extremist.
Normalfag manwhores don't belong here, leave.
that's ironic coming from a degenerate hedonist.
My entire childhood was just like that as well, but I had all the fun in the world. The internet is a much more comfy place to be, friends are dumb and will only let you down eventually, same with relationships. Humans are evil beings that will find any way to get to the top even if it means bringing you down. You should be thankful you didn't waste your youth risking a bad future thanks to bad habits like drinking, drugs, partying, etc.
You still haven't provided a single defense for "going to parties, doing drugs and having sex" as a valid and respectable lifestyle yet. Instead you instantaneously resorted to falseflagging in some vain attempt to prove a point by comparing two different extremes when only one is relevant.
Shows you the average level of discourse you can expect from a degenerate normalfag. Kill yourself.
not an argument. degeneracy is degeneracy.
Jesus's first miracle was turning water into wine, how on earth can you reconcile being Christian with saying that all people who drink alcohol are degenerates?
jesus' mom was the town slut but that doesn't mean sluts are pure, bud
I don't care about any of those things. I only want love.
You can still feel the same love as an adult.
>Trust me, I don't think you missed out on much.
Oh fuck the fuck off.
Drugs are life-changing. Weed literally saved my life
That's okay OP. It don't matter.
uh no its not. i had sex with 3 girls in 36 hours at a new years eve party when i was a senior in high school. you guys are just fucking losers
>his new years eve party lasted 36 hours
i started fucking one girl outside on a bench, got cockblocked, went inside, and wound up going with another girl upstairs. i found the other girl from outside afterwards and took her upstairs too. one of my friends had passed out at my house down the street sometime in the night so when i walked back in the mornig i woke her up and fucked her too
t. ultra chad
I did and its not that great man dont idolise hedonism it just hurts the people partaking in the long run
no you cant
love as a teenager is incomparable to love as an adult
dating and relationships as an adult are like job interviews, everyone either thinks super long term or just wants a short fling, you go on dates to "get to know eachother" where you really just run down a mental checklist of things you think you want in a person and they do the same like two algorithms running compatibility checks
love as a teenager is being consumed by another person entirely without even knowing why, they become your world and you stop thinking about the future because you're there with them and they are everything and its all such a new feeling and you have no idea how to control it so you just let it happen
why do you think teen romance is in just about every popular piece of media? people would give anything to experience that shit again, or at all
Imagine being so brainwashed by mass media you actually believe you're missing out.
adult love was much better for me. as a teen i just felt anxiety and uncertainty about everything i did with girls. plus they were usually not as interesting as video games, i just liked cuddling or sex.
adult love was far superior.
>consumed...without knowing why.
>become your world
>just let it happen
its an amazing experience. you're too naive to avoid experiencing it in its totality. imagine being some incel who has to fight tooth and nail across several social media platforms to demonstrate his social worth before he even steps out the door. truly a nightmare, glad i grew up before the internet. bitches could still get duped if you were an on-the-fence-faggot
That just says a lot more about your love than it does about others.
Clingy guys like you usually didn't have girlfriends for long though. Let me guess, you don't have any kids with your high school sweetheart?
>i grew up before the internet.
Same here and getting pussy before smart phones was so fucking easy. I barely even try anymore.
>romanticizing the utter stupidity and folly of teen romance
The myopic way teens only consider what they feel right now is the main reason they are not allowed to make life changing decisions.
Also, using TV and movies to back up your claim is pretty damning, none of that shit is real. It's an idealized version of life made to appeal to nostalgia. People like it specifically because it's not real. If it were real it'd be fucking depressing or cringy as fuck, which is how most teen romances in real life play out.
The fact you talk about it in such gushy, embarrassing terms just proves to me you never actually went through it and only know about it through media. You're basically a brainwashed idiot.
I left my small town and everyone I know to pursue university like a retard instead of just getting a trade or being a farmer
Now I'm alone in a big city
Same. I denied every opportunity and now I am a scrub
>romanticizing the utter stupidity and folly of teen romance
that's exactly what im doing faggot, reality is garbage, you would have to be myopic yourself not to realize it, as a teen you have no adult problems to deal with, your future is literally just an abstract concept your parents tell you to worry about while you get to live your life day by day chilling with friends and dating highschool girls, how can adult love be any better than that? 20 year olds are either filled with the neuroticism that lifes short and their slowly dying or they double down on their teenage hedonism while trying to ignore their emerging adult problems, the whole thing is a fucking mess, and lifes done when youre 30, if youre lucky you end up with a girl who, statistically has a 50%+ chance of becoming obese and hideous while you slowly lose your hair, testosterone and dick function. No shit teen love is better
You're not a teen any more you deluded moron. You're an adult, deal with it. It's fucking pathetic to see a grown ass man pining after his teen years, where he was stupider, more ignorant of the world, and less experienced at everything. The only people who fetishize this time of their life are complete utter failures. It's disgusting.
