after almost fours years i think im done i really did love him though i cared about him more than i ever should have im such a retard
idk i wish i could live the first month i met him over and over forever
i loved him so much
i still hurt him though cause im an awful person and i wish i could just end it all but i love other people too even though i'll have to spend the rest of my life knowing i ruined everything i had with someone who meant the world to me just because im an idiot
i cant wait for the day i die and i never have to think about him again
feel free to tell me to kill myself
After almost fours years i think im done i really did love him though i cared about him more than i ever should have im...
Other urls found in this thread:
Holy shit, you're an actual fucking lunatic. You need psychological help
cant make this shit up LMAO
>discord trannies
nobody cares
this started before discord
i dont care
never put your dick in crazy, guys
not even once.
When i read this i just started laughing at how pathetic you are.
I dealt with your kind before and let me tell you, you online stalkers are fucking annoying and im glad you're suffering lmao.
Congrats on recovering from an unhealthy Obsession, here's a cat
I don't like these posts at all. Can discord just be nuked already
im sorry
thank you
cute cat
most of it happened outside of discord
Lol kill yourself you literal retard
Nice (original) blog
to gauge interest, are you a boy or a trannie?
i wish
thank you
True fact, 95% of trannies look like men in wigs.
idk im pretty effeminate
i just wanna be comfortable with myself
I mean its clear youre already thinking about it. Just think a little harder if youre capable
you should join my discord serber for trans people :3
>im pretty effeminate
I wonder if there ever comes a point when mentally ill freaks like yourself realize how disgusting that kind of behavior actually is.
What really gets to me tho, is if you in any way acknowledge their existence is views as some sort triumph to them, how do you show someone like this, you don't give a fuck what they do with their life?
i just loved him im sorry im disgusting
im just a lonely loser and the attention from assholes on Jow Forums is one of the only things i look forward to in life
Why exactly did you break up? What's the full story here?
because relationships never work out and we were both stupid and selfish i really dont want to go into detail about our "breakup" but i hate myself for a lot of things
i meant e relationships never work out
I don't get this.
Why does "Noun" hate the OP tranny so much? Sure, OP should actually stop considering how many times he has said "fuck off", but what sparked this? Surely at some point this "Noun" faggot loved OP the same way.
Also, this sounds like a good manga/anime series or some shit, a tranny faggot who is obsessed with someone else who just isn't having it. Imagine the "Noun" faggot portrayed as the embodiment of a beta, someone who has really no reason to reject our protagonist, while the protagonist is just a perfect femboy. Of course, this isn't reality, but it'd be great for the plot. The main theme of the entire plot is, "Why".
fucking kill yourself mado
post the bracelet, tranny
he hates me because im a creep who never got over him and said a bunchy of cringy shit and he doesn't want a relationship he just wants lewd and friends
i haven't had it for awhile i ended up giving it to some girl at a rave while on acid
>relationships never work out
That's not true though.
Neither is this, it can work out just fine if you both really like each other and have the discipline to keep it going. If one person just starts chasing random distractions instead of working on a relationship, or starts taking you for granted because of the general availability of creepy sex fiends on the internet that mimic normal people, and so on, then obviously it's doomed to fail.
>someone who has really no reason to reject our protagonist
That's usually how this goes, except the person in question is a bottom tier woman, and the only reason to reject the protagonist is her internet-pumped ego.
i come here to get away from /mtfg/
okay so hide my thread and leave me alone
I'm tempted to make you my sissy GF IRL, but you're mentioning acid and other edgy shit. I guess people who think they're the opposite sex despite their own anatomy aren't really great people to begin with, now are they? I think God makes trannies so awful so people with actual Chad energy like me steer clear like a magnet. Is it possible that autism is a blessing, a natural coat that keeps normal faggot demons away?
i like hallucinogens and edgy stuff
you should try having fun sometime
People like you are lost
Posts like this put me in feels, I feel bad for you
I wish I could help
But not only would it be a waste of time, but many others out there are like You
You show the emotional side to get pity, even if it's unintentional
However the simple fact is that you either need to fix yourself, or seek euthanization
i dont think you're a health professional
just because my post has screenshots from discord doesn't mean im a discord tranny
most of this happened off of discord
i bought noun discord nitro
Or go do something fulfilling like play music or get a hobby. A man who becomes a woman is de-facto not living a fulfilling life because the nature of a woman is to just take it and get fucked. Do you want to be a hole that takes penis and resources and MUST take drugs to feel fulfillment, or be a man who has control over his own life and feels happiness without foreign substances? I hope it's not too late for you to stop your faggot shit.
Also, why haven't I found an obsessive tranny like you yet after all these years? Every tranny I talk to is just an attention whore woman who I simply cannot put up with so they block me within at most three interactions. I guess they have so many orbiters I'm just not special.
that was nice of you
>why haven't I found an obsessive tranny like you yet after all these years
because you're an self righteous dick
i'd block you too
Im not, and you shouldn't ask others to fix shit you started
Fix yourself or be in pain
i never asked anyone to fix anything
Im saying fixing your mental health
It doesnt take a mental health professional to fix you, only you can fix you
you don't know what love is.
this is blind infutation attempting to fill a hole in your life.
Ok, I see why this "Noun" faggot has blocked you. You're so desperate for "love" yet you won't settle for a Chad like me who's "self righteous". Enjoy solitude, it's not as bad as you might think, just find fulfillment in your hobbies.
no do put your dick in crazy. just make sure you walk away when it gets to be too much
im trying
im aware but it still felt like love
unironically kill yourself
thats how you end up with me
Holy shit this is gold. Fucking move on or go away. No one wants this shit. Have sex.
i want a crazy trans gf
i just wanted to share is all
do you wear diapers chijo?
i do not user
If this wasnt the worlds most blatant shit post, I'd be fine with that. But you are so transparent and stupid that you keep posting. Leave and never come back.