>just grow up
no shit, do you think anybody has a choice? stop deluding yourself into thinking your best days are ahead of you, you're literally just coping yourself into the grave. Have you met a real "grown ass man"? the only way you really mature in this world is through constant real suffering, any man worth their salt has a real tragedy about an inch from their surface that they deal with every day, family member committed suicide, SO has cancer etc. Literally every decent person you know has dealt with something like this in their life to become who they are, and thats the type of shit you idolize? what a joke, lifes fucked, you're pathetic yourself
That means you went into adult hood with deceny and self respect. Not a lot of people can say that. Also big high school parties are unfun unless you are a giga-chad. Nobody is being themselves and just trying to be cool. Peaking in high-school is totes lame.
It's like you can only talk in cringy platitudes. You go off about "real man" horse shit which is no different than your embarrassing paean to teen love. You probably think you're a "hopeless romantic" but you just come off as completely pathetic, like you have no idea how the real world works.
You sound sheltered as fuck, talking out of your ass about suffering like it's some kind of crucible. You don't know shit. You dumb stupid fucker.
if thats your only argument you are being dumb. adults deal with pain and misfortune much better than kids, and kids cry, scream, and act edgy much more often. not getting the gift they want, having a pet die, growing pains, getting bad grades etc.... kids are capable of feeling like shit and make a big deal of it much more often. most of the "le suicidal" fags on here are like 15.
also if you're projecting your failure onto everyone and claiming that having a good life is just coping, you're pathetic.
>le cope
No, people actually DO feel real love. You don't because you're a god damn loser fucking retard who doesn't know what we go through. God, I wish I could smash your teeth in.
>he didn't go to LAN parties with the nerds, playing WoW and counter strike all night and then watching zombie movies in sleeping bags
>he didn't go to sleepovers with regular boys and girls and play card games, jump on trampolines, swim in pools, and develop new friendships
>he thinks only giga chad got drunk when it was actually all of the alternative kids who had the wild and fun parties
there's little self respect in someone who is 5-10 years behind everyone else in social development, unless he is ahead on something like particle physics or computer programming. ADDITIONALLY, if you are comparing yourself to people who peaked in high school like the drug addicts or military rats, you have extremely limited merit in judging anyone.
>behind everyone else
Can guarantee anybody who speaks like this is not happy and will probably never be happy in their entire life. This is the language of inferiority complex and anxiety.
2/10. if you have anxiety about having very little social experience as a kid, there are healthier ways to get over it.
Do you know where you are? You call somebody else pathetic yet here you are, on fucking Jow Forums fronting yourself as a man of the 'real world' yet the only ones who end up here are the truly alienated, youre in a complete facade yourself, why should I listen to anything you say when we've both ended up in the exact same cesspool? im not a faggot nihilist, im a realist, lifes fucked but we keep on living, unlike you im not deluding myself into thinking the future will be better, your views are nothing more than wishful thinking, lifting yourself up for a harder fall on your ass when the time comes
>My entire childhood went by
sorry to redpill you, bruh, but that happens to everyone
> and I never went to a party,
sorry to redpill you, bruh, but you never enjoyed the sight of Chad railing your crush
> did drugs,
sorry to redpill you, bruh, but you just can't enjoy the long-term dramatic after-effects (both physical and mental) of doing drugs
> had sex,
sorry to redpill you, bruh, but you just won't ever enjoy the hideous lifetime regret of having had '''sex with the wrong one(s)'''
> or had fun of any kind.
sorry to contradict you, bruh, but your LEGOs and your vidya are telling a way different story
Ouch. Why are incels like you so creepy?
Yet another post where you start ranging off into grandiose nonsense. I post here because my problems are not the problems of normalfags. Normalfags will never understand my point of view. That doesn't mean I like listening to whiny little bitches like you pining after adolescence like its the halcyon of life. Everything you talk about sounds like you watch way too much TV and substitute that for real life experience. Now you're trying to act like a jaded realist but nothing you've said supports this world view. It sounds like yet another cliched put on like all the rest you've done with your other posts. You are bereft of substance.
I'm not good at video games and I can't afford legos.
I just sat in my room watching TV all day
it shows, believe me
something tells me your skin ain't white
If you think in terms of being "behind everyone" then you won't be happy. Sorry dude, that's just how it works.
>admits to being absent from fun parties as a kid
>becomes obsessed with random people and how "happy" they are like it's a measurable characteristic
you're not making any clear points, horoscope man. it would be less ironic if you just copy pasted that old meme about how anyone on r9k is a virgin.
what constitutes substance to you? Life experience? human relationships? True suffering? I've experience it all. Youre selling me the normalfag life that you yourself are unable to obtain but yet you idolise, an unreachable goal that you have deluded yourself into thinking will bring you happiness and relieve all your suffering. Yet the normalfag is an increasingly dumber, depressed, obese poor man, and you expect me to believe that is in any way better than being a teenager and living a care free life? You've got it twisted man, its a cope, a laudable cope but a cope nonetheless
Drugs ruined my life.
>he doesn't have money or gym membership
I'm on the same boat, I never got to experience all that typical teenage/young adult stuff. I'm reaching my 30s in a few years and I feel like I haven't even lived or had fun during the entirety of my 20s. Still got a chance but I honestly don't see it happening.