Just a reccomendation but, try to merge life and fantasy together
This might be what happened
>You constantly imagine the good things about what you did with him, and how shitty your life now is in comparison
How correct/incorrect am I
As an added, (yes i know this sounds normie tier but it seems to work for me)go do shit irl and get away from anime and shit
but all trans women wear diapers
dont worry user after this thread 404s i wont
i was homeless for 8 months it didn't change anything
but yea hopefully now i can do more
you were lied too
please post your discord i would like to talk
Is this public laundering of your private matters some kind of a new trend?
Don't you have friends of family to talk to?
nevermind i dont want to talk anymore
>Getting near a gay man anywhere on the internet
This is the shit that happens
Good going trannyposter, you lured in another dumb fuck
what did you fuck up actually?
please wear diapers
idk ive been making threads on and off for a few years now its just venting
okay but can i ask why
our friendship
i actually just wanted to know your current display name
that a whole lot of cringe indeed
can you stop being so vague and just tell us what did you do you faggot
how have you not met somebody new to obsess over
thats gross
okay why
but i did idk
i just wouldn't stop bothering him with how i felt about him and trying to talk to him idk i creeped him out
idk feelings never have been as strong idk
i still loved him a lot so it was hard to find anyone else
the more I read the more a unique kind of sadness hits me. everything reminds me of that one friend that I had where I fucked up by being unable to rise to his expectations. That was 6 years ago and the psychological damage that has been done to me still makes me wary of any interaction with anyone. I can't make friends anymore and I've been lonely for a very long time now and it's only gonna get darker.
Post your tits or ass or benis gtfo
I believe in you user, gotta put yourself out there in safe ways. Pick up a multiplayer game with discords, don't feel pressured to participate just chip in when you've got something to say. Build up your confidence gradually and avoid people like OP or you'll get damaged.
please just wear them okay.
op youre so fucking cringe get off r9k
Age and appearance please
you still have friends though?
a fag or a stupid woman fuck off reeeeeeeeeeee
can someone tl;dr me on this wtf is discuckfags up to now
I offered to be "her" new "boyfriend" earlier in the thread and they told me to become an hero. ( ). There is obviously a reason this tranny is alone.
>guy walks in, says "hi"
>"""FUCK U >:("""
22 girly looking faggot
i but i still regret so much with him idk im trying to get over it whatever idk i dont even feel about it anymore or care i guess
you just assumed i wanted to date and you were also an asshole
how do i make you wear diapers
You aren't a "male" so the only social interaction we will ever have is a date. Also, I'm an autistic 6/10 who's white and tall that likes to browse this board for some reason, so I can get away with being an asshole to an extent. With girls, I go from being an "asshole" to being "funny" the instant they see my face.
If you're in the eastern part of the US, the Ohio River valley (Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, WV or Tennessee), we can very easily fuck sometime. I will not have a marriage/relationship with you because you cannot give me a family.
there's alot worse ways to lose someone
i wish i hadn't lost everyone
why cant i get love
thank you everyone for posting in my thread have a wonderful goodnight or day we'll probably never speak again
I dont know if its possible
go to hell
if i lost everyone i'd just hang myself
im sorry though user
gusy it be like you know dis tranny u can no bang ok? like if u get her talk (!!!) u no see point she be Dora (A reference to Sigmund Freud's well known case) that be bad ok? u no fix u only break you and if u break u then 2 bad u should have never talk to her why did u talk to her u dumb idiot, you fucking asshole, you pathetic loser, LOOK WHAT YOU DID NOW, JUST LOOK, THIS IS YOUR MESS. WHY DID YOU DO YOU FUCKING LOSER? WHY WHY WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Would you say if you were, but you were not, therefore (A reference to Descartes famous quote) u be now, God is Dead desu which mean now u say instead God you say Dead ok? it really simple... yeah... mhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm YEAAAAAAAAAH...
ples giv me (you's) so I can leech of your NRG (Not energy, as per reference to the new Darkonian God of the 11 dimension (Earth (Doesn't include the rest of the universe (as per the multi-world hypothesis (which doesn't have to be real))))).
Anyways that was all I had to say. Please fuck off Discord tyrannies this is a board for schizo people not degenerates.
>normal guy turns himself into a sexual object
>gets mad when he gets treated like a sexual object
Wanna explain why you're a tranny in the first place? I'm having hard time understanding you.
Is this a school shooting coming up?
people with anime avatars are always weirdos
Tranny or not God knows you need some help. You're in my thoughts, I hope you get psychological help and stop being in this retarded world of your own creation in your fucked up head. Talk to people, take medication, do something, don't let it continue on this way
just another proof, that people who use discord & anime avatars are future serial killers
hey i sent you a friend request if you want to talk or vent
are there non-mentally ill people who use discord
every zoomer normie has disc nowadays, its the new teamspeak/skype for them.
It's the new team speak/Skype/AIM whatever the fuck you want to call it for everyone. Sadly it's the only functional chat and VoIP that also has a functioning PC/Mobile client so normos don't ever have to put it down. I don't know why anyone would use it when it's run by literal piss joke making jews and known to datamine literally everything you do on it. It also bans for Loli, christ.
Are you the
>>"I won't abandon you"
>>Abandons me
>What did he mean by this
Could this be the end of an original Jow Forums saga?
Those weren't this cancerous though. You didn't hear about teamspeaktrannies spamming their server all day long
wow and I thought I was pathetic for still constantly thinking about a discord girl who i got ghosted by a year ago
You didn't think wrong there
no, tried it for one day its just waifufags and edgy kids
Basically /a/